/* Copyleft (c) 2002 Yves Degoyon. */ /* Copyright (c) 2001 Alexei Smoli */ /* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL */ /* WARRANTIES, see the file, "COPYING" in this distribution. */ /* */ /* disto~ -- a kind of effect used in pop music */ /* the algorithm was taken from Digital Effects (DISTORT3), */ /* a guitar effects software for DOS which rocks, written by Alexey Smoli */ /* ( http://st.karelia.ru/~smlalx/ ) */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */ /* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License */ /* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 */ /* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* */ /* Based on PureData by Miller Puckette and others. */ /* */ /* Made while listening to : */ /* */ /* Bruce Gilbert -- Ab Ovo */ /* Poison Girls -- Promenade Immortelle */ /* */ /* Special message for the french : */ /* "Delay all your work...and go vote against national front" */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "m_pd.h" #include #include #ifdef NT #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #define BFSZ 4096 /* main delay buffer */ #define BLOCK_DELAY 10 /* number of blocks to delay */ #define NA 0.0 /* param not applicable */ #define NBEXPS 129 static char *disto_version = "disto~: distortion, version 0.1 (ydegoyon@free.fr)"; struct hipass { /* few intermediate variables */ double omega; double sn,cs; double alpha; /* filter coefficients */ double a0,a1,a2,b0,b1,b2; double k0,k1,k2,k3,k4; /* amplitudes */ double x0,x1,x2; double y0,y1,y2; } hipass; struct lowpass { /* few intermediate variables */ double omega; double sn,cs; double alpha; /* filter coefficients */ double a0,a1,a2,b0,b1,b2; double k0,k1,k2,k3,k4; /* amplitudes */ double x0,x1,x2; double y0,y1,y2; } lowpass; typedef struct _disto { t_object x_obj; double *x_buf; t_int x_samplerate; double x_drive; /* distortion drive */ /* 0<= <=25 */ double x_drymix; /* dry (unaffected) signal mix */ /* -5<= <=5 */ double x_wetmix; /* wet (affected) signal mix */ /* -5<= <=5 */ double x_feedback; /* feedback */ /* -10<= <=10 */ double x_volume; /* distortion volume */ /* 0=< <=5 */ double x_hipassfreq; /* cutoff frequency for hi pass filter */ /* 0< exps[i]=exp((double)i*x->x_drive)*x->x_wetmix; } x->HPF.omega = 2.0*M_PI*x->x_hipassfreq/(double)x->x_samplerate; x->HPF.sn = sin(x->HPF.omega); x->HPF.cs = cos(x->HPF.omega); x->HPF.alpha = x->HPF.sn/(2.0*x->x_hipassQ); x->HPF.b0 = (1.0 + x->HPF.cs)/2.0; x->HPF.b1 = -(1.0 + x->HPF.cs) ; x->HPF.b2 = (1.0 + x->HPF.cs)/2.0; x->HPF.a0 = 1.0 + x->HPF.alpha ; x->HPF.a1 = -2.0*x->HPF.cs ; x->HPF.a2 = 1.0 - x->HPF.alpha ; x->HPF.k0 = (x->HPF.b0/x->HPF.a0); x->HPF.k1 = (x->HPF.b1/x->HPF.a0); x->HPF.k2 = (x->HPF.b2/x->HPF.a0); x->HPF.k3 = (x->HPF.a1/x->HPF.a0); x->HPF.k4 = (x->HPF.a2/x->HPF.a0); x->LPF.omega = 2.0*M_PI*x->x_lowpassfreq/(double)x->x_samplerate; x->LPF.sn = sin(x->LPF.omega); x->LPF.cs = cos(x->LPF.omega); x->LPF.alpha = x->LPF.sn/(2.0*x->x_lowpassQ); x->LPF.b0 = (1.0 - x->LPF.cs)/2.0; x->LPF.b1 = 1.0 - x->LPF.cs ; x->LPF.b2 = (1.0 - x->LPF.cs)/2.0; x->LPF.a0 = 1.0 + x->LPF.alpha ; x->LPF.a1 = -2.0*x->LPF.cs ; x->LPF.a2 = 1.0 - x->LPF.alpha ; x->LPF.k0 = (x->LPF.b0/x->LPF.a0); x->LPF.k1 = (x->LPF.b1/x->LPF.a0); x->LPF.k2 = (x->LPF.b2/x->LPF.a0); x->LPF.k3 = (x->LPF.a1/x->LPF.a0); x->LPF.k4 = (x->LPF.a2/x->LPF.a0); } static void disto_drive(t_disto *x, t_floatarg fdrive ) { if ( fdrive > 25.0 ) { fdrive = 25.0; } if ( fdrive < 0.0 ) { fdrive = 0.0; } x->x_drive = fdrive; // post( "disto~ : drive: %f", x->x_drive ); disto_init_filters( x ); } static void disto_drymix(t_disto *x, t_floatarg fdrymix ) { if ( fdrymix > 5.0 ) { fdrymix = 5.0; } if ( fdrymix < -5.0 ) { fdrymix = -5.0; } x->x_drymix = fdrymix; // post( "disto~ : drymix: %f", x->x_drymix ); disto_init_filters( x ); } static void disto_wetmix(t_disto *x, t_floatarg fwetmix ) { if ( fwetmix > 5.0 ) { fwetmix = 5.0; } if ( fwetmix < -5.0 ) { fwetmix = -5.0; } x->x_wetmix = fwetmix; // post( "disto~ : wetmix: %f", x->x_wetmix ); disto_init_filters( x ); } static void disto_feedback(t_disto *x, t_floatarg ffeedback ) { if ( ffeedback > 10.0 ) { ffeedback = 10.0; } if ( ffeedback < -10.0 ) { ffeedback = -10.0; } x->x_feedback = ffeedback; // post( "disto~ : feedback: %f", x->x_feedback ); disto_init_filters( x ); } static void disto_volume(t_disto *x, t_floatarg fvolume ) { if ( fvolume > 5.0 ) { fvolume = 5.0; } if ( fvolume < 0.0 ) { fvolume = 0.0; } x->x_volume = fvolume; // post( "disto~ : volume: %f", x->x_volume ); disto_init_filters( x ); } static void disto_hipassfreq(t_disto *x, t_floatarg fhipassfreq ) { if ( fhipassfreq > x->x_samplerate/2 ) { fhipassfreq = x->x_samplerate/2; } if ( fhipassfreq < 0.0 ) { fhipassfreq = 0.0; } x->x_hipassfreq = fhipassfreq; // post( "disto~ : hipassfreq: %f", x->x_hipassfreq ); disto_init_filters( x ); } static void disto_hipassQ(t_disto *x, t_floatarg fhipassQ ) { if ( fhipassQ > 1.0 ) { fhipassQ = 1.0; } if ( fhipassQ < 0.1 ) { fhipassQ = 0.1; } x->x_hipassQ = fhipassQ; // post( "disto~ : hipassQ: %f", x->x_hipassQ ); disto_init_filters( x ); } static void disto_lowpassfreq(t_disto *x, t_floatarg flowpassfreq ) { if ( flowpassfreq > x->x_samplerate/2 ) { flowpassfreq = x->x_samplerate/2; } if ( flowpassfreq < 0.0 ) { flowpassfreq = 0.0; } x->x_lowpassfreq = flowpassfreq; // post( "disto~ : lowpassfreq: %f", x->x_lowpassfreq ); disto_init_filters( x ); } static void disto_lowpassQ(t_disto *x, t_floatarg flowpassQ ) { if ( flowpassQ > 1.0 ) { flowpassQ = 1.0; } if ( flowpassQ < 0.1 ) { flowpassQ = 0.1; } x->x_lowpassQ = flowpassQ; // post( "disto~ : lowpassQ: %f", x->x_lowpassQ ); disto_init_filters( x ); } static t_int *disto_perform(t_int *w) { t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[1]); t_float *out = (t_float *)(w[2]); t_int n = (int)(w[3]); t_disto *x = (t_disto*)(w[4]); t_int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x->HPF.x0 = *(in++); x->HPF.y0 = (x->HPF.k0*x->HPF.x0+x->HPF.k1*x->HPF.x1+x->HPF.k2*x->HPF.x2-x->HPF.k3*x->HPF.y1-x->HPF.k4*x->HPF.y2); x->HPF.y2 = x->HPF.y1; x->HPF.y1 = x->HPF.y0; x->HPF.x2 = x->HPF.x1; x->HPF.x1 = x->HPF.x0; x->data = (int)x->HPF.y0; if ((x->data-x->pred)>0) x->outval += (x->data*x->x_drymix+ x->exps[abs(x->data)]); else if ((x->data-x->pred)<0) x->outval += (x->data*x->x_drymix- x->exps[abs(x->data)]); x->pred = x->data; x->LPF.x0 = *(out); x->LPF.y0 = (x->LPF.k0*x->LPF.x0+x->LPF.k1*x->LPF.x1+x->LPF.k2*x->LPF.x2-x->LPF.k3*x->LPF.y1-x->LPF.k4*x->LPF.y2); x->LPF.y2 = x->LPF.y1; x->LPF.y1 = x->LPF.y0; x->LPF.x2 = x->LPF.x1; x->LPF.x1 = x->LPF.x0; x->outvol = x->LPF.y0*x->x_volume; if(x->outvol > 1.0) x->data = 1.0; else if(x->outvol < -1.0) x->data = -1.0; else x->data = x->outvol; *(out++) = x->data; x->outval *= x->x_feedback; } return (w+5); } static void disto_preset(t_disto *x, t_float pnumber) { switch ( (int)pnumber ) { /* "Hard Distortion 100-10000Hz" */ case 1: x->x_drive = 1.5; x->x_drymix = 1.0; x->x_wetmix = 0.5; x->x_feedback = 0.0; x->x_volume = 1.0; x->x_hipassfreq = 100.0; x->x_hipassQ = 0.5; x->x_lowpassfreq = 10000.0; x->x_lowpassQ = 0.5; break; /* "Hard Distortion 100-6000Hz" */ case 2: x->x_drive = 1.5; x->x_drymix = 1.0; x->x_wetmix = 0.5; x->x_feedback = 0.0; x->x_volume = 1.0; x->x_hipassfreq = 100.0; x->x_hipassQ = 0.5; x->x_lowpassfreq = 2000.0; x->x_lowpassQ = 0.5; break; /* "Very Hard Distortion" */ case 3: x->x_drive = 2.0; x->x_drymix = 0.0; x->x_wetmix = 1.0; x->x_feedback = 