#N canvas 630 151 498 250 10; #X obj 26 74 ifspigot \$0test; #X text 10 12 [ifspigot] - receiver-conditional spigot; #X text 124 74 if test is 1 \, spigot is on \, else spigot is off; #X obj 26 114 ifspigot \$0test false; #X text 160 114 if test is 0 \, spigot is on \, else spigot is off ; #X obj 26 157 ifspigot \$0test true 1; #X text 167 152 last argument lets you set default state of internal spigot \; with no argument \, it is 0; #X text 369 224 2008 Luke Iannini;