#N canvas 192 25 1116 743 10; #X obj 66 220 midi-tentacle /uc33 /Knob1 /modular; #X obj 67 12 cnv 15 340 170 empty empty Virtual_UC-33 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X floatatom 310 148 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 284 33 vsl 15 128 0 1 0 0 /uc33/Slider1/GUI /uc33/Slider1/GUIR Slider1 0 -9 0 10 -1 -159808 -1 7200 1; #X obj 85 80 knob 32 32 0 1 0 0 /uc33/Knob1/GUI /uc33/Knob1/GUIR Knob1 0 -8 193 11 -262144 -159808 -1 3000 1; #X floatatom 128 148 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 72 365 cnv 15 320 300 empty empty littlesynth-A 20 12 0 14 -232576 -66577 0; #X obj 157 456 hsl 128 20 0 5000 0 0 \$0Brelease \$0BreleaseR release -2 -8 0 10 -203904 -1 -1 7200 1; #X obj 195 502 r \$0release; #X obj 108 502 r \$0filterCut; #X obj 157 416 hsl 128 20 0 20000 0 0 \$0BfilterCut \$0BfilterCutR filter-cutoff -2 -8 0 10 -261234 -1 -1 12290 1; #N canvas 0 22 450 300 littlesynthA 0; #X obj 49 37 inlet; #X obj 191 39 inlet; #X restore 108 556 pd littlesynthA; #X text 412 82 "Dev" is the device number \, as defined in the Pd MIDI preferences; #X text 443 231 "Omni" means the midi-tentacle will receive all channels and transmit to only one OSC address. "Ch.#" means the midi-tentacle will receive each channel and transmit it to an independently assigned OSC address. You can think of the radiobuttons as "pages"[1] - flip through them with the tentacle-pager:; #X obj 540 307 tentacle-pager /uc33; #X obj 245 220 midi-tentacle /uc33 /Slider1 /modular; #X obj 535 433 polaroid /uc33 \$0A; #X obj 518 505 sft.originator /uc33 \$0A; #X obj 76 622 sft.commun.sc.ez \$0B /littlesynthA filterCut 0 20000 ; #X obj 76 642 sft.commun.sc.ez \$0B /littlesynthA release 0 5000; #X obj 76 602 sft.originator /modular \$0B; #X text 668 495 [2]; #X obj -303 -19 cnv 15 300 30 empty empty Controctopus_Basic_Overview 20 12 0 14 -1721 -262144 0; #X text 431 661 [2] please disregard the \$0A and \$0B \, they're just to allow me to show everything in one patch; #X obj 261 557 polaroid /modular \$0B; #X text -298 44 1); #X text -298 208 2); #X text -296 361 3); #X text -297 385 That should do it.; #X text 439 529 Use [polaroid] to save controller maps separately from patch presets \, or [careGUI] to save everything together.; #X text -298 230 First \, click any of the yellow "get" buttons to populate the midi-tentacle's popup with all controllable parameters under the parent you specified (here \, it's /modular); #X obj 128 57 cc-learner /uc33 /Knob1; #X obj 310 57 cc-learner /uc33 /Slider1; #X text -295 11 2008 Luke Iannini \, proyekto.net tag sndrft; #X text -298 64 Set CC number of the MIDI controller you'd like cc-learner to represent \, or click the red button to "Learn" the controller (click \, then move the physical control); #X text 64 304 called [midi-tentacle /uc33 /Knob1 /modular]; #X text 69 183 called [cc-learner /uc33 /Knob1]; #X text 413 129 The pdgui knobs and sliders work like virtual versions of your hardware (helpful for testing). Look at their properties to see how they interface with cc-learner.; #X text 64 324 "/modular" is the group (as defined by sft.originator) that I want to address; #X text 435 358 [1] Though "Omni" is a special page that necessarily blocks all other channels (but they'll still remember their assignment settings!); #X connect 8 0 11 1; #X connect 9 0 11 0; #X connect 31 0 5 0; #X connect 32 0 2 0;