/* SuperCollider real time audio synthesis system Copyright (c) 2002 James McCartney. All rights reserved. http://www.audiosynth.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Ran088: L'Ecuyer's 1996 three-component Tausworthe generator "taus88" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // // Returns an integer random number uniformly distributed within [0,4294967295] // // The period length is approximately 2^88 (which is 3*10^26). // This generator is very fast and passes all standard statistical tests. // // Reference: // (1) P. L'Ecuyer, Maximally equidistributed combined Tausworthe generators, // Mathematics of Computation, 65, 203-213 (1996), see Figure 4. // (2) recommended in: // P. L'Ecuyer, Random number generation, chapter 4 of the // Handbook on Simulation, Ed. Jerry Banks, Wiley, 1997. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // I chose this random number generator for the following reasons: // fast. // easier and faster to seed than other high quality rng's such as Mersenne Twister. // the internal state is only 12 bytes. // the period is long enough for music/audio. // possible to code in altivec in future if needed. // - James McCartney //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef _SC_RGen_ #define _SC_RGen_ #include "SC_Endian.h" #include "SC_Types.h" #include "SC_BoundsMacros.h" #include "Hash.h" #include struct RGen { void init(uint32 seed); uint32 trand(); int32 irand(int32 scale); int32 irand2(int32 scale); int32 ilinrand(int32 scale); int32 ibilinrand(int32 scale); float fcoin(); float frand(); float frand2(); float frand0(); float frand8(); double drand(); double drand2(double scale); double linrand(double scale); double bilinrand(double scale); double exprandrng(double lo, double hi); double exprand(double scale); double biexprand(double scale); double sum3rand(double scale); uint32 s1, s2, s3; // random generator state }; inline void RGen::init(uint32 seed) { // humans tend to use small seeds - mess up the bits seed = (uint32)Hash((int)seed); // initialize seeds using the given seed value taking care of // the requirements. The constants below are arbitrary otherwise s1 = 1243598713U ^ seed; if (s1 < 2) s1 = 1243598713U; s2 = 3093459404U ^ seed; if (s2 < 8) s2 = 3093459404U; s3 = 1821928721U ^ seed; if (s3 < 16) s3 = 1821928721U; } inline uint32 trand( uint32& s1, uint32& s2, uint32& s3 ) { // This function is provided for speed in inner loops where the // state variables are loaded into registers. // Thus updating the instance variables can // be postponed until the end of the loop. s1 = ((s1 & -2) << 12) ^ (((s1 << 13) ^ s1) >> 19); s2 = ((s2 & -8) << 4) ^ (((s2 << 2) ^ s2) >> 25); s3 = ((s3 & -16) << 17) ^ (((s3 << 3) ^ s3) >> 11); return s1 ^ s2 ^ s3; } inline uint32 RGen::trand() { // generate a random 32 bit number s1 = ((s1 & -2) << 12) ^ (((s1 << 13) ^ s1) >> 19); s2 = ((s2 & -8) << 4) ^ (((s2 << 2) ^ s2) >> 25); s3 = ((s3 & -16) << 17) ^ (((s3 << 3) ^ s3) >> 11); return s1 ^ s2 ^ s3; } inline double RGen::drand() { // return a double from 0.0 to 0.999... #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN union { struct { uint32 hi, lo; } i; double f; } du; #else union { struct { uint32 lo, hi; } i; double f; } du; #endif du.i.hi = 0x41300000; du.i.lo = trand(); return du.f - 1048576.; } inline float RGen::frand() { // return a float from 0.0 to 0.999... union { uint32 i; float f; } u; // union for floating point conversion of result u.i = 0x3F800000 | (trand() >> 9); return u.f - 1.f; } inline float RGen::frand0() { // return a float from +1.0 to +1.999... union { uint32 i; float f; } u; // union for floating point conversion of result u.i = 0x3F800000 | (trand() >> 9); return u.f; } inline float RGen::frand2() { // return a float from -1.0 to +0.999... union { uint32 i; float f; } u; // union for floating point conversion of result u.i = 0x40000000 | (trand() >> 9); return u.f - 3.f; } inline float RGen::frand8() { // return a float from -0.125 to +0.124999... union { uint32 i; float f; } u; // union for floating point conversion of result u.i = 0x3E800000 | (trand() >> 9); return u.f - 0.375f; } inline float RGen::fcoin() { // only return one of the two values -1.0 or +1.0 union { uint32 i; float f; } u; // union for floating point conversion of result u.i = 0x3E000000 | (0x80000000 & trand()); return u.f; } inline int32 RGen::irand(int32 scale) { // return an int from 0 to scale - 1 return (int32)floor(scale * drand()); } inline int32 RGen::irand2(int32 scale) { // return a int from -scale to +scale return (int32)floor((2. * scale + 1.) * drand() - scale); } inline int32 RGen::ilinrand(int32 scale) { int32 a = irand(scale); int32 b = irand(scale); return sc_min(a,b); } inline double RGen::linrand(double scale) { double a = drand(); double b = drand(); return sc_min(a,b) * scale; } inline int32 RGen::ibilinrand(int32 scale) { int32 a = irand(scale); int32 b = irand(scale); return a - b; } inline double RGen::bilinrand(double scale) { double a = drand(); double b = drand(); return (a - b) * scale; } inline double RGen::exprandrng(double lo, double hi) { return lo * exp(log(hi / lo) * drand()); } inline double RGen::exprand(double scale) { double z; while ((z = drand()) == 0.0) {} return -log(z) * scale; } inline double RGen::biexprand(double scale) { double z; while ((z = drand2(1.)) == 0.0 || z == -1.0) {} if (z > 0.0) z = log(z); else z = -log(-z); return z * scale; } inline double RGen::sum3rand(double scale) { // larry polansky's poor man's gaussian generator return (drand() + drand() + drand() - 1.5) * 0.666666667 * scale; } inline double drand( uint32& s1, uint32& s2, uint32& s3 ) { union { struct { uint32 hi, lo; } i; double f; } u; u.i.hi = 0x41300000; u.i.lo = trand(s1,s2,s3); return u.f - 1048576.; } inline float frand( uint32& s1, uint32& s2, uint32& s3 ) { // return a float from 0.0 to 0.999... union { uint32 i; float f; } u; u.i = 0x3F800000 | (trand(s1,s2,s3) >> 9); return u.f - 1.f; } inline float frand0( uint32& s1, uint32& s2, uint32& s3 ) { // return a float from +1.0 to +1.999... union { uint32 i; float f; } u; u.i = 0x3F800000 | (trand(s1,s2,s3) >> 9); return u.f; } inline float frand2( uint32& s1, uint32& s2, uint32& s3 ) { // return a float from -1.0 to +0.999... union { uint32 i; float f; } u; u.i = 0x40000000 | (trand(s1,s2,s3) >> 9); return u.f - 3.f; } inline float frand8( uint32& s1, uint32& s2, uint32& s3 ) { // return a float from -0.125 to +0.124999... union { uint32 i; float f; } u; u.i = 0x3E800000 | (trand(s1,s2,s3) >> 9); return u.f - 0.375f; } inline float fcoin( uint32& s1, uint32& s2, uint32& s3 ) { // only return one of the two values -1.0 or +1.0 union { uint32 i; float f; } u; u.i = 0x3F800000 | (0x80000000 & trand(s1,s2,s3)); return u.f; } #endif