diff options
3 files changed, 36 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/pmpd-help.pd b/pmpd-help.pd
index a9c3425..91c22fe 100644
--- a/pmpd-help.pd
+++ b/pmpd-help.pd
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#N canvas 169 129 590 764 10;
+#N canvas 165 139 590 764 10;
#X obj 4 369 cnv 15 550 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -158509 -66577
#X obj 5 709 cnv 15 550 40 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -158509 -66577
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ on outlet No 1;
#X text 187 652 Put position of the 2 link end on a table [\$1] \,
filter on link Id is possible;
#X restore 12 517 pd links_attributes ___;
-#N canvas 163 116 997 789 dynamic 0;
+#N canvas 161 121 997 789 dynamic 0;
#X obj 5 3 cnv 15 900 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X obj 10 85 cnv 15 130 650 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
@@ -213,10 +213,7 @@ filter on link Id is possible;
#X text 147 196 Set minimimum and maximum position of all masses;
#X text 147 244 Set mass to mobile or fixed;
#X msg 471 150 setD \$1 \$2;
-#X text 639 136 \$2 : New value;
#X msg 470 99 setK \$1 \$2;
-#X text 639 192 \$2 : New value;
-#X text 639 245 \$2 : New value;
#X text 607 100 Set rigidity of link(s);
#X text 606 156 Set damping of link(s);
#X msg 472 205 setL \$1 \$2;
@@ -226,7 +223,6 @@ filter on link Id is possible;
#X text 189 261 \$1 : Id (symbol) or No;
#X msg 21 610 setDEnv \$1;
#X text 148 612 Change environement damping;
-#X text 184 629 \$1 : damping;
#X msg 472 342 setLinkId \$1 \$2;
#X text 608 343 Change the Id of a link;
#X text 639 360 \$1 : link (number or Id);
@@ -266,7 +262,6 @@ filter on link Id is possible;
#X msg 21 217 maxX \$1;
#X msg 81 195 min \$1;
#X msg 81 217 max \$1;
-#X text 183 690 \$2 : damping;
#X text 182 675 \$1 : Id (symbol) or No;
#X msg 19 659 setDEnvOffset \$1 \$2;
#X text 145 659 Change environement damping offset;
@@ -284,7 +279,6 @@ filter on link Id is possible;
#X text 603 541 compute the link at each bang;
#X text 631 628 \$1 : link (number or Id);
#X msg 471 585 setOverdamp \$1 \$2;
-#X text 631 642 \$2 : overdamp value;
#X text 633 685 \$1 : link (number or Id);
#X msg 473 666 setEnd \$1 \$2 \$3;
#X text 632 701 \$2 : mass number for end 1;
@@ -304,8 +298,14 @@ that amplifies forces that oppose to movment. Use at your own risk.
#X text 603 209 Set initial length of link(s);
#X text 611 266 Set initial length of link(s);
+#X text 639 136 \$2 : New value (float or table);
+#X text 639 192 \$2 : New value (float or table);
+#X text 639 245 \$2 : New value (float or table);
+#X text 631 642 \$2 : overdamp value (float or table);
+#X text 183 690 \$2 : damping (float or table);
+#X text 184 629 \$1 : damping (float or table);
#X restore 12 477 pd dynamic settings ___;
-#N canvas 577 175 571 697 creation____________ 0;
+#N canvas 573 185 571 697 creation____________ 0;
#X obj 11 95 cnv 15 100 60 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X obj 5 75 cnv 15 550 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -158509 -66577
@@ -341,7 +341,6 @@ that amplifies forces that oppose to movment. Use at your own risk.
