#N canvas 97 25 525 422 10; #X obj 31 188 lmax; #X obj 31 211 lmin; #X obj 31 234 lrange; #X obj 31 165 lavg; #X obj 9 317 threshold; #X text 89 188 leaky maximum; #X text 89 213 leaky minimum; #X text 90 237 leaky range; #X text 89 164 leaky average; #X text 92 316 hysteresis; #X obj 31 257 lstd; #X text 90 260 leaky standard deviation; #X obj 26 421 hist; #X text 88 421 histogram; #X obj 26 444 lhist; #X text 88 445 leaky histogram; #X obj 9 293 decimator; #X text 94 291 decimator; #X obj 32 352 hip; #X obj 32 375 bp; #X obj 25 751 vv+; #X text 83 751 vector addition; #X text 83 774 vector substraction; #X obj 25 797 vvconv; #X text 83 797 vector convolution; #X obj 24 590 vsum; #X text 85 592 sum of elements; #X obj 24 613 vcog; #X text 85 613 center of gravity; #X obj 24 636 vmax; #X text 86 637 maximum and its location; #X text 86 659 minimum and its location; #X obj 24 659 vmin; #X obj 27 1129 vlavg; #X text 87 1131 leaky averages; #X text 3 4 SMLib means Signal processing for Mapping; #X text 435 1264 j#|@2002; #X text 249 121 johannes.taelman@rug.ac.be; #X text 283 102 enjoy!; #X obj 27 1152 vlmax; #X text 87 1154 leaky maxima; #X obj 27 1175 vlmin; #X text 87 1177 leaky minima; #X obj 27 1198 vlrange; #X text 87 1200 leaky ranges; #X obj 27 1221 vdelta; #X text 88 1223 differences between succesive vectors; #X obj 25 820 vclip; #X text 84 821 clip elements; #X text 96 352 high pass filter; #X text 97 375 band pass filter; #X text 3 29 Its a collection of objects for the analysis of float streams (for taking temporal context into account) \, vectors (lists of floats) and vector streams (temporal context...). It is complementary to the zexy and gem/markex library \, so have a look at those too. ; #X obj 25 774 vv-; #X obj 24 683 vrms; #X text 84 686 root mean square; #X obj 24 706 vstd; #X text 83 708 standard deviation; #X text 22 1044 there is also a [Clip] in cyclone (identical to vclip) ; #X text 0 398 analyzing stream of floats (context) (vector output) ; #X text 1 142 processing stream of floats (context) (float output) ; #X text -3 567 immediate vector analysis (float output); #X text -6 730 immediate vector processing (vector output); #X text 22 1010 cfr. [.] in zexy; #X text 22 1027 cfr. [v+] \, [v-] \, [v*] \, [v/] \, [vabs] in GEM/MarkEx ; #X text -2 1108 vector stream processing (context) (vector output) ; #X obj 25 843 vfmod; #X text 83 845 floating point modulo; #X obj 23 918 vmtof; #X text 81 918 midi to frequency; #X text 21 897 unit conversions; #X obj 23 941 vftom; #X text 81 941 frequency to midi; #X obj 23 964 vdbtorms; #X text 99 964 db to rms; #X obj 23 987 vrmstodb; #X text 99 987 rms to db; #X obj 25 866 vpow; #X obj 25 546 deltas; #X text 83 867 power; #X obj 26 466 lhisti; #X text 88 467 leaky histogram without clipping input; #X text 88 546 difference between current input and past inputs; #X obj 455 1243 SMLib-help; #X obj 472 1224 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #X obj 26 520 prevl; #X text 89 520 previous input values in a list; #X text -3 1064 vector synthesis; #X obj 23 1085 linspace; #X text 98 1085 generates a vector with linear spaced floats; #X obj 44 492 itov; #X text 90 491 index to value (for histogram bins); #X connect 83 0 82 0;