1.0; x->x_volume = 5.0; x->x_hipassfreq = 100.0; x->x_hipassQ = 0.5; x->x_lowpassfreq = 6000.0; x->x_lowpassQ = 0.5; break; /* "Medium Distortion 0.2" */ case 4: x->x_drive = 0.2; x->x_drymix = 1.0; x->x_wetmix = 1.0; x->x_feedback = 0.1; x->x_volume = 1.0; x->x_hipassfreq = 100.0; x->x_hipassQ = 0.5; x->x_lowpassfreq = 6000.0; x->x_lowpassQ = 0.5; break; /* "Medium Distortion 0.8" */ case 5: x->x_drive = 0.8; x->x_drymix = 1.0; x->x_wetmix = 1.0; x->x_feedback = 0.1; x->x_volume = 1.0; x->x_hipassfreq = 100.0; x->x_hipassQ = 1.0; x->x_lowpassfreq = 6000.0; x->x_lowpassQ = 0.5; break; /* "Soft Distortion 0.8" */ case 6: x->x_drive = 0.8; x->x_drymix = 0.4; x->x_wetmix = 0.8; x->x_feedback = 0.0; x->x_volume = 0.5; x->x_hipassfreq = 100.0; x->x_hipassQ = 1.0; x->x_lowpassfreq = 10000.0; x->x_lowpassQ = 0.5; break; default: post( "disto~ : unknown preset requested : %d", pnumber ); return; break; } disto_init_filters( x ); } static void disto_dsp(t_disto *x, t_signal **sp) { dsp_add(disto_perform, 4, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n, x ); } /* clean up */ static void disto_free(t_disto *x) { if ( x->x_buf != NULL ) { freebytes(x->x_buf, BFSZ*sizeof( double ) ); post( "Freed %d bytes", BFSZ*sizeof( double ) ); x->x_buf = NULL; } } static void *disto_new(void) { t_disto *x = (t_disto *)pd_new(disto_class); outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_signal); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("drive")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("drymix")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("wetmix")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("feedback")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("volume")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("hipassfreq")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("hipassQ")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("lowpassfreq")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("lowpassQ")); x->x_samplerate = (int)sys_getsr(); x->pred = 0.0; x->data = 0.0; if ( !( x->x_buf = ( double* ) getbytes( BFSZ*sizeof( double ) ) ) ) { post ("disto~ : could not allocate buffer" ); return NULL; } // set default parameters disto_preset( x, 3 ); disto_init_filters( x ); return (x); } void disto_tilde_setup(void) { post( disto_version ); disto_class = class_new(gensym("disto~"), (t_newmethod)disto_new, (t_method)disto_free, sizeof(t_disto), 0, 0); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN( disto_class, t_disto, x_f ); class_sethelpsymbol( disto_class, gensym("help-disto~.pd") ); class_addmethod(disto_class, (t_method)disto_drive, gensym("drive"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(disto_class, (t_method)disto_drymix, gensym("drymix"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(disto_class, (t_method)disto_wetmix, gensym("wetmix"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(disto_class, (t_method)disto_feedback, gensym("feedback"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(disto_class, (t_method)disto_volume, gensym("volume"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(disto_class, (t_method)disto_hipassfreq, gensym("hipassfreq"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(disto_class, (t_method)disto_hipassQ, gensym("hipassQ"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(disto_class, (t_method)disto_lowpassfreq, gensym("lowpassfreq"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(disto_class, (t_method)disto_lowpassQ, gensym("lowpassQ"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(disto_class, (t_method)disto_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); class_addmethod(disto_class, (t_method)disto_preset, gensym("preset"), A_FLOAT, 0); }