pluginhost~ - a plugin host for Pure Data ========================================== This directory (pluginhost) contains sourcecode and possibly binaries for a plugin host for Pure Data. It currently supports the following plugin types: LADSPA: DSSI: The functionality of the external is demonstrated in in the help patch (pluginhost/pluginhost~-help.pd). Dependencies ------------ To compile pluginhost~ the following are required; pd header (m_pd.h) >= 0.37 LADSPA SDK (ladspa.h) >= 1.1 DSSI SDK (dssi.h) >= 0.9 ALSA header (seq_event.h) The help patch requires: PD >= 0.39 Installing Dependencies Installating Dependencies ------------------------- On Debian-based Linux: $ sudo apt-get install dssi-dev libasound2-dev ladspa-sdk puredata-dev On Fedora-based Linux (e.g. Planet CCRMA): $ sudo yum install dssi-devel alsa-lib-devel ladspa-devel On Mac OS X (using fink): $ fink install dssi-dev libdssialsacompat ladspa-dev On Mac OS X (from source): Download and install: LADSPA SDK: libdssialsacompat: DSSI SDK: If needed, the Pd header (m_pd.h) can be obtained for all platforms using the official sources: Compiling --------- From the same directory as the makefile type: make make install (as root) If compiling on recent versions of OS X, but you are using a 32-bit Pd, you may need to type: make FAT_FLAGS="-m32" Once compiled the binary file and help file should be placed in directories that are included in Pure Data's search path. License ------- All files included in the pluginhost~ directory, and all binary files (if included) are licensed under the GNU GPL Version 2 (see LICENSE.txt for details).