#N canvas 309 81 712 738 10; #X text 317 6 masse; #X text 152 81 M is positive. negative value give non physical things. ; #X text 152 37 the somme of the forces apply to a masse modifie its velocity (depending of it's weight). the position his change according to the velocity and the weight of the masse; #X text 259 149 2 : M = weith of the masse; #X text 259 181 3 : X = initial position of the masse; #X text 259 202 4 : Y = initial position of the masse; #X text 342 305 if the position of the masse is < Xmin then position will be Xmin; #X msg 115 519 resetF; #X text 246 523 reset the total forces applied to the masse; #X msg 116 496 reset; #X text 246 492 reset position (to it's initial value) and forces to zero. send it's position to it's outlet.; #X text 283 220 change position of the masse \, and reset memory (for history).; #X text 282 162 change weith of the masse; #X text 340 289 set the minimum and maximum position of the masse; #X text 283 375 when the masses are at Xmin \, Xmax \, Ymon \, Ymax \, Zmin or Zmax \, the mouvement is possible only if force apply is superior to the threshold; #X text 283 362 change the threshold value; #X msg 116 450 bang; #X msg 115 541 off; #X msg 116 564 on; #X msg 115 588 loadbang; #X text 244 590 output curent position; #X text 246 545 stop mass mouvement; #X text 245 567 restart mass movement; #X text 252 447 compute position and output it; #X text 250 474 add force to this mass; #X msg 120 153 setM 1; #X msg 119 344 setT 0; #X text 261 97 1 : name; #X text 282 115 this is the name of the mass. you can set value to this name instead of making a pd connection.; #X obj 29 625 mass2D; #X msg 120 256 setXmin -10000 \, setXmax 10000 \, setYmin -10000 \, setYmax 10000; #X text 260 277 5 : Xmin; #X text 260 293 6 : Xmax; #X text 260 309 7 : Ymin; #X text 260 325 8 : Ymax; #X text 259 343 9 : Threshold; #X text 156 23 mass2D : get liaison forces and output position; #X msg 121 182 setX 0 \, setY 0; #X msg 121 206 setXY 0 0 0; #X msg 114 427 setD 0; #X text 256 423 10 : set velocity damping of the mass; #X text 154 684 X Y & total force apply to the masse; #X text 169 660 X Y & total velocity of the masse; #X obj 60 657 unpack s f f f; #X obj 45 683 unpack s f f f; #X obj 29 707 unpack s f f; #X text 140 708 X Y position of the masse; #X msg 116 472 force2D $f1 $f2; #X connect 7 0 29 0; #X connect 9 0 29 0; #X connect 16 0 29 0; #X connect 17 0 29 0; #X connect 18 0 29 0; #X connect 19 0 29 0; #X connect 25 0 29 0; #X connect 26 0 29 0; #X connect 29 0 45 0; #X connect 29 1 44 0; #X connect 29 2 43 0; #X connect 30 0 29 0; #X connect 37 0 29 0; #X connect 38 0 29 0; #X connect 39 0 29 0; #X connect 47 0 29 0;