path: root/audience~
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'audience~')
-rw-r--r--audience~/speaker.gifbin83 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--audience~/wanderer.gifbin962 -> 0 bytes
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1341 deletions
diff --git a/audience~/INSTALL b/audience~/INSTALL
deleted file mode 100644
index a1a03e0..0000000
--- a/audience~/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-untar in /my/pd/dir/externs
-cd /my/pd/dir/externs/audience~
-make clean
-make install
-open help-audience~.pd
-Thanx for getting here.
-comments and bugs @ ydegoyon@free.fr
diff --git a/audience~/audience~-help.pd b/audience~/audience~-help.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index ee90caf..0000000
--- a/audience~/audience~-help.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 207 7 763 647 10;
-#X text 370 378 * Width : graphical x size;
-#X text 371 393 * Height : graphical y size;
-#X text 358 456 bugs and comments @ ydegoyon@free.fr [-_-];
-#X obj 91 492 *~ 1;
-#X obj 177 491 *~ 1;
-#X obj 134 458 / 100;
-#X floatatom 134 428 5 0 0;
-#X floatatom 174 129 5 0 0;
-#X floatatom 254 128 5 0 0;
-#X floatatom 332 128 5 0 0;
-#X floatatom 405 128 5 0 0;
-#X text 332 210 audience~ is a moving audience simulation;
-#X text 334 236 within a 2d space;
-#X text 332 223 Each sound input and each listener can be moved;
-#X text 371 407 * Nb Listeners : number of listeners;
-#X obj 129 523 dac~;
-#X msg 42 89 attenuation 0;
-#X msg 42 64 attenuation 0.1;
-#X msg 42 40 attenuation 1;
-#X obj 406 153 osc~ 10000;
-#X text 8 14 Sound attenuation per meter ( default = 0.01 );
-#X text 338 306 Example : audience~ 200 200 4 1 0.01 0;
-#X text 339 349 (invoke with <right mouse>Properties );
-#X text 342 339 You can set the following properties :;
-#X text 341 527 Note : the number of inputs + outputs is limited to
-#X text 341 540 ( can be easily changed in the code );
-#X obj 254 154 osc~ 500;
-#X obj 331 154 osc~ 3000;
-#X text 337 278 Constructor : audience~ <width> <height> <nbinputs>
-<nblisteners> <attenuation> <apply delay flag> | audience~;
-#X obj 175 155 osc~ 50;
-#X obj 70 196 audience~ 200 200 4 2 0.01 0 0 0 193 188 126 118 145
-72 20 182 10 0;
-#X msg 165 66 delay 0;
-#X msg 165 91 delay 1;
-#X text 296 41 ( due to the distance between speaker and listener )
-#X text 163 40 Apply delay option;
-#X connect 3 0 15 0;
-#X connect 4 0 15 1;
-#X connect 5 0 3 1;
-#X connect 5 0 4 1;
-#X connect 6 0 5 0;
-#X connect 7 0 29 0;
-#X connect 8 0 26 0;
-#X connect 9 0 27 0;
-#X connect 10 0 19 0;
-#X connect 16 0 30 0;
-#X connect 17 0 30 0;
-#X connect 18 0 30 0;
-#X connect 19 0 30 4;
-#X connect 26 0 30 2;
-#X connect 27 0 30 3;
-#X connect 29 0 30 1;
-#X connect 30 0 3 0;
-#X connect 30 1 4 0;
-#X connect 31 0 30 0;
-#X connect 32 0 30 0;
diff --git a/audience~/audience~.c b/audience~/audience~.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b14b139..0000000
--- a/audience~/audience~.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1063 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2002 Yves Degoyon. */
-/* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL */
-/* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */
-/* */
-/* audience.c written by Yves Degoyon 2002 */
-/* 2-dimensional audience simulation */
-/* ( simulates spatialization and interferences ) */
-/* */
-/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */
-/* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License */
-/* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 */
-/* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */
-/* */
-/* See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms. */
-/* */
-/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
-/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
-/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
-/* */
-/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
-/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
-/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* */
-/* Based on PureData by Miller Puckette and others. */
-/* */
-/* Made while listening to : */
-/* */
-/* Shalaby Effect -- Instrumentals */
-/* Honey Bane -- I Wish I Could Be Me */
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "m_pd.h"
-#include "m_imp.h"
-#include "g_canvas.h"
-#include "audience~.h"
-#ifdef NT
-#include <io.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#define LISTENER_WIDTH 15
-#define SPEAKER_WIDTH 15
-#define SPEAKER_HEIGHT 20
-// sound propagates at the speed of 340 m/s, isn't it ??