#X text 291 461 \$5 : damping;
#X text 10 28 Creation messages are used to define the structure of
the model. Messages create links and masses or destroy them.;
-#X text 291 479 \$6 : Power of the rigidity distance;
#X msg 20 549 tabLink \$1 \$2 \$3 \$4 \$5 \$6 \$7;
#X text 292 565 \$1 : Id (symbol);
#X text 292 565 \$1 : Id (symbol);
@@ -357,6 +356,7 @@ the model. Messages create links and masses or destroy them.;
#X text 128 130 post current physical model topology;
#X text 287 498 [\$7] : minimum lenght of link;
#X text 288 515 [\$8] : maximum lenght of link;
+#X text 288 479 [\$6] : Power of the rigidity distance;
#X restore 12 457 pd creation____________;
#N canvas 50 82 901 640 More_Info 0;
#X text 96 12 pmpd : mass - spring - damper model;
diff --git a/pmpd2d-help.pd b/pmpd2d-help.pd
index 4edec2d..ca88683 100644
--- a/pmpd2d-help.pd
+++ b/pmpd2d-help.pd
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#N canvas 303 134 572 750 10;
+#N canvas 299 144 572 750 10;
#X declare -lib Gem;
#X obj 4 309 cnv 15 550 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -158509 -66577
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ links \, or manually \, by messages \, don't do anything.;
#X text 11 602 Outlets:;
#X text 19 657 See Also:;
#X text 74 48 Full Name:;
-#N canvas 54 145 262 70 Related_Objects 0;
+#N canvas 52 178 262 70 Related_Objects 0;
#X obj 3 10 cnv 15 250 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -158509 -66577
#X obj 3 30 cnv 15 250 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ the model. Messages create links and masses or destroy them.;
links. They work as general links but their calculation is made following
a vector.;
#X restore 12 407 pd creation____________;
-#N canvas 94 94 1057 814 dynamic 0;
+#N canvas 88 109 1057 814 dynamic 0;
#X obj -35 3 cnv 15 900 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X obj -30 85 cnv 15 150 670 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
@@ -597,10 +597,7 @@ a vector.;
#X text 131 227 Set minimimum and maximum position of all masses;
#X text 133 311 Set mass to mobile or fixed;
#X msg 443 150 setD \$1 \$2;
-#X text 607 134 \$2 : New value;
#X msg 443 99 setK \$1 \$2;
-#X text 607 190 \$2 : New value;
-#X text 607 243 \$2 : New value;
#X text 571 98 Set rigidity of link(s);
#X text 571 154 Set damping of link(s);
#X msg 443 205 setL \$1 \$2;
@@ -611,7 +608,6 @@ a vector.;
#X text 157 329 \$1 : Id (symbol) or No;
#X msg -20 353 grabMass \$1 \$2 \$3;
#X msg 0 204 forceY \$1 \$2;
-#X text 159 445 \$2 : New Id;
#X msg -20 411 setMassId \$1 \$2;
#X text 132 410 Change the Id of a mass;
#X text 160 428 \$1 : mass (number or Id);
@@ -649,13 +645,11 @@ a vector.;
#X msg -19 245 max \$1 \$2;
#X msg 0 611 addPosX \$1 \$2;
#X msg 0 631 addPosY \$1 \$2;
-#X text 160 748 \$2 : damping;
#X text 159 733 \$1 : Id (symbol) or No;
#X msg -22 717 setDEnvOffset \$1 \$2;
#X text 129 717 Change environement damping offset;
#X text 133 662 Change environement damping;
#X msg -21 662 setDEnv \$1 \$2;
-#X text 160 693 \$2 : damping;
#X text 159 678 \$1 : Id (symbol) or No;
#X msg 1 265 minX \$1;
#X msg 60 265 maxX \$1;
@@ -699,6 +693,12 @@ uses this argument as the value applied to all masses (or links);
#X text 608 596 \$1 : link (Id (symbol) or No);
#X text 609 650 \$1 : link (Id (symbol) or No);
#X text 603 704 \$1 : link (Id (symbol) or No);
+#X text 607 134 \$2 : New value (float or table);
+#X text 607 190 \$2 : New value (float or table);
+#X text 607 243 \$2 : New value (float or table);
+#X text 160 748 \$2 : damping (float or table);
+#X text 160 693 \$2 : damping (float or table);
+#X text 159 445 \$2 : New Id;
#X restore 12 427 pd dynamic settings ___;
#X text 112 658 54_pmpd2dtest.pd;
#X obj 325 272 print;
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ a table;
#X text 764 512 \$1 : x position;
#X text 764 527 \$2 : y position;
#X restore 12 447 pd masses_attributes___;
-#N canvas 519 183 725 566 tests 0;
+#N canvas 437 480 725 566 tests 0;
#X obj 5 3 cnv 15 700 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X text 17 2 TESTS Messages;
@@ -831,13 +831,6 @@ a table;
#X msg 15 155 testMassT tab_name filterId filter_parametter ...;
#X msg 14 99 testMassL testId filterId filter_parametter ....;
#X text 52 213 masses test can be :;
