#N canvas 549 246 438 469 10; #X obj 154 113 pdsvn; #X text 39 51 pdsvn allows you to add \, diff-to-console and commit changes to any patch by creating it within the patch you'd like to work with.; #X text 40 177 Diff will show you your changes since last commit in the Pd console; #X text 39 214 Add will add an unversioned file to the repository; #X text 38 238 "ci" is short for commit \, and will bring up a window where you can type a log message and commit your patch.; #X text 41 287 [pdsvn] tries to watch for file changes (by monitoring saves) but you can manually refresh its status by clicking the Subversion logo.; #X text 45 413 If you'd like to work with more than one patch \, please see [pdsvndir].; #X text 307 446 2008 Luke Iannini; #X text 44 347 You can either save pdsvn into your patch \, or save the patch \, spawn pdsvn \, commit and then delete it again. It doesn't mind either way : ).; #X text 10 12 WARNING: pdsvn is experimental and may be unstable.;