-#define SOUNDSPEED 340.0
-// a pixel is 0.1 meter
-#define PIXELSIZE 0.1
-static char *audience_version = "audience : 2d audience simulation, version 0.7 (ydegoyon@free.fr)";
-t_widgetbehavior audience_widgetbehavior;
-static t_class *audience_class_tilde;
-static int guidebug=0;
-#define SYS_VGUI2(a,b) if (guidebug) \
- post(a,b);\
- sys_vgui(a,b)
-#define SYS_VGUI3(a,b,c) if (guidebug) \
- post(a,b,c);\
- sys_vgui(a,b,c)
-#define SYS_VGUI4(a,b,c,d) if (guidebug) \
- post(a,b,c,d);\
- sys_vgui(a,b,c,d)
-#define SYS_VGUI5(a,b,c,d,e) if (guidebug) \
- post(a,b,c,d,e);\
- sys_vgui(a,b,c,d,e)
-#define SYS_VGUI6(a,b,c,d,e,f) if (guidebug) \
- post(a,b,c,d,e,f);\
- sys_vgui(a,b,c,d,e,f)
-#define SYS_VGUI7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) if (guidebug) \
- post(a,b,c,d,e,f,g );\
- sys_vgui(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-#define SYS_VGUI8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) if (guidebug) \
- post(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h );\
- sys_vgui(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-#define SYS_VGUI9(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) if (guidebug) \
- post(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i );\
- sys_vgui(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i)
-/* drawing functions */
-static void audience_draw_update(t_audience_tilde *x, t_glist *glist)
- t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
- t_int ei;
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nbinputs; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c coords %xISPEAKER%d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, ei,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_x[ei],
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_y[ei]
- );
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c coords %xSPEAKERNUM%d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, ei,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_x[ei] - SPEAKER_WIDTH/2,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_y[ei] - SPEAKER_HEIGHT/2
- );
- }
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nboutputs; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c coords %xILISTENER%d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, ei,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_x[ei],
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_y[ei]
- );
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c coords %xLISTENERNUM%d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, ei,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_x[ei] + LISTENER_WIDTH/2,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_y[ei] + LISTENER_HEIGHT/2
- );
- }
-static void audience_draw_new(t_audience_tilde *x, t_glist *glist)
- t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
- int ei;
- SYS_VGUI7(".x%x.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -fill #EAF1E2 -tags %xAAUDIENCE\n",
- canvas, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist), text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist),
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_width, text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height,
- x);
- // create captions
- SYS_VGUI5(".x%x.c create text %d %d -font -*-courier-bold--normal--10-* -text \"0m\" -tags %xBLCAPTION\n",
- canvas, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) - 10 , text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height + 10, x );
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c create text %d %d -font -*-courier-bold--normal--10-* -text \"%dm\" -tags %xBRCAPTION\n",
- canvas, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_width + 10 , text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height + 10, x->x_width, x );
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c create text %d %d -font -*-courier-bold--normal--10-* -text \"%dm\" -tags %xULCAPTION\n",
- canvas, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) - 10 , text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist), x->x_height, x );
- // draw all outlets
- if ( x->x_nboutputs > 1 )
- {
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nboutputs; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI8(".x%x.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -outline #000000 -fill #000000 -tags %xOUT%d\n",
- canvas, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + ( ei * (x->x_width - 5) )/ (x->x_nboutputs-1),
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + ( ei * (x->x_width - 5) )/ (x->x_nboutputs-1) + 5,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height + 2,
- x, ei);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SYS_VGUI8(".x%x.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -outline #000000 -fill #000000 -tags %xOUT%d\n",
- canvas, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist),
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + 5,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height + 2,
- x, 0);
- }
- // draw all inlets
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nbinputs+1; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI8(".x%x.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -outline #000000 -fill #000000 -tags %xIN%d\n",
- canvas, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + ( ei * (x->x_width - 5) )/ (x->x_nbinputs),
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) - 2,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + ( ei * (x->x_width - 5) )/ (x->x_nbinputs) + 5,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist),
- x, ei);
- }
- // create speaker images
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nbinputs; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI5("image create photo %xSPEAKER%d -file /tmp/speaker.gif -format gif -width %d -height %d\n",
- SYS_VGUI8(".x%x.c create image %d %d -image %xSPEAKER%d -tags %xISPEAKER%d\n",
- canvas,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_x[ei],
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_y[ei],
- x, ei, x, ei );
