#N struct 1218cursor float x; #N struct 1218lines float x; #N struct 1218template float x float y array 1218arrayvals 1218arraytemplate ; #N struct 1218arraytemplate float x float y; #N canvas 173 102 743 471 10; #X obj 60 271 print; #X text 91 8 This is a control rate envelope. The first argument is it's sssad state saving name (make it up) and the second argument is how many units long you want to make it. Numbers sent to the left inlet will be used to do an interpolated lookup.; #X floatatom 60 86 5 0 0 0 - - -; #N canvas 0 0 450 300 datastore 0; #X obj 10 10 r SSSADDATA; #X msg 10 30 \; SSSAD control/envelope 2 2 127 88.6486 167 79.5799 208 113.839 270 31.2136 281 48.3433 288 31.2136 295 49.3509 304 32.2212 312 49.3509 320 32.2212 352 82.6027 375 123.916 383 94.6943 400 104.771 432 84.618 514 97.7172 \; SSSAD_ADMIN set \;; #X connect 0 0 1 0; #X restore 616 243 pd datastore; #X obj 616 177 sssad/datastore; #X obj 60 108 s-env control 512; #X connect 2 0 5 0; #X connect 5 0 0 0;