#N canvas 0 22 432 300 10; #X obj 29 185 storebang murray \$0.selection; #X obj 29 231 r \$0.selection; #X symbolatom 29 256 10 0 0 0 - - -; #X text 8 16 storebang - takes two arguments \, a value and a receiver. Clicking the bang will output the value to the receiver. This is useful for creating multiple choice lists \, and is especially helpful when dynamically generating a list of choices.; #X text 6 95 [storebang cheese \$0.receiver] will send "cheese" to \$0.receiver when clicked.; #X text 280 265 2008 Luke Iannini; #X obj 29 139 storebang federer \$0.selection; #X obj 29 162 storebang nadal \$0.selection; #X connect 1 0 2 0;