Download the package here : [[|pdp_opencv-0.1a.tar.gz]] [[|pix_opencv-0.1a.tar.gz]] ===== GNU/Linux ===== (actually only tested in GNU/Linux Ubuntu) unpack it :: tar xzvf pix_opencv-0.1a.tar.gz cd into the library folder :: cd pix_opencv or cd pdp_opencv edit the Makefile to fit your system and sources folders: for pix_opencv edit the Makefile and change the values for PD_DIR and GEM_DIR variables for pdp_opencv edit the Makefile.config and change the values for OPENCV_CPPFLAGS, PD_CPPFLAGS, PDP_CFLAGS variables then, compile it :: make clean make and copy the .pd_linux to your externals folder :: cp *.pd_linux /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/ ===== MAC OSX (macintel) ===== (This is only for pix_opencv Actually there is no MACOSX makefile for pdp_opencv.) first install openCV MacOS framework download openCV private framework from copy the provided OpenCV.framework folder in your /System/Library/Frameworks/ directory :: cp -Rf /Volumes/OpenCV\ Private\ Framework/OpenCV.framework /System/Library/Frameworks/ cd into the library folder :: cd pix_opencv edit the Makefile to fit your system and sources folders: for pix_opencv edit the Makefile and change the values for PD_DIR and GEM_DIR variables then, compile it :: make clean make and copy the .pd_darwin to your externals folder :: cp *.pd_darwin /Applications/ for exemple ===== MAC OSX (powerPC) ===== • Download this three libraries with Fink : libjpeg + libpng3 + libtiff • In Terminal : cvs login ----> then hit 'enter' on your keyboard cvs -z3 co -P opencv ----> download opencv sources • with a text editor, open the file : cvcap_qt.cpp look for '__BEGIN__' and change it by '__BEGIN__{' look for '__END__' and change it by '}__END__' ----> save • In Terminal ----> go to your opencv folder you just download and create a new folder 'build' : cd blabla/opencv mkdir build cd build ../configure CPPFLAGS="-I/sw/include" LDFLAGS="-L/sw/lib" make sudo make install ----> enter your password • With you browser go to : ----> download pix_opencv-0.1a.tar.gz and decompress all : ----> download PD-extended sources and decompress all : ----> download the makefile for macosx : • In the Finder : ----> change 'Makefile.darwin' by 'Makefile' and then overwrite the 'Makefile' in 'pix_opencv' folder you just download • With a text editor : ----> open this new 'Makefile' and change : PD_DIR = /*/Pd-0.39.3-extended/pd (enter the path of the 'pd' folder in 'Pd-0.39.3-extended' folder you just download from sourceforge) GEM_DIR = /*/Pd-0.39.3-extended/Gem (enter the path of the 'Gem' folder in 'Pd-0.39.3-extended' folder you just download from sourceforge) ----> save • In Terminal : ----> go to the folder 'pix_opencv' with 'cd ' export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.4 make clean make • Then copy the '.pd_darwin' create in the 'pix_opencv' folder in your '/Applications/' for exemple