#N canvas 4 8 610 587 10; #X text 174 327 8 : constante Normal Force; #X text 175 353 9 : normal rigidity; #X text 166 405 10 : normal damping; #X text 161 463 12 : normal displacement; #X text 174 258 5 : X point of the plane; #X text 173 281 6 : Y point of the plane; #X text 173 304 7 : Z point of the plane; #X text 162 491 13 : dormal displacement (proportional to the pronfondary of the point); #X text 175 107 1 : name; #X text 121 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation arg number / description; #X text 196 125 this is the name of the mass interacting with this object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass \, to allow an interaction with this mass.; #X msg 95 327 setFN 0; #X text 207 237 normal vector of the circle; #X msg 96 255 setX 0; #X msg 95 280 setY 0; #X msg 95 303 setZ 0; #X msg 93 171 setVX 0; #X msg 93 196 setVY 0; #X msg 95 218 setVZ 0; #X text 196 376 Force is proportional to the distance between the masse and the circle plane.; #X msg 95 354 setKN 0; #X msg 96 400 setD 0; #X msg 95 433 setPmax 10000; #X msg 94 462 setdN 0; #X msg 95 493 setdKN 0; #X text 283 12 Plane interaction; #X obj 21 521 iPlane3D; #X text 177 41 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction between a collection of masse and a plane; #X text 174 170 2 : X coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ; #X text 173 195 3 : Y coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ; #X text 174 219 4 : Z coordonate of the orientation vector of the plane ; #X text 162 433 11 : maximum profound of the circle interaction; #X connect 11 0 26 0; #X connect 13 0 26 0; #X connect 14 0 26 0; #X connect 15 0 26 0; #X connect 16 0 26 0; #X connect 17 0 26 0; #X connect 18 0 26 0; #X connect 20 0 26 0; #X connect 21 0 26 0; #X connect 22 0 26 0; #X connect 23 0 26 0; #X connect 24 0 26 0;