- SYS_VGUI7(".x%x.c create text %d %d -font -*-courier-bold--normal--10-* -text \"s%d\" -tags %xSPEAKERNUM%d\n",
- canvas, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_x[ei] - SPEAKER_WIDTH/2,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_y[ei] - SPEAKER_HEIGHT/2, ei+1, x, ei );
- }
- // create listener images
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nboutputs; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI5("image create photo %xLISTENER%d -file /tmp/wanderer.gif -format gif -width %d -height %d\n",
- SYS_VGUI8(".x%x.c create image %d %d -image %xLISTENER%d -tags %xILISTENER%d\n",
- canvas,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_x[ei],
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_y[ei],
- x, ei, x, ei );
- SYS_VGUI7(".x%x.c create text %d %d -font -*-courier-bold--normal--10-* -text \"l%d\" -tags %xLISTENERNUM%d\n",
- canvas, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_x[ei] + LISTENER_WIDTH/2,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_y[ei] + LISTENER_HEIGHT/2, ei+1, x, ei );
- }
- canvas_fixlinesfor( canvas, (t_text*)x );
-static void audience_draw_move(t_audience_tilde *x, t_glist *glist)
- t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
- t_int ei;
- SYS_VGUI7(".x%x.c coords %xAAUDIENCE %d %d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist), text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist),
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist)+x->x_width, text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist)+x->x_height);
- SYS_VGUI5(".x%x.c coords %xBLCAPTION %d %d\n",
- canvas, x,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) - 10 , text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height + 10);
- SYS_VGUI5(".x%x.c coords %xBRCAPTION %d %d\n",
- canvas, x,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_width + 10 , text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height + 10 );
- SYS_VGUI5(".x%x.c coords %xULCAPTION %d %d\n",
- canvas, x,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) - 10 , text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) );
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nbinputs+1; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI8(".x%x.c coords %xIN%d %d %d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, ei, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + ( ei * (x->x_width - 5) )/ (x->x_nbinputs),
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) - 2,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + ( ei * (x->x_width - 5) )/ (x->x_nbinputs) + 5,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist)
- );
- }
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nbinputs+1; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c coords %xISPEAKER%d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, ei,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_x[ei],
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_y[ei]
- );
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c coords %xSPEAKERNUM%d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, ei,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_x[ei] - SPEAKER_WIDTH/2,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_inputs_y[ei] - SPEAKER_HEIGHT/2
- );
- }
- if ( x->x_nboutputs > 1 )
- {
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nboutputs; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI8(".x%x.c coords %xOUT%d %d %d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, ei, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + ( ei * (x->x_width - 5) )/ (x->x_nboutputs-1),
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + ( ei * (x->x_width - 5) )/ (x->x_nboutputs-1) + 5,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height + 2
- );
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c coords %xILISTENER%d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, ei,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_x[ei],
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_y[ei]
- );
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c coords %xLISTENERNUM%d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, ei,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_x[ei] + LISTENER_WIDTH/2,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_y[ei] + LISTENER_HEIGHT/2
- );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SYS_VGUI8(".x%x.c coords %xOUT%d %d %d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, 0, text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist),
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + 5,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_height + 2
- );
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c coords %xILISTENER%d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, 0,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_x[0],
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_y[0]
- );
- SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c coords %xLISTENERNUM%d %d %d\n",
- canvas, x, 0,
- text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_x[0] + LISTENER_WIDTH/2,
- text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist) + x->x_outputs_y[0] + LISTENER_HEIGHT/2
- );
- }
- canvas_fixlinesfor( canvas, (t_text*)x );
-static void audience_draw_erase(t_audience_tilde* x,t_glist* glist)
- t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
- int ei;
- SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete %xAAUDIENCE\n", canvas, x);
- SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete %xBLCAPTION\n", canvas, x);
- SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete %xBRCAPTION\n", canvas, x);
- SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete %xULCAPTION\n", canvas, x);
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nbinputs+1; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI4(".x%x.c delete %xIN%d\n", canvas, x, ei );
- }
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nbinputs; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI4(".x%x.c delete %xISPEAKER%d\n", canvas, x, ei );
- SYS_VGUI4(".x%x.c delete %xSPEAKERNUM%d\n", canvas, x, ei );
