#ifndef TOF #define TOF #include "m_pd.h" #include "g_canvas.h" #include #define IS_A_SYMBOL(atom,index) ((atom+index)->a_type == A_SYMBOL) #define IS_A_FLOAT(atom,index) ((atom+index)->a_type == A_FLOAT) #endif char tof_buf_temp_a[MAXPDSTRING]; char tof_buf_temp_b[MAXPDSTRING]; /* * ALLOCATE WITH THE FOLLOWING LINE * t_atom *at = getbytes((SIZE)*sizeof(*at)); * FREE WITH THIS ONE * freebytes(at, (SIZE)*sizeof(*at)); */ static void tof_copy_atoms(t_atom *src, t_atom *dst, int n) { while(n--) *dst++ = *src++; } static t_symbol* tof_get_dollar(t_canvas* canvas, t_symbol* dollar) { return canvas_realizedollar(canvas, dollar); } static t_symbol* tof_get_dollarzero(t_canvas* canvas) { return canvas_realizedollar(canvas, gensym("$0")); } static int tof_canvas_is_not_subpatch(t_canvas* canvas) { return canvas_isabstraction(canvas); } static t_canvas* tof_get_canvas(void) { return glist_getcanvas((t_glist *)canvas_getcurrent()); } static t_symbol* tof_get_dir(t_canvas* canvas) { return canvas_getdir(canvas); } static t_symbol* tof_get_canvas_name(t_canvas* canvas) { return canvas->gl_name; } // Use &s_list selector if you do not want to process the selector static int tof_anything_to_string( t_symbol* s, int ac, t_atom* av,char* buffer ) { if ( s == &s_bang) { buffer[0] = '\0'; return 0; } else if ( s == &s_symbol) { if ( ac ) { strcpy(buffer,atom_getsymbol(av)->s_name); } else { buffer[0] = '\0'; } return strlen(buffer); } else { char* buf; t_binbuf* binbuf = binbuf_new(); if ( !(s == &s_list || s == &s_float ) ) { t_atom selector; SETSYMBOL(&selector,s); binbuf_add(binbuf, 1, &selector); } binbuf_add(binbuf, ac, av); int length; binbuf_gettext(binbuf, &buf, &length); int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { buffer[i] = buf[i]; } buffer[length] = '\0'; freebytes(buf, length); binbuf_free(binbuf); return length; } buffer[0] = '\0'; return 0; } // returns the last canvas before the root canvas static t_canvas* tof_get_canvas_before_root(t_canvas* canvas) { // Find the proper parent canvas while ( canvas->gl_owner && canvas->gl_owner->gl_owner) { canvas = canvas->gl_owner; } return canvas; } static t_canvas* tof_get_root_canvas(t_canvas* canvas) { // Find the root canvas while ( canvas->gl_owner) { canvas = canvas->gl_owner; } return canvas; } static void tof_get_canvas_arguments(t_canvas *canvas, int *ac_p, t_atom **av_p) { canvas_setcurrent(canvas); canvas_getargs(ac_p , av_p); canvas_unsetcurrent(canvas); } // set selector static void tof_set_selector(t_symbol** selector_sym_p,int* ac_p, t_atom** av_p ) { if(!(*ac_p)) { *selector_sym_p = &s_bang; } else if(IS_A_SYMBOL(*av_p, 0)) { *selector_sym_p = atom_getsymbol(*av_p); *ac_p = (*ac_p)-1, *av_p = (*av_p)+1; } else{ *selector_sym_p = &s_list; } } /* static int tof_get_tagged_argument(char tag, int ac, t_atom *av, int *start, int *count) { int i; if ( ac == 0 || *start >= ac) { *count = 0; return 0; } for ( i= *start + 1; i < ac; i++ ) { if ( (av+i)->a_type == A_SYMBOL && (atom_getsymbol(av+i))->s_name[0] == tag) break; } *count = i - *start; return (i-*start); } */ // Returned value permits a while operation on the function static int tof_next_tagged_argument(char tag, int ac, t_atom *av, int* ac_a, t_atom ** av_a, int* iter) { int i; if ( ac == 0 || *iter >= ac) { *ac_a = 0; *av_a = NULL; return 0; } for ( i= *iter + 1; i < ac; i++ ) { if ( (av+i)->a_type == A_SYMBOL && (atom_getsymbol(av+i))->s_name[0] == tag) break; } *ac_a = i - *iter; *av_a = av + *iter; *iter = i; return (*ac_a); } static void tof_find_tagged_argument(char tag,t_symbol *name, int ac, t_atom *av, int *ac_r,t_atom** av_r) { int i; int j = 0; for (i=0;is_name); if ( IS_A_SYMBOL(av,i) && name == atom_getsymbol(av+i) && (i+1)s_name[0] == tag ) { //j = j-1; break; } } break; } } j = j-i; //post("i:%d j:%d",i,j); if ( j > 0) { *ac_r = j; *av_r = av+i; } else { *ac_r = 0; *av_r = NULL; } } static void tof_outlet_anything_prepend(t_outlet* outlet, t_symbol* s, int argc, t_atom* argv, t_symbol* pp) { if (s == &s_list || s == &s_float || s == &s_symbol) { outlet_anything(outlet,pp,argc,argv); } else if (s != &s_bang) { int ac = argc + 1; t_atom *av = (t_atom *)getbytes(ac*sizeof(t_atom)); tof_copy_atoms(argv,av+1,argc); SETSYMBOL(av, s); outlet_anything(outlet,pp,ac,av); freebytes(av, ac*sizeof(t_atom)); } else { outlet_bang(outlet); } } static void tof_send_anything_prepend(t_symbol* target,t_symbol* s, int ac, t_atom* av,t_symbol* prepend) { if (target->s_thing) { if ( s == &s_list || s == &s_float || s == &s_symbol ) { typedmess(target->s_thing, prepend, ac, av); } else { int new_ac = ac + 1; t_atom *new_av = getbytes(new_ac*sizeof(*new_av)); tof_copy_atoms(av,new_av+1,ac); SETSYMBOL(new_av, s); typedmess(target->s_thing, prepend, new_ac, new_av); freebytes(new_av, new_ac*sizeof(*new_av)); } } } static t_symbol* tof_remove_extension(t_symbol* s) { t_symbol* newsymbol = s; int length = strlen(s->s_name) + 1; char* newstring = getbytes(length * sizeof(*newstring)); strcpy(newstring,s->s_name); char* last = strrchr( newstring, '.'); if (last != NULL) { *last = '\0'; newsymbol = gensym(newstring); } freebytes(newstring,length * sizeof(*newstring)); return newsymbol; }