diff options
authorAntoine Villeret <avilleret@users.sourceforge.net>2013-10-08 17:01:16 +0000
committerAntoine Villeret <avilleret@users.sourceforge.net>2013-10-08 17:01:16 +0000
commit790dd853df12b0dac2892ac77a9786c191444b20 (patch)
parent0fcf04db531963254781730431db6618b3974a8c (diff)
first commit of new optical flow external
svn path=/trunk/externals/pix_opencv/; revision=17219
2 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pix_opencv_opticalflow.cc b/pix_opencv_opticalflow.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfce8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pix_opencv_opticalflow.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// GEM - Graphics Environment for Multimedia
+// zmoelnig@iem.kug.ac.at
+// Implementation file
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Mark Danks.
+// Copyright (c) Günther Geiger.
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2002 IOhannes m zmoelnig. forum::für::umläute. IEM
+// Copyright (c) 2002 James Tittle & Chris Clepper
+// For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
+// WARRANTIES, see the file, "GEM.LICENSE.TERMS" in this distribution.
+// based on code written by Lluis Gomez i Bigorda ( lluisgomez _at_ hangar _dot_ org ) (pix_opencv)
+// pix_opencv_opticalflow compute optical flow, several algorithms are available in one object
+// by Antoine Villeret - 2012
+#include "pix_opencv_opticalflow.h"
+// pix_opencv_opticalflow
+// Constructor
+pix_opencv_opticalflow :: pix_opencv_opticalflow() : m_gain(1.)
+ m_dataout_middle = outlet_new(this->x_obj, 0);
+ m_dataout_right = outlet_new(this->x_obj, 0);
+ //~ post("build on %s at %s", __DATE__, __TIME__);
+// Destructor
+pix_opencv_opticalflow :: ~pix_opencv_opticalflow()
+// render
+void pix_opencv_opticalflow :: processRGBAImage(imageStruct &image)
+ if ( image.xsize <= 0 || image.ysize <= 0 ) return;
+ cv::Mat rgbaImage( image.ysize, image.xsize, CV_8UC4, image.data, image.csize*image.xsize); // just transform imageStruct to IplImage without copying data
+ //~cvtColor(rgbaImage, m_curr, cv::COLOR_RGBA2RGB); //convert RGBA to RGB
+ cvtColor(rgbaImage, m_curr, cv::COLOR_RGBA2GRAY); //convert RGBA to RGB
+ if (m_prev.size() != m_curr.size()){
+ m_prev = m_curr.clone();
+ }
+ //~cv::calcOpticalFlowSF(m_curr, m_prev, m_flow, 3, 2, 4, 4.1, 25.5, 18, 55.0, 25.5, 0.35, 18, 55.0, 25.5, 10);
+ cv::calcOpticalFlowFarneback(m_curr, m_prev, flow, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0);
+ m_prev = m_curr.clone(); // copy data
+ cv::Size size = m_curr.size();
+ // here is the idiom: check the arrays for continuity and,
+ // if this is the case,
+ // treat the arrays as 1D vectors
+ if( m_curr.isContinuous() && m_prev.isContinuous() && m_flow.isContinuous() )
+ {
+ size.width *= size.height;
+ size.height = 1;
+ }
+ float gain=m_gain;
+ if ( m_normalize ){
+ float maxrad=1;
+ for (int y = 0; y < flow.rows; ++y)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < flow.cols; ++x)
+ {
+ cv::Point2f u = flow.at<cv::Point2f>(x,y);
+ if (!isFlowCorrect(u))
+ continue;
+ float rad = sqrt(u.x * u.x + u.y * u.y);
+ maxrad = maxrad>rad?maxrad:rad;
+ }
+ }
+ gain=1/maxrad;
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < size.height; i++ )
+ {
+ // when the arrays are continuous,
+ // the outer loop is executed only once
+ const float* ptrFlow = flow.ptr<float>(i);
+ unsigned char* data=image.data+i*image.csize*image.xsize;
+ for( int j = 0; j < 2*size.width; j+=2 )
+ {
+ float fx = ptrFlow[j];
+ float fy = ptrFlow[j+1];
+ cv::Vec3b pix;
+ pix = computeColor(fx*gain, fy*gain);
+ for ( int k = 0; k < 3; k++ ){
+ data[k]=pix[k];
+ }
+ //~printf("pix %d : %d\t%d\t%d\n",j+i*size.width, pix[0],pix[1], pix[2]);
+ //~m_colorcode.computeColor(fx, fy, data);
+ data+=4;
+ }
+ }
+// static member function
+void pix_opencv_opticalflow :: obj_setupCallback(t_class *classPtr)
+ CPPEXTERN_MSG1(classPtr, "gain", gainMess, double);
+ CPPEXTERN_MSG1(classPtr, "normalize", normalizeMess, double);
+// messages handling
+void pix_opencv_opticalflow :: gainMess(double arg)
+ m_gain = arg > 0 ? arg : 3.;
+void pix_opencv_opticalflow :: normalizeMess(double arg)
+ m_normalize = arg > 0;
+// static function for color coding
+using namespace cv;