- // SYS_VGUI3("image delete %xSPEAKER%d\n", x, ei );
- }
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nboutputs; ei++ )
- {
- SYS_VGUI4(".x%x.c delete %xOUT%d\n", canvas, x, ei );
- SYS_VGUI4(".x%x.c delete %xILISTENER%d\n", canvas, x, ei );
- SYS_VGUI4(".x%x.c delete %xLISTENERNUM%d\n", canvas, x, ei );
- // SYS_VGUI3("image delete %xLISTENER%d\n", x, ei );
- }
-static void audience_draw_select(t_audience_tilde* x,t_glist* glist)
- t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
- if(x->x_selected)
- {
- /* sets the item in blue */
- SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c itemconfigure %xAAUDIENCE -outline #0000FF\n", canvas, x);
- }
- else
- {
- SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c itemconfigure %xAAUDIENCE -outline #000000\n", canvas, x);
- }
-/* ------------------------ audience widgetbehaviour----------------------------- */
-static void audience_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *owner,
- int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2)
- t_audience_tilde* x = (t_audience_tilde*)z;
- *xp1 = text_xpix(&x->x_obj, owner);
- *yp1 = text_ypix(&x->x_obj, owner);
- *xp2 = text_xpix(&x->x_obj, owner)+x->x_width;
- *yp2 = text_ypix(&x->x_obj, owner)+x->x_height;
-static void audience_save(t_gobj *z, t_binbuf *b)
- t_audience_tilde *x = (t_audience_tilde *)z;
- t_int ii;
- binbuf_addv(b, "ssiisiiiifi", gensym("#X"),gensym("obj"),
- (t_int)x->x_obj.te_xpix, (t_int)x->x_obj.te_ypix,
- atom_getsymbol(binbuf_getvec(x->x_obj.te_binbuf)),
- x->x_width, x->x_height,
- x->x_nbinputs, x->x_nboutputs, x->x_attenuation, x->x_applydelay );
- for ( ii=0; ii<x->x_nbinputs; ii++ )
- {
- binbuf_addv(b, "ii", x->x_inputs_x[ii], x->x_inputs_y[ii] );
- }
- for ( ii=0; ii<x->x_nboutputs; ii++ )
- {
- binbuf_addv(b, "ii", x->x_outputs_x[ii], x->x_outputs_y[ii] );
- }
- binbuf_addv(b, ";");
-static void audience_properties(t_gobj *z, t_glist *owner)
- char buf[800];
- t_audience_tilde *x=(t_audience_tilde *)z;
- sprintf(buf, "pdtk_audience_dialog %%s %d %d %d\n",
- x->x_width, x->x_height, x->x_nboutputs
- );
- // post("audience_properties : %s", buf );
- gfxstub_new(&x->x_obj.ob_pd, x, buf);
-static void audience_select(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int selected)
- t_audience_tilde *x = (t_audience_tilde *)z;
- x->x_selected = selected;
- audience_draw_select( x, glist );
-static void audience_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int vis)
- t_audience_tilde *x = (t_audience_tilde *)z;
- // post( "audience~ : vis : %d", vis );
- if (vis)
- {
- audience_draw_new( x, glist );
- }
- else
- {
- audience_draw_erase( x, glist );
- }
-static void audience_dialog(t_audience_tilde *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
- t_int onbinputs = x->x_nbinputs;
- t_int onboutputs = x->x_nboutputs;
- t_int owidth = x->x_width;
- t_int oheight = x->x_height;
- t_int bi, ei;
- t_int dspstate;
- t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(x->x_glist);
- if ( !x ) {
- post( "audience~ : error :tried to set properties on an unexisting object" );
- }
- if ( argc != 3 )
- {
- post( "audience : error in the number of arguments ( %d instead of 3 )", argc );
- return;
- }
- if ( argv[0].a_type != A_FLOAT || argv[1].a_type != A_FLOAT ||
- argv[2].a_type != A_FLOAT ) {
- post( "audience~ : wrong arguments" );
- return;
- }
- dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp();
- audience_draw_erase(x, x->x_glist);
- x->x_width = (int)argv[0].a_w.w_float;
- if ( x->x_width < 10 ) x->x_width = 10;
- x->x_height = (int)argv[1].a_w.w_float;
- if ( x->x_height < 10 ) x->x_height = 10;
- x->x_nboutputs = (int)argv[2].a_w.w_float;
- if ( x->x_nboutputs < 1 ) x->x_nboutputs = 1;
- // re-allocate audio buffers if needed
- if ( ( owidth != x->x_width ) || ( oheight != x->x_height ) )
- {
- if ( x->x_audiobuffer )
- {
- for ( ei=0; ei<onbinputs; ei++ )
- {
- freebytes( x->x_audiobuffer[ei], x->x_audiobuffersize*sizeof(t_float) );
- }
- freebytes( x->x_audiobuffer, onbinputs*sizeof(t_float*) );
- }
- // allocate audio buffer
- x->x_audiobuffer = (t_float **) getbytes( x->x_nbinputs*sizeof(t_float *) );
- if ( !x->x_audiobuffer )
- {
- post( "audience~ : could not allocate audio buffer" );
- return;
- }
- x->x_audiobuffersize = ( t_int ) ( ( ( ( t_float ) sqrt( pow( x->x_width, 2 )
- + pow( x->x_height, 2 ) ) ) / SOUNDSPEED )
- * ( (float ) sys_getsr() ) );
- post( "audience~ : audio buffer size : %d samples", x->x_audiobuffersize );
- for ( bi=0; bi<x->x_nbinputs; bi++ )
- {
- x->x_audiobuffer[bi] = (t_float *) getbytes( x->x_audiobuffersize*sizeof(t_float) );
- if ( !x->x_audiobuffer[bi] )
- {
- post( "audience~ : could not allocate audio buffer" );
- return;
- }
- }
- x->x_audiowritepos = 0;
- }
- // re-allocate inlets : CRASHES PD,I GUESS IT'S NOT SUPPORTED
- if ( onbinputs != x->x_nbinputs )
- {
- // post( "audience~ : cleaning up old inlets" );
- if ( x->x_inputs )
- {
- for ( ei=0; ei<onbinputs; ei++ )
- {
- // post( "audience~ : freeing input ! %d", ei );
- inlet_free( x->x_inputs[ei] );
- }
- freebytes( x->x_inputs, onbinputs*sizeof(t_inlet*) );
- }
- if ( x->x_inputs_x )
- {
- freebytes( x->x_inputs_x, onbinputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- }
- if ( x->x_inputs_y )
- {
- freebytes( x->x_inputs_y, onbinputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- }
- // post( "audience~ : creating new ones" );
- x->x_inputs = (t_inlet **) getbytes( x->x_nbinputs*sizeof(t_inlet *) );
- x->x_inputs_x = (t_int *) getbytes( x->x_nbinputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- x->x_inputs_y = (t_int *) getbytes( x->x_nbinputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- if ( !x->x_inputs || !x->x_inputs_x || !x->x_inputs_y )
- {
- error( "audience~ : fatal : could not create new object" );
- return;
- }
- for ( bi=0; bi<x->x_nbinputs; bi++ )
- {
- // post( "audience~ : allocating input ! %d", bi );
- x->x_inputs[bi] = inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
- }
- }
- // re-allocate outlets
- if ( onboutputs != x->x_nboutputs )
- {
- // post( "audience~ : cleaning up old outlets" );
