#N canvas 322 395 557 382 10; #X obj 9 7 cnv 15 100 20 empty empty The_Originator 20 12 1 14 -262144 -66577 0; #X obj 378 34 s part; #X text 406 8 click here \, to go on; #X msg 378 10 3; #X text 41 68 The originator object wraps access to the data stored in memory. The object takes two creating argument: a symbol and a float. ; #X obj 141 128 originator TheState 10; #X text 45 160 The first \, symbolic argument will be the name of the state \, that is managed. The second \, float argument is used for communication with the commun objects. Normally it should be unique to a patch \, because then you get only local communcation inside a patch's borders. To make it unique use \$0:; #X obj 139 256 originator AnotherState \$0; #X text 48 282 If you intend to use your patch several times \, it's possible to use \$1 as argument to originator \, so that the surrounding patch will specify the state name. So in the end \, you'll probably always use this:; #X obj 139 353 originator \$1 \$0; #X connect 3 0 1 0;