+static cv::Vec3b computeColor(float fx, float fy)
+static bool first = true;
+ // relative lengths of color transitions:
+ // these are chosen based on perceptual similarity
+ // (e.g. one can distinguish more shades between red and yellow
+ // than between yellow and green)
+ const int RY = 15;
+ const int YG = 6;
+ const int GC = 4;
+ const int CB = 11;
+ const int BM = 13;
+ const int MR = 6;
+ const int NCOLS = RY + YG + GC + CB + BM + MR;
+ static Vec3i colorWheel[NCOLS];
+ if (first)
+ {
+ int k = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < RY; ++i, ++k)
+ colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255, 255 * i / RY, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < YG; ++i, ++k)
+ colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255 - 255 * i / YG, 255, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < GC; ++i, ++k)
+ colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(0, 255, 255 * i / GC);
+ for (int i = 0; i < CB; ++i, ++k)
+ colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(0, 255 - 255 * i / CB, 255);
+ for (int i = 0; i < BM; ++i, ++k)
+ colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255 * i / BM, 0, 255);
+ for (int i = 0; i < MR; ++i, ++k)
+ colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255, 0, 255 - 255 * i / MR);
+ first = false;
+ }
+ const float rad = sqrt(fx * fx + fy * fy);
+ const float a = atan2(-fy, -fx) / (float) CV_PI;
+ const float fk = (a + 1.0f) / 2.0f * (NCOLS - 1);
+ const int k0 = static_cast<int>(fk);
+ const int k1 = (k0 + 1) % NCOLS;
+ const float f = fk - k0;
+ Vec3b pix;
+ for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++)
+ {
+ const float col0 = colorWheel[k0][b] / 255.0f;
+ const float col1 = colorWheel[k1][b] / 255.0f;
+ float col = (1 - f) * col0 + f * col1;
+ if (rad <= 1)
+ col = 1 - rad * (1 - col); // increase saturation with radius
+ else
+ col *= .75; // out of range
+ pix[2 - b] = static_cast<uchar>(255.0 * col);
+ }
+ return pix;
+inline bool isFlowCorrect(cv::Point2f u)
+ return !cvIsNaN(u.x) && !cvIsNaN(u.y) && fabs(u.x) < 1e9 && fabs(u.y) < 1e9;
diff --git a/pix_opencv_opticalflow.h b/pix_opencv_opticalflow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..641f9c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pix_opencv_opticalflow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ GEM - Graphics Environment for Multimedia
+ Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Mark Danks. mark@danks.org
+ Copyright (c) Günther Geiger. geiger@epy.co.at
+ Copyright (c) 2001-2002 IOhannes m zmoelnig. forum::für::umläute. IEM. zmoelnig@iem.kug.ac.at
+ Copyright (c) 2002 James Tittle & Chris Clepper
+ For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
+ WARRANTIES, see the file, "GEM.LICENSE.TERMS" in this distribution.
+#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
+#include "Base/GemBase.h"
+#include "Gem/Exception.h"
+#include "Gem/State.h"
+#include "Base/GemPixObj.h"
+#include "RTE/MessageCallbacks.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+ pix_opencv_opticalflow
+ apply a simple flow method to compute optical flow
+ pix
+//~class Colorcode
+//~// from colorcode.cpp by Daniel Scharstein, 4/2007
+//~// http://vision.middlebury.edu/flow/data/
+//~#define MAXCOLS 60
+ //~Colorcode();
+ //~static cv::Vec3b computeColor(float fx, float fy);
+ //~
+ //~int ncols;
+ //~int colorwheel[MAXCOLS][3];
+ //~void setcols(int r, int g, int b, int k);
+ //~void makecolorwheel();
+static cv::Vec3b computeColor(float fx, float fy);
+inline bool isFlowCorrect(cv::Point2f u);
+class GEM_EXTERN pix_opencv_opticalflow : public GemPixObj
+ CPPEXTERN_HEADER(pix_opencv_opticalflow, GemPixObj)
+ public:
+ //////////
+ // Constructor
+ pix_opencv_opticalflow();
+ protected:
+ //////////
+ // Destructor
+ virtual ~pix_opencv_opticalflow();
+ //////////
+ // Do the processing
+ virtual void processRGBAImage(imageStruct &image);
+ // Messages handling
+ void gainMess(double arg);
+ void normalizeMess(double arg);
+ private:
+ cv::Mat prev, flow;
+ t_float m_gain;
+ bool m_normalize;
+ cv::Mat m_prev, m_curr, m_flow;
+ t_outlet *m_dataout_middle; // contour outlet
+ t_outlet *m_dataout_right; // info outlet
+#endif // for header file