- if ( x->x_outputs )
- {
- for ( ei=0; ei<onboutputs; ei++ )
- {
- canvas_rmoutlet(canvas, x->x_outputs[ei] );
- // outlet_free( x->x_outputs[ei] );
- }
- freebytes( x->x_outputs, onboutputs*sizeof(t_outlet*) );
- }
- if ( x->x_outputs_x )
- {
- freebytes( x->x_outputs_x, onboutputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- }
- if ( x->x_outputs_y )
- {
- freebytes( x->x_outputs_y, onboutputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- }
- // post( "audience~ : creating new ones" );
- x->x_outputs = (t_outlet **) getbytes( x->x_nboutputs*sizeof(t_outlet *) );
- x->x_outputs_x = (t_int *) getbytes( x->x_nboutputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- x->x_outputs_y = (t_int *) getbytes( x->x_nboutputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- if ( !x->x_outputs || !x->x_outputs_x || !x->x_outputs_y )
- {
- // error( "audience~ : fatal : could not create new object" );
- return;
- }
- for ( bi=0; bi<x->x_nboutputs; bi++ )
- {
- x->x_outputs[bi] = outlet_new( &x->x_obj, &s_signal );
- }
- // set default coordinates
- if ( x->x_nboutputs > 1 )
- {
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nboutputs; ei++ )
- {
- x->x_outputs_x[ei] = ei * (x->x_width - 5) / ( x->x_nboutputs - 1 );
- x->x_outputs_y[ei] = x->x_height - LISTENER_HEIGHT/2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- x->x_outputs_x[0] = x->x_width;
- x->x_outputs_y[0] = x->x_height - LISTENER_HEIGHT/2;
- }
- }
- canvas_fixlinesfor( canvas, (t_text*)x );
- audience_draw_new(x, x->x_glist);
- canvas_resume_dsp(dspstate);
-static void audience_delete(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist)
- t_audience_tilde *x = (t_audience_tilde *)z;
- // post( "audience~ : delete" );
- audience_draw_erase( x, glist );
- canvas_deletelinesfor(glist, (t_text *)z);
-static void audience_displace(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int dx, int dy)
- t_audience_tilde *x = (t_audience_tilde *)z;
- int xold = text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist);
- int yold = text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist);
- // post( "audience_displace dx=%d dy=%d", dx, dy );
- x->x_obj.te_xpix += dx;
- x->x_obj.te_ypix += dy;
- if(xold != x->x_obj.te_xpix || yold != x->x_obj.te_ypix)
- {
- audience_draw_move(x, x->x_glist);
- }
-static void audience_motion(t_audience_tilde *x, t_floatarg dx, t_floatarg dy)
- // post( "audience_motion dx=%f dy=%f", dx, dy );
- switch( x->x_type_selected )
- {
- x->x_inputs_x[ x->x_nselected ] += dx;
- if ( x->x_inputs_x[ x->x_nselected ] < 0 ) x->x_inputs_x[ x->x_nselected ] = 0;
- if ( x->x_inputs_x[ x->x_nselected ] > x->x_width ) x->x_inputs_x[ x->x_nselected ] = x->x_width;
- x->x_inputs_y[ x->x_nselected ] += dy;
- if ( x->x_inputs_y[ x->x_nselected ] < 0 ) x->x_inputs_y[ x->x_nselected ] = 0;
- if ( x->x_inputs_y[ x->x_nselected ] > x->x_height ) x->x_inputs_y[ x->x_nselected ] = x->x_height;
- break;
- x->x_outputs_x[ x->x_nselected ] += dx;
- if ( x->x_outputs_x[ x->x_nselected ] < 0 ) x->x_outputs_x[ x->x_nselected ] = 0;
- if ( x->x_outputs_x[ x->x_nselected ] > x->x_width ) x->x_outputs_x[ x->x_nselected ] = x->x_width;
- x->x_outputs_y[ x->x_nselected ] += dy;
- if ( x->x_outputs_y[ x->x_nselected ] < 0 ) x->x_outputs_y[ x->x_nselected ] = 0;
- if ( x->x_outputs_y[ x->x_nselected ] > x->x_height ) x->x_outputs_y[ x->x_nselected ] = x->x_height;
- break;
- }
- audience_draw_update(x, x->x_glist);
-static int audience_click(t_gobj *z, struct _glist *glist,
- int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit)
- t_audience_tilde* x = (t_audience_tilde *)z;
- t_int bi;
- // post( "audience_click doit=%d x=%d y=%d", doit, xpix, ypix );
- if ( doit)
- {
- t_int relx = xpix-text_xpix(&x->x_obj, glist);
- t_int rely = ypix-text_ypix(&x->x_obj, glist);
- // post( "audience~ : relx : %d : rely : %d", relx, rely );
- x->x_type_selected = AUDIENCE_NONE;
- x->x_nselected = -1;
- for ( bi=0; bi<x->x_nbinputs; bi++ )
- {
- if ( ( abs( relx - x->x_inputs_x[bi] ) < SPEAKER_WIDTH ) &&
- ( abs( rely - x->x_inputs_y[bi] ) < SPEAKER_HEIGHT ) ) {
- x->x_type_selected = AUDIENCE_INPUT;
- x->x_nselected = bi;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( x->x_type_selected == AUDIENCE_NONE )
- {
- for ( bi=0; bi<x->x_nboutputs; bi++ )
- {
- if ( ( abs( relx - x->x_outputs_x[bi] ) < LISTENER_WIDTH ) &&
- ( abs( rely - x->x_outputs_y[bi] ) < LISTENER_HEIGHT ) ) {
- x->x_type_selected = AUDIENCE_OUTPUT;
- x->x_nselected = bi;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- audience_draw_update(x, glist);
- glist_grab(glist, &x->x_obj.te_g, (t_glistmotionfn)audience_motion,
- 0, xpix, ypix);
- }
- return (1);
-static t_audience_tilde *audience_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
- t_int bi, ei;
- t_audience_tilde *x;
- t_pd *x2;
- char *str;
- // post( "audience_new : create : %s argc =%d", s->s_name, argc );
- x = (t_audience_tilde *)pd_new(audience_class_tilde);
- // new audience created from the gui
- if ( argc != 0 )
- {
- if ( argc < 5 )
- {
- post( "audience~ : error in the number of arguments ( %d )", argc );
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( argv[0].a_type != A_FLOAT || argv[1].a_type != A_FLOAT ||
- argv[2].a_type != A_FLOAT || argv[3].a_type != A_FLOAT ||
- argv[4].a_type != A_FLOAT || argv[5].a_type != A_FLOAT ) {
- post( "audience~ : wrong arguments" );
- return NULL;
- }
- x->x_width = (int)argv[0].a_w.w_float;
- if ( x->x_width < 10 ) x->x_width = 10;
- x->x_height = (int)argv[1].a_w.w_float;
- if ( x->x_height < 10 ) x->x_height = 10;
- x->x_nbinputs = (int)argv[2].a_w.w_float;
- if ( x->x_nbinputs < 1 ) x->x_nbinputs = 1;
- x->x_nboutputs = (int)argv[3].a_w.w_float;
- if ( x->x_nboutputs < 1 ) x->x_nboutputs = 1;
- x->x_attenuation = argv[4].a_w.w_float;
- if ( x->x_attenuation < 0 ) x->x_attenuation = 0;
- x->x_applydelay = argv[5].a_w.w_float;
- }
- else
- {
- x->x_applydelay = 0;
- }
- // create inlets and outlets
- x->x_outputs = (t_outlet **) getbytes( x->x_nboutputs*sizeof(t_outlet *) );
