#N canvas 376 182 579 646 10;
#X text 175 273 6 : maximum depth (1);
#X text 169 513 12 : Normal displacement;
#X text 169 544 13 : tengential displacement;
#X text 177 107 1 : name;
#X text 123 74 message to change parametter / default value / creation
arg number / description;
#X text 198 125 this is the name of the mass interacting with this
object. you can also conect the output of this object to a mass \,
to allow an interaction with this mass.;
#X msg 108 303 setFN 0;
#X msg 110 383 setKN 0;
#X msg 108 512 setdN 0;
#X msg 106 194 setY1 0;
#X msg 107 240 setY2 0;
#X msg 105 169 setX1 -1;
#X msg 106 217 setX2 1;
#X msg 107 273 setPmax 1;
#X text 175 305 7 : Normal constant force;
#X text 175 325 8 : tengential constant force;
#X text 174 383 9 : normal rigidity;
#X text 168 445 10 : Normal damping;
#X text 168 471 11 : Tengential damping;
#X msg 109 327 setFT 0;
#X msg 109 445 setDN 0;
#X msg 109 472 setDT 0;
#X msg 107 543 setdT 0;
#X text 198 564 displace the mass when it is in the interactor field
#X text 266 11 interaction with a segment;
#X text 135 596 this object is like iLine2D \, but the action is more
limited in space;
#X obj 17 577 iSeg2D;
#X text 177 169 2 : X coordonate of the the 1st point of the segment
#X text 176 193 3 : Y coordonate of the the 1st point of the segment
#X text 176 216 4 : X coordonate of the the 2nd point of the segment
#X text 176 240 5 : Y coordonate of the the 2nd point of the segment
#X text 201 257 X and Y position of the 2 points defining the segment.
#X text 199 288 maximum depth of the interaction segment.;
#X text 163 39 This object sould be used for the simulation of interaction
between a collection of masses and a segment.;
#X text 199 397 normal rigidity. Forces are proportional to the depth
between the mass and the line. The force is aply only to one side of
the line.;
#X text 199 489 normal and tangential damping for the mass.;
#X text 199 347 normal and tangential (to the segment) constant forces
apply to the mass when it is in interaction with this object.;
#X connect 6 0 26 0;
#X connect 7 0 26 0;
#X connect 8 0 26 0;
#X connect 9 0 26 0;
#X connect 10 0 26 0;
#X connect 11 0 26 0;
#X connect 12 0 26 0;
#X connect 13 0 26 0;
#X connect 20 0 26 0;
#X connect 21 0 26 0;
#X connect 22 0 26 0;