#include "m_pd.h" #include "math.h" static t_class *iAmbient3D_class; typedef struct _iAmbient3D { t_object x_obj; t_atom force[17]; /* 1 : name of the mass (send interactors informations to this masses) 2 : FX (constant X force apply to the masses) (0) 3 : FY (constant Y force apply to the masses) (0) 4 : FZ (constant Z force apply to the masses) (0) 5 : Rnd FX (random X force apply to the masses) (0) 6 : Rnd FY (random Y force apply to the masses) (0) 7 : Rnd FZ (random Z force apply to the masses) (0) 8 : Damping (velocity damping of the masses) (0) 9 : Rien 10 : Xmin (minimum and maximum limit of the interactors) (-10000) 9 : Xmax (a mass interact with this object only if it is inside the interactor bounds) (10000) 10 : Ymin (-10000) 11 : Ymax (10000) 12 : Zmin (-10000) 13 : Zmax (10000) 14 : dX (displace the mass by a constant value) (0) 15 : dY (0) 16 : dZ (0) */ t_outlet *force_new;// outlet t_symbol *x_sym; // send } t_iAmbient3D; void iAmbient3D_forceX(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_floatarg f1) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[0]), f1); } void iAmbient3D_forceY(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_floatarg f1) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[1]), f1); } void iAmbient3D_forceZ(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_floatarg f1) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[2]), f1); } void iAmbient3D_force(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2, t_floatarg f3) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[0]), f1 ); SETFLOAT(&(x->force[1]), f2 ); SETFLOAT(&(x->force[2]), f3 ); } void iAmbient3D_rndFX(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float X) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[3]), X); } void iAmbient3D_rndFY(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float X) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[4]), X); } void iAmbient3D_rndFZ(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float X) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[5]), X); } void iAmbient3D_rndF(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2, t_floatarg f3) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[3]), f1); SETFLOAT(&(x->force[4]), f2); SETFLOAT(&(x->force[5]), f3); } void iAmbient3D_damp(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float X) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[6]), X); } void iAmbient3D_Xmin(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float Xmin) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[8]), Xmin); } void iAmbient3D_Xmax(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float Xmax) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[9]), Xmax); } void iAmbient3D_Ymin(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float Ymin) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[10]), Ymin); } void iAmbient3D_Ymax(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float Ymax) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[11]), Ymax); } void iAmbient3D_Zmin(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float Zmin) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[12]), Zmin); } void iAmbient3D_Zmax(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float Zmax) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[13]), Zmax); } void iAmbient3D_dXYZ(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float dX, t_float dY, t_float dZ) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[14]), dX); SETFLOAT(&(x->force[15]), dY); SETFLOAT(&(x->force[16]), dZ); } void iAmbient3D_dX(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float dX) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[14]), dX); } void iAmbient3D_dY(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float dY) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[15]), dY); } void iAmbient3D_dZ(t_iAmbient3D *x, t_float dZ) { SETFLOAT(&(x->force[16]), dZ); } void iAmbient3D_bang(t_iAmbient3D *x) { if (x->x_sym->s_thing) typedmess(x->x_sym->s_thing, gensym("interactor_ambient_3D"), 17, x->force); outlet_anything(x->force_new, gensym("interactor_ambient_3D"), 17, x->force); } void *iAmbient3D_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_iAmbient3D *x = (t_iAmbient3D *)pd_new(iAmbient3D_class); x->x_sym = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv); x->force_new=outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0); if (argc>=16) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[15]), atom_getfloatarg(15, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[15]), 0); if (argc>=15) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[14]), atom_getfloatarg(14, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[14]), 0); if (argc>=14) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[13]), atom_getfloatarg(13, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[13]), 10000); if (argc>=13) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[12]), atom_getfloatarg(12, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[12]), -10000); if (argc>=12) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[11]), atom_getfloatarg(11, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[11]), 10000); if (argc>=11) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[10]), atom_getfloatarg(10, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[10]), -10000); if (argc>=10) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[9]), atom_getfloatarg(9, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[9]), 10000); if (argc>=9) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[8]), atom_getfloatarg(8, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[8]), -10000); SETFLOAT(&(x->force[7]), 0); if (argc>=8) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[6]), atom_getfloatarg(7, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[6]), 0); if (argc>=7) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[5]), atom_getfloatarg(6, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[5]), 0); if (argc>=6) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[4]), atom_getfloatarg(5, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[4]), 0); if (argc>=5) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[3]), atom_getfloatarg(4, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[3]), 0); if (argc>=4) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[2]), atom_getfloatarg(3, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[2]), 0); if (argc>=3) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[1]), atom_getfloatarg(2, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[1]), 0); if (argc>=2) SETFLOAT(&(x->force[0]), atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv)); else SETFLOAT(&(x->force[0]), 0); return (x); } void iAmbient3D_setup(void) { iAmbient3D_class = class_new(gensym("iAmbient3D"), (t_newmethod)iAmbient3D_new, 0, sizeof(t_iAmbient3D), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_GIMME, 0); class_addcreator((t_newmethod)iAmbient3D_new, gensym("pmpd.iAmbient3D"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addbang(iAmbient3D_class, iAmbient3D_bang); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_force, gensym("setFXYZ"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_forceX, gensym("setFX"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_forceY, gensym("setFY"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_forceZ, gensym("setFZ"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_Xmin, gensym("setXmin"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_Ymin, gensym("setYmin"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_Zmin, gensym("setZmin"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_Xmax, gensym("setXmax"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_Ymax, gensym("setYmax"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_Zmax, gensym("setZmax"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_rndFY, gensym("setRndFY"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_rndFX, gensym("setRndFX"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_rndFZ, gensym("setRndFZ"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_damp, gensym("setD"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_dXYZ, gensym("dXYZ"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_dX, gensym("setdX"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_dY, gensym("setdY"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(iAmbient3D_class, (t_method)iAmbient3D_dZ, gensym("setdZ"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); }