#N canvas 393 272 611 495 10; #X obj 9 7 cnv 15 100 20 empty empty Remote_Control_with_OSC 20 12 1 14 -262144 -66577 0; #X obj 378 34 s part; #X text 406 8 click here \, to go on; #X text 98 476 First select a FILE \, then SAVE or RESTORE!!!; #X obj 96 392 careGUI MoreStates.dat; #X obj 47 163 OSCAbstraction /OSCState; #X text 45 62 THere even is a remote control built into Memento. It is done using Open Sound Control OSC. OSC requires \, that send- and receive-names start with a slash '/'. So now our state name (the argument of OSCAbstration) has a slash \, and if you look inside \, you'll see \, that all commun objects now also start with a slash.; #X msg 378 10 10; #X text 44 314 Also the abstraction now has gotten an inlet which accepts OSC-messages. This needs to be connected to the originator's right inlet \, its 'OSC-inlet'. Those messages are always send to a receive called \$0-OSC. Just always use it that way. See the next part for an example useage.; #X connect 7 0 1 0;