//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GEM - Graphics Environment for Multimedia // // zmoelnig@iem.kug.ac.at // // Implementation file // // Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Mark Danks. // Copyright (c) Günther Geiger. // Copyright (c) 2001-2002 IOhannes m zmoelnig. forum::für::umläute. IEM // Copyright (c) 2002 James Tittle & Chris Clepper // For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL // WARRANTIES, see the file, "GEM.LICENSE.TERMS" in this distribution. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "pix_opencv_haarcascade.h" #include #include CPPEXTERN_NEW(pix_opencv_haarcascade) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // pix_opencv_haarcascade // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pix_opencv_haarcascade :: pix_opencv_haarcascade() { int i; m_numout = outlet_new(this->x_obj, 0); m_dataout = outlet_new(this->x_obj, 0); scale_factor = 1.1; min_neighbors = 2; mode = 0; min_size = 30; comp_xsize = 0; comp_ysize = 0; rgba = NULL; grey = NULL; frame = NULL; x_ftolerance = 5; for ( i=0; icomp_xsize!=image.xsize)||(this->comp_ysize!=image.ysize)||(!rgba)) { this->comp_xsize = image.xsize; this->comp_ysize = image.ysize; //Destroy cv_images to clean memory cvReleaseImage(&rgba); cvReleaseImage(&grey); cvReleaseImage(&frame); //create the orig image with new size rgba = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image.xsize,image.ysize), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4); frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(rgba->width,rgba->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); grey = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rgba->width,rgba->height), 8, 1 ); } // FEM UNA COPIA DEL PACKET A image->imageData ... http://www.cs.iit.edu/~agam/cs512/lect-notes/opencv-intro/opencv-intro.html aqui veiem la estructura de IplImage memcpy( rgba->imageData, image.data, image.xsize*image.ysize*4 ); CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); static CvScalar colors[] = { {{0,0,255}}, {{0,128,255}}, {{0,255,255}}, {{0,255,0}}, {{255,128,0}}, {{255,255,0}}, {{255,0,0}}, {{255,0,255}} }; int i, im; if( cascade ) { CvSeq* faces = cvHaarDetectObjects( rgba, cascade, storage, scale_factor, min_neighbors, mode, cvSize(min_size, min_size) ); if ( faces && (faces->total > 0 ) ) outlet_float(this->m_numout, (float)faces->total); else outlet_float(this->m_numout, 0.0); for ( im=0; imx_xmark[im] != -1.0 ) { this->x_found[im]--; } } for( i = 0; i < (faces ? faces->total : 0); i++ ) { int oi, found; CvRect* r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem( faces, i ); CvPoint center; int radius; center.x = cvRound((r->x + r->width*0.5)*scale); center.y = cvRound((r->y + r->height*0.5)*scale); radius = cvRound((r->width + r->height)*0.25*scale); found = 0; oi = -1; for ( im=0; imx_xmark[im], 2 ) + pow(center.y - this->x_ymark[im], 2 ) ) <= radius ) { oi=im; found=1; this->x_found[im] = this->x_ftolerance; this->x_xmark[im] = center.x; this->x_ymark[im] = center.y; break; } } // new object detected if ( !found ) { oi = this->mark(center.x, center.y ); } char tindex[4]; sprintf( tindex, "%d", oi ); cvCircle( rgba, center, radius, colors[oi%8], 3, 8, 0 ); cvPutText( rgba, tindex, center, &this->font, CV_RGB(255,255,255)); SETFLOAT(&this->rlist[0], oi); SETFLOAT(&this->rlist[1], center.x); SETFLOAT(&this->rlist[2], center.y); SETFLOAT(&this->rlist[3], radius); outlet_list( m_dataout, 0, 4, this->rlist ); } // delete lost objects for ( im=0; imx_found[im] < 0 ) { this->x_xmark[im] = -1.0; this->x_ymark[im] = -1,0; this->x_found[im] = this->x_ftolerance; } } } cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage ); memcpy( image.data, rgba->imageData, image.xsize*image.ysize*4 ); } void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: processRGBImage(imageStruct &image) { double scale = 1; if ((this->comp_xsize!=image.xsize)||(this->comp_ysize!