/****************************************************** * * snmp/get - implementation file * * copyleft (c) IOhannes m zmölnig * * 2006:forum::für::umläute:2006 * * institute of electronic music and acoustics (iem) * ****************************************************** * * license: GNU General Public License v.2 * ******************************************************/ /* 2402:forum::für::umläute:2006 */ #include #include #include #include "m_pd.h" /* ------------------------- snmpget ------------------------------- */ static t_class *snmpget_class; typedef struct _snmpget { t_object x_obj; netsnmp_session*x_session; t_outlet*out_data, *out_err; int x_raw; /* if set, the raw string is output; no interpretation is done */ } t_snmpget; static void snmpget_get(t_snmpget *x, t_symbol *s) { post("system::get: %s", s->s_name); if(NULL!=x->x_session){ oid name[MAX_OID_LEN]; size_t name_length=MAX_OID_LEN; netsnmp_variable_list *vars; netsnmp_pdu *pdu,*response; int err=0; char*symname=s->s_name; post("getting %s", symname); if(!snmp_parse_oid(symname, name, &name_length)){ error("snmpget: bad OID %d", name_length); snmp_perror(symname); return; } pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET); snmp_add_null_var(pdu, name, name_length); err=snmp_synch_response(x->x_session, pdu, &response); if(STAT_SUCCESS == err){ if(SNMP_ERR_NOERROR == response->errstat){ for (vars = response->variables; vars; vars = vars->next_variable) { char mybuf[MAXPDSTRING]; t_binbuf *bbuf = binbuf_new(); int type=vars->type; //print_variable(vars->name, vars->name_length, vars); //print_value(vars->name, vars->name_length, vars); /* INTEGER = 2 Counter32 = 65 Gauge32 = 66 Hex-STRING = 4 STRING = 4 IpAddress = 64 Network Address: 64 OID = 6 Timeticks = 67 */ //post("type: %d", vars->type); if(0==x->x_raw) { switch(type) { case ASN_TIMETICKS: case ASN_GAUGE: case ASN_COUNTER: case ASN_INTEGER: { long v=(long)(*vars->val.integer); outlet_float(x->out_data, (t_float)v); } break; /* case ASN_OCTET_STR: { outlet_symbol(x->out_data, gensym(vars->val.string)); } break; */ default: snprint_value(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), vars->name, vars->name_length, vars); binbuf_text(bbuf, mybuf, strlen(mybuf)); int ac=binbuf_getnatom(bbuf); t_atom*av=binbuf_getvec(bbuf); outlet_list(x->out_data, gensym("list"), ac, av); } } else { t_atom atm, *ap; ap=&atm; snprint_value(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), vars->name, vars->name_length, vars); SETSYMBOL(ap, gensym(mybuf)); outlet_anything(x->out_data, gensym("raw"), 1, ap); } if(bbuf)binbuf_free(bbuf); } } } else { error("[snmp/get] error while synching"); } snmp_free_pdu(response); } else { pd_error(x, "[snmp/get] not connected"); } } /* connect [:] */ static void snmpget_connect(t_snmpget *x, t_symbol *hostport, t_symbol*comm) { if(x->x_session==NULL) { SOCK_STARTUP; netsnmp_session session; int len=0; char*cdummy; char*peername=0; int peerport=-1; char*community=0; if(0!=comm && &s_!=comm) community=comm->s_name; for(cdummy=hostport->s_name; *cdummy!=0 && *cdummy!=':'; cdummy++, len++); if(*cdummy==':') { // there is a port hidden in this string! peerport=(int)strtol(cdummy+1, (char **)NULL, 10); } peername=(char*)getbytes(sizeof(char)*len+1); strncpy(peername, hostport->s_name, len); peername[len]=0; snmp_sess_init(&session); session.version=SNMP_VERSION_1; session.peername=peername; if(peerport>0 && peerport<65536) { session.remote_port=peerport; } if(0!=community) { session.community=(unsigned char*)community; session.community_len=strlen(community); } x->x_session = snmp_open(&session); freebytes(peername, len); if(x->x_session==NULL){ SOCK_CLEANUP; outlet_float(x->out_err, 0); return; } } else { pd_error(x, "[snmp/get] already connected"); } outlet_float(x->out_err, 1); } static void snmpget_dodisconnect(t_snmpget *x) { if(x->x_session){ snmp_close(x->x_session); SOCK_CLEANUP; } x->x_session=NULL; outlet_float(x->out_err, 0); } static void snmpget_disconnect(t_snmpget *x) { if(x->x_session) snmpget_dodisconnect(x); else pd_error(x, "[snmp/get] not connected!"); } static void snmpget_raw(t_snmpget *x, t_float f) { int i=(int)f; x->x_raw=(i>0); } static void *snmpget_free(t_snmpget *x) { snmpget_disconnect(x); outlet_free(x->out_err); outlet_free(x->out_data); } static void *snmpget_new(t_symbol*s, int argc, t_atom*argv) { t_snmpget *x = (t_snmpget *)pd_new(snmpget_class); x->out_data=outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0); x->out_err=outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_session=0; x->x_raw=0; return (x); } void snmpget_setup(void) { init_snmp("snmp4pd"); snmpget_class = class_new(gensym("snmpget"), (t_newmethod)snmpget_new, 0, sizeof(t_snmpget), 0, A_GIMME, 0); class_addcreator((t_newmethod)snmpget_new, gensym("snmp/get"), 0); //class_addcreator((t_newmethod)snmpget_new, gensym("get"), 0); class_addmethod(snmpget_class, (t_method)snmpget_get, gensym("get"), A_SYMBOL, 0); class_addmethod(snmpget_class, (t_method)snmpget_connect, gensym("connect"), A_SYMBOL, A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(snmpget_class, (t_method)snmpget_disconnect, gensym("disconnect"), 0); class_addmethod(snmpget_class, (t_method)snmpget_raw, gensym("raw"), A_FLOAT, 0); } void get_setup(void) { snmpget_setup(); }