Version 0.1 
copyleft 2002 by Yves Degoyon
tarballs and updates available @ http://ydegoyon.free.fr

blinkenlight : a blinken lights films player ( but also a pixel grid )

This object displays blinken lights movies, and lets you handle
a grid of pixels.
It is also a "Telecran" !!

There is a movies archive @ http://www.blinkenlights.de/gallery/index.en.html

To install blinkenlights, follow the steps from INSTALL

This software is published under GPL terms.

This is software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Use it at your OWN RISK. It's possible to damage e.g. hardware, your mental health 
or your hearing due to a bug or for other reasons. 
We do not warrant that the program is free of infringement of any third-party