- x->x_outputs_x = (t_int *) getbytes( x->x_nboutputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- x->x_outputs_y = (t_int *) getbytes( x->x_nboutputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- if ( !x->x_outputs || !x->x_outputs_x || !x->x_outputs_y )
- {
- post( "audience~ : could not allocate outputs" );
- return NULL;
- }
- for ( bi=0; bi<x->x_nboutputs; bi++ )
- {
- x->x_outputs[bi] = outlet_new( &x->x_obj, &s_signal );
- }
- x->x_inputs = (t_inlet **) getbytes( x->x_nbinputs*sizeof(t_inlet *) );
- x->x_inputs_x = (t_int *) getbytes( x->x_nbinputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- x->x_inputs_y = (t_int *) getbytes( x->x_nbinputs*sizeof(t_int) );
- if ( !x->x_inputs || !x->x_inputs_x || !x->x_inputs_y )
- {
- post( "audience~ : could not allocate inputs" );
- return NULL;
- }
- for ( bi=0; bi<x->x_nbinputs; bi++ )
- {
- x->x_inputs[bi] = inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
- }
- // allocate audio buffer
- x->x_audiowritepos = 0;
- x->x_audiobuffer = (t_float **) getbytes( x->x_nbinputs*sizeof(t_float *) );
- if ( !x->x_audiobuffer )
- {
- post( "audience~ : could not allocate audio buffer" );
- return NULL;
- }
- x->x_audiobuffersize = ( t_int ) ( ( ( ( t_float ) sqrt( pow( x->x_width, 2 )
- + pow( x->x_height, 2 ) ) ) / SOUNDSPEED )
- * ( (float ) sys_getsr() ) );
- post( "audience~ : audio buffer size : %d samples", x->x_audiobuffersize );
- for ( bi=0; bi<x->x_nbinputs; bi++ )
- {
- x->x_audiobuffer[bi] = (t_float *) getbytes( x->x_audiobuffersize*sizeof(t_float) );
- if ( !x->x_audiobuffer[bi] )
- {
- post( "audience~ : could not allocate audio buffer" );
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- if ( argc == 0 )
- {
- // set default coordinates
- if ( x->x_nbinputs > 1 )
- {
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nbinputs; ei++ )
- {
- x->x_inputs_x[ei] = (ei+1) * (x->x_width - 5) / x->x_nbinputs;
- x->x_inputs_y[ei] = SPEAKER_HEIGHT/2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- x->x_inputs_x[0] = x->x_width;
- x->x_inputs_y[0] = SPEAKER_HEIGHT/2;
- }
- if ( x->x_nboutputs > 1 )
- {
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nboutputs; ei++ )
- {
- x->x_outputs_x[ei] = ei * (x->x_width - 5) / ( x->x_nboutputs - 1 );
- x->x_outputs_y[ei] = x->x_height - LISTENER_HEIGHT/2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- x->x_outputs_x[0] = x->x_width;
- x->x_outputs_y[0] = x->x_height - LISTENER_HEIGHT/2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- t_int ai = 6;
- // restore coordinates from arguments
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nbinputs; ei++ )
- {
- x->x_inputs_x[ei] = argv[ai++].a_w.w_float;
- x->x_inputs_y[ei] = argv[ai++].a_w.w_float;
- }
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nboutputs; ei++ )
- {
- x->x_outputs_x[ei] = argv[ai++].a_w.w_float;
- x->x_outputs_y[ei] = argv[ai++].a_w.w_float;
- }
- }
- x->x_glist = (t_glist *) canvas_getcurrent();
- x->x_type_selected = AUDIENCE_NONE;
- x->x_nselected = -1;
- // post( "audience~ : new object : inlets : %d : outlets : %d : attenuation : %f", x->x_nbinputs, x->x_nboutputs, x->x_attenuation );
- return (x);
-static void audience_free(t_audience_tilde *x)
- t_int ei;
- if ( x->x_outputs )
- {
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nboutputs; ei++ )
- {
- outlet_free( x->x_outputs[ei] );
- }
- freebytes( x->x_outputs, x->x_nboutputs*sizeof(t_outlet*) );
- }
- if ( x->x_inputs )
- {
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nbinputs; ei++ )
- {
- inlet_free( x->x_inputs[ei] );
- }
- freebytes( x->x_inputs, x->x_nbinputs*sizeof(t_outlet*) );
- }
- if ( x->x_audiobuffer )
- {
- for ( ei=0; ei<x->x_nbinputs; ei++ )
- {
- freebytes( x->x_audiobuffer[ei], x->x_audiobuffersize*sizeof(t_float) );
- }
- freebytes( x->x_audiobuffer, x->x_nbinputs*sizeof(t_float*) );
- }
-static t_int *audience_perform(t_int *w)
- t_int ii, oi, op;
- t_audience_tilde *x = (t_audience_tilde*)(w[1]);
- t_int bsize = w[2];
- {
- // save input sounds in the audio buffer
- for ( ii=0; ii<x->x_nbinputs; ii++ )
- {
- t_float* isound = (t_float*)w[ii+3];
- if ( x->x_audiobuffer[ii] )
- {
- op = 0;
- while ( op < bsize )
- {
- *(x->x_audiobuffer[ii] + x->x_audiowritepos + op ) = *(isound + op);
- op++;
- }
- }
- }
- // set outputs
- for ( oi=0; oi<x->x_nboutputs; oi++ )
- {
- t_float* osound = (t_float*)w[oi+3+x->x_nbinputs];
- // zeroing output
- memset( osound, 0x00, bsize*sizeof( t_float ) );
- for ( ii=0; ii<x->x_nbinputs; ii++ )
- {
- t_int delay;
- t_int dist;
- t_int readpos;
- t_int maxwritepos;
- maxwritepos = ( x->x_audiobuffersize / bsize ) * bsize;
- dist = sqrt( pow( (x->x_outputs_x[oi] - x->x_inputs_x[ii]), 2 )
- + pow( (x->x_outputs_y[oi] - x->x_inputs_y[ii]), 2 ) );
- delay = ( t_int ) ( ( ( ( t_float ) dist ) * ( (float ) sys_getsr() ) ) / SOUNDSPEED );
- delay = ( delay / bsize ) * bsize; // set a block frontier
- if ( x->x_applydelay )
- {
- if ( x->x_audiowritepos >= delay )
- {
- readpos = x->x_audiowritepos - delay;
- }
- else
- {
- readpos = maxwritepos - delay + x->x_audiowritepos;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- readpos = x->x_audiowritepos;
- }
- // if ( ii == 0 )
- // {
- // post( "audience~ : dist : %d : delay : %d : readpos : %d : writepos : %d",
- // dist, delay, readpos, x->x_audiowritepos );
- // }
- op = 0;
- while ( op < bsize )
- {
- if ( ( readpos < x->x_audiobuffersize ) && ( readpos >= 0 ) )
- {
- if ( 1.0-x->x_attenuation*dist < 0 )
- {
- *(osound+op) += 0.0;
- }
- else
- {
- *(osound+op) += *(x->x_audiobuffer[ii] + readpos + op)*(1.0-x->x_attenuation*dist);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- error( "audience~ : delay : %d : wrong readpos !!! : %d >= %d or < 0", delay, readpos, x->x_audiobuffersize );
- }
- op++;
- }
- }
- }
- // update write position
- if ( x->x_audiowritepos + bsize > x->x_audiobuffersize - bsize )
- {
- // post( "audience~ : write back to zero @ %d", x->x_audiowritepos );
- x->x_audiowritepos = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- x->x_audiowritepos += bsize;
- }
- }
- return (w+x->x_nbinputs+x->x_nboutputs+3);
-static void audience_dsp(t_audience_tilde *x, t_signal **sp)
- switch ( x->x_nbinputs+x->x_nboutputs )
