Version 0.01 
copyleft (c) 2001 by Yves Degoyon

mp3live~ is a peer-to-peer mp3 streamer package
consisting of three objects : mp3streamout~, mp3fileout~ and mp3streamin~.

To install mp3live~, follow the steps from INSTALL

This software is published under GPL terms.

This is software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Use it at your OWN RISK. It's possible to damage e.g. hardware or your hearing
due to a bug or for other reasons. 
We do not warrant that the program is free of infringement of any third-party


mp3live~ has been compiled for Linux using LAME 3.92.
The newest version of LAME can be found at

COPYING: you may use this source under GPL terms!

PLEASE NOTE: This software may contain patented alogrithm (at least
  patented in some countries). It may be not allowed to sell/use products
  based on this source code in these countries. Check this out first!

COPYRIGHT of MP3 music:
  Please note, that the duplicating of copyrighted music without explicit
  permission violates the rights of the owner.
  And remember, copyrighted music sucks [ as well as corporate ]             


	using mp3live~ external for Pure Data

Open the help-mp3live~.pd to understand how it works.

A note about MPEG encoding :


    -q <arg>        <arg> = 0...9.  Default  -q 5 
                    -q 0:  Highest quality, very slow 
                    -q 9:  Poor quality, but fast 
    -h              Same as -q 2.   Recommended.
    -f              Same as -q 7.   Fast, ok quality


bitrates (kbps): 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 320


You cannot create more than MAX_DECODERS mp3streamin~ objects. The actual value is 100.

Current version of lame ( 3.92 ) produces a lot of errors for quality < 5. Blame it on lame !!!!

Mono is not supported. Some additional code should be added for mp3streamin~. Blame it on me !!!

Resampling is not supported. Blame it on me !!!