package require tkdnd namespace eval ::pddnd { } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # open all files dropped on the Pd Window ::tkdnd::drop_target register .pdwindow DND_Files bind .pdwindow <> {::pddnd::open_dropped_files %D} proc ::pddnd::open_dropped_files {files} { foreach file $files {open_file $file} return "link" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # create an object using the dropped filename bind PatchWindow <> {+::pddnd::setup_dndbind %W} proc ::pddnd::setup_dndbind {mytoplevel} { ::pdwindow::error "setup_dndbind $mytoplevel" ::tkdnd::drop_target register $mytoplevel DND_Files bind $mytoplevel <> {::pddnd::pdtk_canvas_makeobjs %W %D %X %Y} } proc ::pddnd::pdtk_canvas_makeobjs {mytoplevel files x y} { set c 0 for {set n 0} {$n < [llength $files]} {incr n} { if {[regexp {.*/(.+).pd$} [lindex $files $n] file obj] == 1} { ::pdwindow::error " do it $file $obj $x $y $c" pdsend "$mytoplevel obj $x [expr $y + ($c * 30)] $obj" incr c } } }