- {
- case 2 :
- dsp_add(audience_perform, 4, x, sp[1]->s_n, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec );
- break;
- case 3 :
- dsp_add(audience_perform, 5, x, sp[1]->s_n, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec );
- break;
- case 4 :
- dsp_add(audience_perform, 6, x, sp[1]->s_n, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec, sp[4]->s_vec );
- break;
- case 5 :
- dsp_add(audience_perform, 7, x, sp[1]->s_n, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec, sp[4]->s_vec, sp[5]->s_vec );
- break;
- case 6 :
- dsp_add(audience_perform, 8, x, sp[1]->s_n, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec, sp[4]->s_vec,
- sp[5]->s_vec, sp[6]->s_vec );
- break;
- case 7 :
- dsp_add(audience_perform, 9, x, sp[1]->s_n, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec, sp[4]->s_vec,
- sp[5]->s_vec, sp[6]->s_vec, sp[7]->s_vec );
- break;
- case 8 :
- dsp_add(audience_perform, 10, x, sp[1]->s_n, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec, sp[4]->s_vec,
- sp[5]->s_vec, sp[6]->s_vec, sp[7]->s_vec, sp[8]->s_vec );
- break;
- case 9 :
- dsp_add(audience_perform, 11, x, sp[1]->s_n, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec, sp[4]->s_vec,
- sp[5]->s_vec, sp[6]->s_vec, sp[7]->s_vec, sp[8]->s_vec, sp[9]->s_vec );
- break;
- case 10 :
- dsp_add(audience_perform, 12, x, sp[1]->s_n, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec, sp[4]->s_vec,
- sp[5]->s_vec, sp[6]->s_vec, sp[7]->s_vec, sp[8]->s_vec,
- sp[9]->s_vec, sp[10]->s_vec );
- break;
- default :
- post( "audience~ : number of inlets/outlets not supported" );
- break;
- }
-// set attenuation
-static void audience_attenuation(t_audience_tilde *x, t_floatarg fattenuation )
- if ( fattenuation < 0 )
- {
- post( "audience~ : error : wrong attenuation : %f", fattenuation );
- return;
- }
- x->x_attenuation = fattenuation;
-// set delay
-static void audience_delay(t_audience_tilde *x, t_floatarg fdelay )
- if ( fdelay == 0. )
- {
- x->x_applydelay = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- x->x_applydelay = 1;
- }
-void audience_tilde_setup(void)
- post( audience_version );
-#include "audience~.tk2c"
- audience_class_tilde = class_new(gensym("audience~"), (t_newmethod)audience_new,
- (t_method)audience_free, sizeof(t_audience_tilde), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
- CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN( audience_class_tilde, t_audience_tilde, x_f );
- class_addmethod(audience_class_tilde, (t_method)audience_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);
- class_addmethod(audience_class_tilde, (t_method)audience_dialog, gensym("dialog"), A_GIMME, 0);
- class_addmethod(audience_class_tilde, (t_method)audience_attenuation, gensym("attenuation"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(audience_class_tilde, (t_method)audience_delay, gensym("delay"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
- audience_widgetbehavior.w_getrectfn = audience_getrect;
- audience_widgetbehavior.w_displacefn = audience_displace;
- audience_widgetbehavior.w_selectfn = audience_select;
- audience_widgetbehavior.w_activatefn = NULL;
- audience_widgetbehavior.w_deletefn = audience_delete;
- audience_widgetbehavior.w_visfn = audience_vis;
- audience_widgetbehavior.w_clickfn = audience_click;
- class_setpropertiesfn(audience_class_tilde, audience_properties);
- class_setsavefn(audience_class_tilde, audience_save);
- audience_widgetbehavior.w_propertiesfn = audience_properties;
- audience_widgetbehavior.w_savefn = audience_save;
- class_setwidget(audience_class_tilde, &audience_widgetbehavior);
diff --git a/audience~/audience~.h b/audience~/audience~.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b02d1b2..0000000
--- a/audience~/audience~.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2002 Yves Degoyon
-* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */
-/* a header for 2d_space which enables to spatialize
-* several sound inputs with the mouse
-#ifndef __G_2D_SPACE_H
-#define __G_2D_SPACE_H
-#define AUDIENCE_NONE 0
-typedef struct _audience_tilde
- t_object x_obj;
- t_glist *x_glist;
- t_int x_nbinputs;
- t_int x_nboutputs;
- t_int *x_inputs_x;
- t_int *x_inputs_y;
- t_int *x_outputs_x;
- t_int *x_outputs_y;
- t_inlet **x_inputs;
- t_outlet **x_outputs;
- t_int x_allocate; /* indicates that audio buffer is */
- /* beeing reallocated */
- t_int x_audiobuffersize; /* audio buffer size */
- t_int x_audiowritepos; /* audio writing position */
- t_float **x_audiobuffer; /* audio buffer */
- t_int x_type_selected; /* type of selected object */
- /* e.g. inpout or output or none */
- t_int x_nselected; /* index of item selected */
- t_int x_height; /* height of the 2d_space object */
- t_int x_width; /* width of the 2d_space object */
- t_int x_selected; /* stores selected state */
- t_float x_attenuation; /* sound attenuation per meter */
- t_int x_applydelay; /* optional delay due to the distance */
- t_float x_f; /* classical float for signal input */
-} t_audience_tilde;
diff --git a/audience~/audience~.tk b/audience~/audience~.tk
deleted file mode 100644
index fcf7458..0000000
--- a/audience~/audience~.tk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-############ audience procedures -- ydegoyon@free.fr #########
-proc audience_apply {id} {
-# strip "." from the TK id to make a variable name suffix
- set vid [string trimleft $id .]
-# for each variable, make a local variable to hold its name...
- set var_graph_width [concat graph_width_$vid]
- global $var_graph_width
- set var_graph_height [concat graph_height_$vid]
- global $var_graph_height
- set var_graph_nboutputs [concat graph_nboutputs_$vid]
- global $var_graph_nboutputs
- set cmd [concat $id dialog \
- [eval concat $$var_graph_width] \
- [eval concat $$var_graph_height] \
- [eval concat $$var_graph_nboutputs] \
- \;]
- #puts stderr $cmd
- pd $cmd
-proc audience_cancel {id} {
- set cmd [concat $id cancel \;]
- #puts stderr $cmd
- pd $cmd
-proc audience_ok {id} {
- audience_apply $id
- audience_cancel $id
-proc pdtk_audience_dialog {id width height nboutputs} {
- set vid [string trimleft $id .]
