#N canvas 1173 49 686 393 10; #X msg 47 142 read \$1; #X obj 47 116 openpanel; #X obj 47 93 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1; #X text 126 115 Inlet 1 \, read symbol: sound file to read into memory ; #X text 44 17 Description: Loads a sound file (wav) as a sample; #X text 51 249 See also:; #X text 45 34 Tags: File Sound Table Sample; #X text 222 175 Argument 1 \, symbol: Sample name; #X text 223 192 (Argument 2 \, symbol): Sound file to read into memory when created; #X text 224 222 (Argument 2 \, float): Set a default length to the table; #X text 281 316 The following example creates a mono (1 channel) sample with a 10 second table (at a sampling rate of 44100).; #X text 225 241 (Argument 3 \, float): Set a default number of channels \, either 1 or 2; #X obj 47 177 tof/sample test mono0.wav; #X obj 73 272 tof/sample_play~; #X obj 72 295 tof/sample_unpack; #X obj 283 350 tof/sample recording 441000 1; #X connect 0 0 12 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 2 0 1 0;