#N canvas 489 406 539 307 10; #X obj 9 7 cnv 15 100 20 empty empty Overview 20 12 1 14 -262144 -66577 0; #X text 44 168 The caretaker exists only once \, the originator exists for every abstraction \, that needs to save something \, and commun objects exists for every bit of a save.; #X text 46 221 Let's look at the caretaker first.; #X obj 349 32 s part; #X msg 349 8 1; #X text 377 7 click here \, to go on; #X text 44 83 Memento is divided in various parts \, where each part has a well defined responsibility. A single caretaker is responsible for saving and loading state to rsp. from disk \, [originator]s wrap all access to change or read out the state. The originator uses commun objects to communicate with the things \, that represent the state. ; #X connect 4 0 3 0;