-#X text 196 211 Id \$1 / posXSup \$1 / posXInf \$1 / posYSup \$1 /
-posYInf \$1 / speedXSup \$1 / speedXInf \$1 / speedYSup \$1 / speedYInf
-\$1 / speedSup \$1 / speedInf \$1 / distanceCircleSup \$1 \$2 \$3 \$4
-(centerX \, centerY \, distance) / distanceCircleInf \$1 \$2 \$3 \$4
-(centerX \, centerY \, distance) / massSup \$1 / massInf \$1 / forceSup
-\$1 / forceInf \$1 / forceXSup \$1 / forceXInf \$1 / forceYSup \$1
-/ forceYInf \$1;
#X text 339 47 output a message for every mass that passes all the
#X text 344 99 output a list with 0 or 1 for every mass depending on
@@ -868,6 +861,13 @@ tests:;
on whether it passes all tests or not;
#X text 346 438 Put in a table 0 or 1 depending on whether links pass
all tests;
+#X text 196 211 Id \$1 / posXSup \$1 / posXInf \$1 / posYSup \$1 /
+posYInf \$1 / speedXSup \$1 / speedXInf \$1 / speedYSup \$1 / speedYInf
+\$1 / speedSup \$1 / speedInf \$1 / distanceCircleSup \$1 \$2 \$3 (centerX
+\, centerY \, distance) / distanceCircleInf \$1 \$2 \$3 (centerX \,
+centerY \, distance) / massSup \$1 / massInf \$1 / forceSup \$1 / forceInf
+\$1 / forceXSup \$1 / forceXInf \$1 / forceYSup \$1 / forceYInf \$1
#X restore 12 486 pd tests ______________;
#N canvas 1087 493 650 358 interactors 0;
#X obj -30 -169 cnv 15 600 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017
diff --git a/pmpd3d-help.pd b/pmpd3d-help.pd
index e3530cf..c0d6000 100644
--- a/pmpd3d-help.pd
+++ b/pmpd3d-help.pd
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#N canvas 123 294 570 717 10;
+#N canvas 1018 178 570 717 10;
#X declare -lib Gem;
#X obj 4 289 cnv 15 550 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -158509 -66577
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ the model. Messages create links and masses or destroy them.;
links. They work as general links except their calculation is made
following a vector.;
#X restore 12 377 pd creation____________;
-#N canvas 76 174 1143 866 dynamic 0;
+#N canvas 72 184 1143 866 dynamic 0;
#X obj 5 3 cnv 15 1050 15 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X obj 5 84 cnv 15 150 750 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
@@ -222,9 +222,6 @@ following a vector.;
#X text 158 94 Set position of fixed mass(es);
#X text 170 346 Set mass to mobile or fixed;
#X msg 530 150 setD \$1 \$2;
-#X text 681 134 \$2 : New value;
-#X text 681 190 \$2 : New value;
-#X text 683 249 \$2 : New value;
#X text 655 98 Set rigidity of link(s);
#X text 655 154 Set damping of link(s);
#X msg 529 211 setL \$1 \$2;
@@ -235,7 +232,6 @@ following a vector.;
#X text 193 362 \$1 : Id (symbol) or No;
#X text 167 390 Grab nearest mass;
#X msg 35 209 forceY \$1 \$2;
-#X text 193 467 \$2 : New Id;
#X msg 14 435 setMassId \$1 \$2;
#X text 166 436 Change the Id of a mass;
#X text 194 452 \$1 : mass (number or Id);
@@ -282,9 +278,7 @@ following a vector.;
#X msg 39 682 addPosY \$1 \$2;
#X msg 40 701 addPosZ \$1 \$2;
#X msg 19 727 setDEnv \$1 \$2;
-#X text 195 761 \$2 : damping;
#X text 194 746 \$1 : Id (symbol) or No;
-#X text 193 819 \$2 : damping;
#X text 192 804 \$1 : Id (symbol) or No;
#X msg 20 772 setDEnvOffset \$1 \$2;
#X msg 36 288 minX \$1;
@@ -308,7 +302,6 @@ a specific velocity to masses);
#X text 650 590 compute the link at each bang;
#X text 691 676 \$1 : link (number or Id);
#X msg 529 634 setOverdamp \$1 \$2;
-#X text 691 690 \$2 : overdamp value;
#X text 690 728 \$1 : link (number or Id);
#X msg 528 709 setEnd \$1 \$2 \$3;
#X text 690 744 \$2 : mass number for end 1;
@@ -334,6 +327,13 @@ that amplifies forces that oppose to movment. Use at your own risk.
#X text 663 793 if only 1 argument is provided \, message generally
uses this argument as the value applied to all masses (or links);
#X text 166 248 Set minimimum or maximum position of all masses;
+#X text 681 134 \$2 : New value (float or table);
+#X text 681 190 \$2 : New value (float or table);
+#X text 683 249 \$2 : New value (float or table);
+#X text 691 690 \$2 : overdamp value (float or table);
+#X text 193 819 \$2 : damping (float or table);
+#X text 195 761 \$2 : damping (float or table);
+#X text 193 467 \$2 : New Id;
#X restore 12 397 pd dynamic settings ___;
#X text 158 397 To set the model parameters after creation.;
#N canvas 155 259 1157 693 masses_attributes 0;