#N canvas 452 313 551 304 10;
#X text 26 30 Tags: Sample Sound;
#X text 30 60 Warning: [tof/sample_packel] is only for advanced users!
#X msg 146 181 sample test;
#X text 225 177 Inlet 2 \, sample symbol: the sample to be modified
#X msg 57 100 end 1000;
#X msg 92 125 start 10;
#X text 120 99 Change the end of the sample;
#X text 150 122 Change the start of the sample;
#X obj 57 210 tof/sample_packel;
#X text 26 12 Description: Modifies the properties of a sample;
#X connect 2 0 8 1;
#X connect 4 0 8 0;
#X connect 5 0 8 0;