sigpack version 0.04 signal object library for pure-data objects: sp_chop~ sp_decimate~ sp_diode~ sp_foldback~ sp_foldover~ sp_freqdiv~ sp_freqshift~ sp_hardlimit~ sp_harmgen~ sp_impulse~ sp_rectify~ sp_round~ sp_saturate~ sp_shape~ sp_sieve~ sp_split~ sp_transient~ sp_ustep~ sp_valverect~ sp_vowel~ sp_wavewrap~ released under the GNU/GPL-license this is software with absolutely no warranty use it at your own risk contact -----------------v0.04------------------- ::cleaning up code a bit ::add GNU/GPL license.txt ::new objects: sp_hardlimit~ sp_impulse~ sp_shape~ sp_transient~ sp_valverect~ sp_wavewrap~ -----------------v0.03b------------------ ::change prefix to "sp_", so every extern compiles as single object (for pd-extended) -----------------v0.03------------------- ::add prefix "sp." to avoid nameclash ::new objects: sp_diode~ sp_freqshift~ sp_round~ sp_sieve~ -----------------v0.02------------------- ::new objects: sp_chop~ sp_decimate~ sp_foldover~ sp_freqdiv~ sp_harmgen~ sp_saturate~ sp_vowel~ -----------------v0.01------------------- ::initial release