#N canvas 32 487 626 210 10; #X obj 21 62 commun-c \$2-\$3 \$1; #X obj 21 28 r \$1\$3; #X obj 21 92 s \$1\$3R; #X text 154 18 Use like commun-c-ez \$0 "uniqueID" paramName; #X text 154 34 UniqueID is a /ID used to allow multiple units of one type; #X text 174 53 e.g. sft.cfm /sfs1 /busA /unitA = unitA is the uniqueID ; #X text 205 68 thus you'd call as commun-c-ez \$0 \$3 paramName; #X text 157 123 paramName is mapped to the local xers* that would usually be defined in the GUIcontrol. So a paramName of "baseFreq" will result in "\$0baseFreq" and "\$0baseFreqR" \, which is 99% of cases.; #X text 158 89 paramName is of course the parameter name \, but it also gets mapped to the commun as uniqueID-paramName.; #X text 434 183 *xers: [send]ers/[receive]rs; #X connect 0 0 2 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0;