- set var_graph_width [concat graph_width_$vid]
- global $var_graph_width
- set var_graph_height [concat graph_height_$vid]
- global $var_graph_height
- set var_graph_nboutputs [concat graph_nboutputs_$vid]
- global $var_graph_nboutputs
- set $var_graph_width $width
- set $var_graph_height $height
- set $var_graph_nboutputs $nboutputs
- toplevel $id
- wm title $id {audience}
- wm protocol $id WM_DELETE_WINDOW [concat audience_cancel $id]
- label $id.label -text {2$ SPACE PROPERTIES}
- pack $id.label -side top
- frame $id.buttonframe
- pack $id.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
- button $id.buttonframe.cancel -text {Cancel}\
- -command "audience_cancel $id"
- button $id.buttonframe.apply -text {Apply}\
- -command "audience_apply $id"
- button $id.buttonframe.ok -text {OK}\
- -command "audience_ok $id"
- pack $id.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1
- pack $id.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1
- pack $id.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1
- frame $id.1rangef
- pack $id.1rangef -side top
- label $id.1rangef.lwidth -text "Width :"
- entry $id.1rangef.width -textvariable $var_graph_width -width 7
- pack $id.1rangef.lwidth $id.1rangef.width -side left
- frame $id.2rangef
- pack $id.2rangef -side top
- label $id.2rangef.lheight -text "Height :"
- entry $id.2rangef.height -textvariable $var_graph_height -width 7
- pack $id.2rangef.lheight $id.2rangef.height -side left
- frame $id.3rangef
- pack $id.3rangef -side top
- label $id.3rangef.lnboutputs -text "Nb Listeners :"
- entry $id.3rangef.nboutputs -textvariable $var_graph_nboutputs -width 7
- pack $id.3rangef.lnboutputs $id.3rangef.nboutputs -side left
- bind $id.1rangef.width <KeyPress-Return> [concat audience_ok $id]
- bind $id.2rangef.height <KeyPress-Return> [concat audience_ok $id]
- bind $id.3rangef.nboutputs <KeyPress-Return> [concat audience_ok $id]
- focus $id.1rangef.width
-############ audience procedures END -- ydegoyon@free.fr #########
diff --git a/audience~/audience~.tk2c b/audience~/audience~.tk2c
deleted file mode 100644
index ea3a7a3..0000000
--- a/audience~/audience~.tk2c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// ########### audience procedures -- ydegoyon@free.fr #########
-sys_gui("proc audience_apply {id} {\n");
-// strip "." from the TK id to make a variable name suffix
-sys_gui("set vid [string trimleft $id .]\n");
-// for each variable, make a local variable to hold its name...
-sys_gui("set var_graph_width [concat graph_width_$vid]\n");
-sys_gui("global $var_graph_width\n");
-sys_gui("set var_graph_height [concat graph_height_$vid]\n");
-sys_gui("global $var_graph_height\n");
-sys_gui("set var_graph_nboutputs [concat graph_nboutputs_$vid]\n");
-sys_gui("global $var_graph_nboutputs\n");
-sys_gui("set cmd [concat $id dialog [eval concat $$var_graph_width] [eval concat $$var_graph_height] [eval concat $$var_graph_nboutputs] \\;]\n");
-// puts stderr $cmd
-sys_gui("pd $cmd\n");
-sys_gui("proc audience_cancel {id} {\n");
-sys_gui("set cmd [concat $id cancel \\;]\n");
-// puts stderr $cmd
-sys_gui("pd $cmd\n");
-sys_gui("proc audience_ok {id} {\n");
-sys_gui("audience_apply $id\n");
-sys_gui("audience_cancel $id\n");
-sys_gui("proc pdtk_audience_dialog {id width height nboutputs} {\n");
-sys_gui("set vid [string trimleft $id .]\n");
-sys_gui("set var_graph_width [concat graph_width_$vid]\n");
-sys_gui("global $var_graph_width\n");
-sys_gui("set var_graph_height [concat graph_height_$vid]\n");
-sys_gui("global $var_graph_height\n");
-sys_gui("set var_graph_nboutputs [concat graph_nboutputs_$vid]\n");
-sys_gui("global $var_graph_nboutputs\n");
-sys_gui("set $var_graph_width $width\n");
-sys_gui("set $var_graph_height $height\n");
-sys_gui("set $var_graph_nboutputs $nboutputs\n");
-sys_gui("toplevel $id\n");
-sys_gui("wm title $id {audience}\n");
-sys_gui("wm protocol $id WM_DELETE_WINDOW [concat audience_cancel $id]\n");
-sys_gui("label $id.label -text {2$ SPACE PROPERTIES}\n");
-sys_gui("pack $id.label -side top\n");
-sys_gui("frame $id.buttonframe\n");
-sys_gui("pack $id.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m\n");
-sys_gui("button $id.buttonframe.cancel -text {Cancel} -command \"audience_cancel $id\"\n");
-sys_gui("button $id.buttonframe.apply -text {Apply} -command \"audience_apply $id\"\n");
-sys_gui("button $id.buttonframe.ok -text {OK} -command \"audience_ok $id\"\n");
-sys_gui("pack $id.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1\n");
-sys_gui("pack $id.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1\n");
-sys_gui("pack $id.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1\n");
-sys_gui("frame $id.1rangef\n");
-sys_gui("pack $id.1rangef -side top\n");
-sys_gui("label $id.1rangef.lwidth -text \"Width :\"\n");
-sys_gui("entry $id.1rangef.width -textvariable $var_graph_width -width 7\n");
-sys_gui("pack $id.1rangef.lwidth $id.1rangef.width -side left\n");
-sys_gui("frame $id.2rangef\n");
-sys_gui("pack $id.2rangef -side top\n");
-sys_gui("label $id.2rangef.lheight -text \"Height :\"\n");
-sys_gui("entry $id.2rangef.height -textvariable $var_graph_height -width 7\n");
-sys_gui("pack $id.2rangef.lheight $id.2rangef.height -side left\n");
-sys_gui("frame $id.3rangef\n");
-sys_gui("pack $id.3rangef -side top\n");
-sys_gui("label $id.3rangef.lnboutputs -text \"Nb Listeners :\"\n");
-sys_gui("entry $id.3rangef.nboutputs -textvariable $var_graph_nboutputs -width 7\n");
-sys_gui("pack $id.3rangef.lnboutputs $id.3rangef.nboutputs -side left\n");
-sys_gui("bind $id.1rangef.width <KeyPress-Return> [concat audience_ok $id]\n");
-sys_gui("bind $id.2rangef.height <KeyPress-Return> [concat audience_ok $id]\n");
-sys_gui("bind $id.3rangef.nboutputs <KeyPress-Return> [concat audience_ok $id]\n");
-sys_gui("focus $id.1rangef.width\n");
-// ########### audience procedures END -- ydegoyon@free.fr #########
diff --git a/audience~/speaker.gif b/audience~/speaker.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dd9fd4..0000000
--- a/audience~/speaker.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/audience~/wanderer.gif b/audience~/wanderer.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a9f8c..0000000
--- a/audience~/wanderer.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