plugin~ NEWS --- history of changes. Overview of changes in version 0.2, released April 4 2001 ========================================================= * control/parameter value setting by parameter number (starting with a '#' character) in addition to using parameter name * LADSPA: Implemented control value bounding * Support for VST 1.0 (processReplacing()) plug-ins under Windows * LADSPA bug fixes under Linux (huge thanks to Linium for quality assurance, merci! :) Overview of changes in version 0.1, released June 15 2000 ========================================================= * Initial release * Control ports mapped to Pd asynchronous messages. Input controls are changed on incoming messages and outgoing messages are sent on changes in output control values. * Audio ports mapped to Pd signal in/outlets * Searching for plug-ins in all LADSPA libraries * Resetting the plug-in's internal state on incoming "reset" messages * Printing plug-in information on incoming "print" messages * Supports out-of-place processing for plug-ins that need this * Distributed under the GNU General Public License