#N canvas 357 58 1176 549 10; #N canvas 1 89 450 300 (subpatch) 0; #X array array2 100 float 3; #A 0 -0.37143 -0.366668 -0.361906 -0.357144 -0.345716 -0.334287 -0.322858 -0.31143 -0.300001 -0.285715 -0.27143 -0.257144 -0.242858 -0.228572 -0.223377 -0.218183 -0.212988 -0.207793 -0.202598 -0.197403 -0.192208 -0.187014 -0.181819 -0.176624 -0.171429 -0.157143 -0.142858 -0.138776 -0.134694 -0.130613 -0.126531 -0.122449 -0.118368 -0.114286 -0.104082 -0.0938779 -0.0836738 -0.0734697 -0.0632655 -0.0530614 -0.0428573 -0.0428573 -0.0428573 -0.0428573 -0.0428573 -0.0428573 -0.0428573 -0.0428573 -0.0428573 -0.0428573 -0.0396827 -0.0365081 -0.0333335 -0.0301588 -0.0269842 -0.0238096 -0.020635 -0.0174604 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0142858 -0.0107143 -0.00714288 -0.00357144 0 0.00357144 0.00714288 0.0107143 0.0142858 0.0178572 0.0214286 0.0250001 0.0285715 0.032143 0.0357144 0.0392859 0.0428573 0.0535716 0.0642859 0.0750003 0.27143; #X coords 0 1 99 -1 200 140 1; #X restore 680 26 graph; #X msg 83 418 memset 0 1 1 1 1 1; #X text 215 414 write a list (or a float) to the shared memory : 1st value is index \, other are data to store; #X msg 52 343 memset 0 array1; #N canvas 0 50 450 300 (subpatch) 0; #X array array1 100 float 3; #A 0 0.714288 0.697405 0.680522 0.663639 0.646756 0.629872 0.612989 0.596106 0.579223 0.56234 0.545456 0.528573 0.525398 0.522224 0.519049 0.515875 0.5127 0.509525 0.506351 0.503176 0.500002 0.500002 0.500002 0.500002 0.500002 0.500002 0.500002 0.492859 0.485716 0.478573 0.47143 0.464287 0.457144 0.44762 0.438097 0.428573 0.422858 0.417144 0.41143 0.405716 0.400001 0.400001 0.400001 0.400001 0.400001 0.400001 0.400001 0.385715 0.37143 0.328572 0.300001 0.271429 0.257144 0.242858 0.2 0.171429 0.15 0.128572 0.0714286 0.042857 0.0142855 -0.014286 -0.0571433 -0.100001 -0.142858 -0.178572 -0.214287 -0.250001 -0.285716 -0.333335 -0.380954 -0.428573 -0.471431 -0.514288 -0.557145 -0.64286 -0.728574 -0.814289 -0.871432 -0.900003 -0.907146 -0.914289 -0.928575 -0.942861 -0.950004 -0.957146 0.0107143 0.0142858 0.0178572 0.0214286 0.0250001 0.0285715 0.032143 0.0357144 0.0392859 0.0428573 0.0535716 0.0642859 0.0750003 0.27143; #X coords 0 1 99 -1 200 140 1; #X restore 475 26 graph; #X text 166 343 set shared memory from index 0 with array1; #X msg 68 365 memset 0 array1 50; #X text 196 365 set shared memory from index 0 with array1 from index 50; #X text 162 505 1st argument : Identifiant of the memory segment; #X text 21 15 shmem - shared memory manipulation; #X text 22 37 The shmem object allow to use shared memory in Pd. It is useful for example to exchange array between two instances of Pd. Every shmem object can read and write to a shared memory segment that is identified by its Id.; #X text 21 95 When you create a shmem object \, it checks its Id. If the id is not used \, it allows a new segment \, otherwise it address the exisiting segment.; #X floatatom 614 418 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X text 685 443 read one float of the table send value to the outlet ; #X msg 598 352 memdump 0 array2; #X text 567 274 READING MEMORY; #X floatatom 598 495 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X text 718 352 dump shared memory from index 0 to array2; #X text 162 521 2nd argument : size of the segment (number of float) ; #X msg 614 443 memread \$1; #X msg 106 475 memclear; #X text 169 477 reset memory to 0; #X text 475 168 array1 and array 2 are size 100; #X msg 99 448 memset 50 5 5 5 1 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7; #X text 21 272 WRITING INTO MEMORY; #X msg 608 374 memdump 0 array2 50; #X text 728 374 dump shared memory from index 0 to array2 from index 50; #X text 768 394 dump shared memory from index 0 to array2 from index 50 to index 60 (50 + 10); #X msg 46 321 memset array1 array1 array1; #X text 149 300 set array in to shared memory; #X text 223 321 set diferent array in to shared memory; #X msg 584 322 memdump array2 array2 array2; #X text 698 298 dump shared memory in an array; #X text 769 322 dump shared memory in many array; #X msg 78 391 memset 50 array1 0 25; #X text 219 388 set shared memory from index 50 with array1 from index 0 to 25; #X msg 53 147 memset array_name [array_name]; #X msg 71 187 memset src_offset list_of_float; #X msg 571 198 memdump array_name [array_name]; #X msg 61 167 memset src_offset src_array_name [dest_offset [size]] ; #X msg 583 221 memdump src_offset dest_array_name [dest_offset [size]] ; #X msg 618 394 memdump 50 array2 0 10; #X obj 35 505 shmem 1214 250; #X obj 598 471 shmem 1214 250; #X obj 679 515 print status; #X text 763 512 send out the id of shared memory if allocation succeed \, -1 otherwise; #X text 18 213 CHANGE ID AND SIZE; #X msg 34 234 allocate 1234 1024; #X msg 158 235 allocate 0 12; #X obj 16 255 t a a; #X msg 568 301 memdump array2; #X msg 37 300 memset array1; #X connect 1 0 42 0; #X connect 3 0 42 0; #X connect 6 0 42 0; #X connect 12 0 19 0; #X connect 14 0 43 0; #X connect 19 0 43 0; #X connect 20 0 42 0; #X connect 23 0 42 0; #X connect 25 0 43 0; #X connect 28 0 42 0; #X connect 31 0 43 0; #X connect 34 0 42 0; #X connect 41 0 43 0; #X connect 43 0 16 0; #X connect 43 1 44 0; #X connect 47 0 49 0; #X connect 48 0 49 0; #X connect 49 0 42 0; #X connect 49 1 43 0; #X connect 50 0 43 0; #X connect 51 0 42 0;