=image.ysize)||(!frame)) { this->comp_xsize = image.xsize; this->comp_ysize = image.ysize; //Destroy cv_images to clean memory cvReleaseImage(&rgba); cvReleaseImage(&grey); cvReleaseImage(&frame); //create the orig image with new size rgba = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image.xsize,image.ysize), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4); frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(rgba->width,rgba->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); grey = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rgba->width,rgba->height), 8, 1 ); } // FEM UNA COPIA DEL PACKET A image->imageData ... http://www.cs.iit.edu/~agam/cs512/lect-notes/opencv-intro/opencv-intro.html aqui veiem la estructura de IplImage memcpy( frame->imageData, image.data, image.xsize*image.ysize*3 ); CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); static CvScalar colors[] = { {{0,0,255}}, {{0,128,255}}, {{0,255,255}}, {{0,255,0}}, {{255,128,0}}, {{255,255,0}}, {{255,0,0}}, {{255,0,255}} }; int i, im; if( cascade ) { CvSeq* faces = cvHaarDetectObjects( frame, cascade, storage, 1.1, 2, 0, cvSize(30, 30) ); if ( faces && (faces->total > 0 ) ) outlet_float(this->m_numout, (float)faces->total); else outlet_float(this->m_numout, 0.0); for ( im=0; imx_xmark[im] != -1.0 ) { this->x_found[im]--; } } for( i = 0; i < (faces ? faces->total : 0); i++ ) { int oi, found; CvRect* r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem( faces, i ); CvPoint center; int radius; center.x = cvRound((r->x + r->width*0.5)*scale); center.y = cvRound((r->y + r->height*0.5)*scale); radius = cvRound((r->width + r->height)*0.25*scale); found = 0; oi = -1; for ( im=0; imx_xmark[im], 2 ) + pow(center.y - this->x_ymark[im], 2 ) ) <= radius ) { oi=im; found=1; this->x_found[im] = this->x_ftolerance; this->x_xmark[im] = center.x; this->x_ymark[im] = center.y; break; } } // new object detected if ( !found ) { oi = this->mark(center.x, center.y ); } char tindex[4]; sprintf( tindex, "%d", oi ); cvCircle( frame, center, radius, colors[oi%8], 3, 8, 0 ); cvPutText( frame, tindex, center, &this->font, CV_RGB(255,255,255)); SETFLOAT(&this->rlist[0], oi); SETFLOAT(&this->rlist[1], center.x); SETFLOAT(&this->rlist[2], center.y); SETFLOAT(&this->rlist[3], radius); outlet_list( m_dataout, 0, 4, this->rlist ); } // delete lost objects for ( im=0; imx_found[im] < 0 ) { this->x_xmark[im] = -1.0; this->x_ymark[im] = -1,0; this->x_found[im] = this->x_ftolerance; } } } cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage ); memcpy( image.data, frame->imageData, image.xsize*image.ysize*3 ); } void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: processYUVImage(imageStruct &image) { post( "pix_opencv_haarcascade : yuv format not supported" ); } void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: processGrayImage(imageStruct &image) { double scale = 1; if ((this->comp_xsize!=image.xsize)||(this->comp_ysize!=image.ysize)||(!grey)) { this->comp_xsize = image.xsize; this->comp_ysize = image.ysize; //Destroy cv_images to clean memory cvReleaseImage(&rgba); cvReleaseImage(&grey); cvReleaseImage(&frame); //create the orig image with new size rgba = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image.xsize,image.ysize), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4); frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(rgba->width,rgba->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); grey = cvCreateImage( cvSize(rgba->width,rgba->height), 8, 1 ); } // FEM UNA COPIA DEL PACKET A image->imageData ... http://www.cs.iit.edu/~agam/cs512/lect-notes/opencv-intro/opencv-intro.html aqui veiem la estructura de IplImage memcpy( grey->imageData, image.data, image.xsize*image.ysize ); CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); static CvScalar colors[] = { {{0,0,255}}, {{0,128,255}}, {{0,255,255}}, {{0,255,0}}, {{255,128,0}}, {{255,255,0}}, {{255,0,0}}, {{255,0,255}} }; int i; if( cascade ) { CvSeq* faces = cvHaarDetectObjects( grey, cascade, storage, 1.1, 2, 0, cvSize(30, 30) ); for( i = 0; i < (faces ? faces->total : 0); i++ ) { CvRect* r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem( faces, i ); CvPoint center; int radius; center.x = cvRound((r->x + r->width*0.5)*scale); center.y = cvRound((r->y + r->height*0.5)*scale); radius = cvRound((r->width + r->height)*0.25*scale); cvCircle( grey, center, radius, colors[i%8], 3, 8, 0 ); t_atom rlist[4]; SETFLOAT(&rlist[0], i); SETFLOAT(&rlist[1], center.x); SETFLOAT(&rlist[2], center.y); SETFLOAT(&rlist[3], radius); outlet_list( m_dataout, 0, 4, rlist ); } } cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage ); //cvShowImage(wndname, cedge); memcpy( image.data, grey->imageData, image.xsize*image.ysize ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // scaleFactorMess // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: scaleFactorMess (float scale_factor) { this->scale_factor = scale_factor; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // minNeighborsMess // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: minNeighborsMess (float min_neighbors) { this->min_neighbors = (int)min_neighbors; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // modeMess // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: modeMess (float mode) { this->mode = !(!(int)mode); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // minSizeMess // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: minSizeMess (float min_size) { this->min_size = (int)min_size; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // fToleranceMess // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: fToleranceMess (float ftolerance) { this->x_ftolerance = (int)ftolerance; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // clearMess // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: clearMess (void) { int i; for ( i=0; ix_xmark[i] = -1; this->x_ymark[i] = -1; this->x_found[i] = this->x_ftolerance; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static member function // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: obj_setupCallback(t_class *classPtr) { class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_haarcascade::scaleFactorMessCallback, gensym("scale_factor"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_haarcascade::minNeighborsMessCallback, gensym("min_neighbors"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_haarcascade::modeMessCallback, gensym("mode"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_haarcascade::minSizeMessCallback, gensym("min_size"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_haarcascade::loadCascadeMessCallback, gensym("load"), A_SYMBOL, A_NULL); class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_haarcascade::fToleranceMessCallback, gensym("ftolerance"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(classPtr, (t_method)&pix_opencv_haarcascade::clearMessCallback, gensym("clear"), A_NULL); } void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: scaleFactorMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg scale_factor) { if (scale_factor>1) GetMyClass(data)->scaleFactorMess((float)scale_factor); } void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: minNeighborsMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg min_neighbors) { if (min_neighbors>=1) GetMyClass(data)->minNeighborsMess((float)min_neighbors); } void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: modeMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg mode) { if ((mode==0)||(mode==1)) GetMyClass(data)->modeMess((float)mode); } void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: minSizeMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg min_size) { if (min_size>1) GetMyClass(data)->minSizeMess((float)min_size); } void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: fToleranceMessCallback(void *data, t_floatarg ftolerance) { if (ftolerance>1) GetMyClass(data)->fToleranceMess((float)ftolerance); } void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: clearMessCallback(void *data) { GetMyClass(data)->clearMess(); } void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: loadCascadeMessCallback(void *data, t_symbol* filename) { GetMyClass(data)->loadCascadeMess(filename); } void pix_opencv_haarcascade :: loadCascadeMess(t_symbol *filename) { cascade = (CvHaarClassifierCascade*)cvLoad( filename->s_name, 0, 0, 0 ); if( !cascade ) { post( "ERROR: Could not load classifier cascade" ); } else post( "Loaded classifier cascade from %s", filename->s_name ); } int pix_opencv_haarcascade :: mark(float fx, float fy ) { int i; if ( ( fx < 0.0 ) || ( fx > this->rgba->width ) || ( fy < 0 ) || ( fy > this->rgba->height ) ) { return -1; } for ( i=0; ix_xmark[i] == -1 ) { this->x_xmark[i] = (int)fx; this->x_ymark[i] = (int)fy; this->x_found[i] = this->x_ftolerance; return i; } } post( "pix_opencv_haarcascade : max markers reached" ); return -1; }