#N canvas 289 119 706 725 10;
#X obj 16 652 iAmbient2D;
#X text 273 7 ambient interaction;
#X text 231 548 if a mass is outside of this rectangle \, the mass
will not interact with this object.;
#X msg 73 225 setFX 0;
#X msg 73 249 setFY 0;
#X msg 76 304 setRndFX 0;
#X msg 77 333 setRndFY 0;
#X msg 79 385 setD 0;
#X msg 76 451 setXmin -100000;
#X msg 76 495 setYmin -100000;
#X msg 76 473 setXmax 100000;
#X msg 76 518 setYmax 100000;
#X text 203 515 10 : Y maximum;
#X text 209 493 9 : Y minimum;
#X text 209 471 8 : X maximum;
#X text 209 450 7 : X minimum;
#X text 232 535 minimum and maximum position of the interactor.;
#X msg 78 593 setdX 0;
#X msg 78 616 setdY 0;
#X text 205 223 2 : X constant force field;
#X text 204 247 3 : Y constant force field;
#X text 204 591 11 : X displacement field;
#X msg 72 202 setFXY 0 0;
#X text 182 30 This object should be used for the simulation of interaction
between a collection of mass and a common environment.;
#X text 75 111 message to change parameter / default value / creation
arg number / description;
#X text 231 167 this is the name of the mass interacting with this
object. you can also connect the output of this object to a mass \,
to allow an interaction with this mass.;
#X text 228 401 value of the damping forces. this force is opposite
to the velocity of the mass. It is proportional to the velocity of
the mass.;
#X text 182 71 This object should receive a bang to be active (act
like the link object).;
#X text 207 151 1 : Name;
#X text 205 307 4 : Rnd X force field;
#X text 205 332 5 : Rnd Y force field;
#X text 206 387 6 : Damping;
#X text 203 615 12 : Y displacement field;
#X text 232 631 X and Y displacement field. displace the mass if it's
inside the interactor field.;
#X text 230 348 maximum amplitude of a random force applied to masses
(X and Y amplitude).;
#X text 228 260 this is the constant force applied to all masses interacting
with this object. Gravity is a constant negative force on Y axes.;
#X connect 3 0 0 0;
#X connect 4 0 0 0;
#X connect 5 0 0 0;
#X connect 6 0 0 0;
#X connect 7 0 0 0;
#X connect 8 0 0 0;
#X connect 9 0 0 0;
#X connect 10 0 0 0;
#X connect 11 0 0 0;
#X connect 17 0 0 0;
#X connect 18 0 0 0;
#X connect 22 0 0 0;