/* ------------------------ mp3write~ ----------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* Tilde object to record audio in mp3 format */ /* Note that it is, in no way, related to mp3play~ */ /* Written by Yves Degoyon (ydegoyon@free.fr). */ /* Tarballs and updates at http://ydegoyon.free.fr */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */ /* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License */ /* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 */ /* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* */ /* Based on PureData by Miller Puckette and others. */ /* Uses the LAME MPEG 1 Layer 3 version 3.92 */ /* Get it via http://www.freshmeat.net */ /* */ /* "All this talk of blood and iron is the cause of all my kicking" */ /* Gang Of Four - "Guns Before Butter" */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef NT #pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) #pragma warning( disable : 4305 ) #endif #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <ctype.h> #ifdef UNIX #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <lame/lame.h> /* lame encoder stuff */ #define SOCKET_ERROR -1 #else #include <io.h> #include <windows.h> #include <winsock.h> #include <windef.h> #include "lame_enc.h" /* lame encoder stuff */ #endif #include "m_pd.h" /* standard pd stuff */ #define MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE 65536 /* max size taken from lame readme */ #define MY_MP3_MALLOC_OUT_SIZE 1.25*MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE+7200 #define MAXDATARATE 320 /* maximum mp3 data rate is 320kbit/s */ #define STRBUF_SIZE 32 static char *mp3write_version = "mp3write~: mp3 file recorder version 0.4, written by Yves Degoyon"; static int sockfd; #ifndef UNIX static HINSTANCE dll = NULL; static BEINITSTREAM initStream = NULL; static BEENCODECHUNK encodeChunk = NULL; static BEDEINITSTREAM deinitStream = NULL; static BECLOSESTREAM closeStream = NULL; static BEVERSION dllVersion = NULL; static BEWRITEVBRHEADER writeVBRHeader = NULL; #endif static t_class *mp3write_class; typedef struct _mp3write { t_object x_obj; /* LAME stuff */ int x_lame; /* info about encoder status */ int x_lamechunk; /* chunk size for LAME encoder */ /* buffer stuff */ unsigned short x_inp; /* in position for buffer */ unsigned short x_outp; /* out position for buffer*/ short *x_mp3inbuf; /* data to be sent to LAME */ char *x_mp3outbuf; /* data returned by LAME -> our mp3 stream */ int x_mp3size; /* number of returned mp3 samples */ short *x_buffer; /* data to be buffered */ int x_bytesbuffered; /* number of unprocessed bytes in buffer */ int x_start; /* mp3 format stuff */ int x_samplerate; int x_bitrate; /* bitrate of mp3 stream */ int x_mp3mode; /* mode (mono, joint stereo, stereo, dual mono) */ int x_mp3quality; /* quality of encoding */ /* recording stuff */ int x_fd; /* file descriptor of the mp3 output */ int x_file_open_mode; /* file opening mode */ int x_byteswritten; /* number of bytes written */ int x_recflag; /* recording flag toggled by messages "start" and "stop" */ t_float x_f; /* float needed for signal input */ char *x_title; /* title of the mp3 */ #ifdef UNIX lame_global_flags *lgfp; /* lame encoder configuration */ #endif } t_mp3write; /* encode PCM data to mp3 stream */ static void mp3write_encode(t_mp3write *x) { unsigned short i, wp; int err = -1; int n = x->x_lamechunk; #ifdef UNIX if(x->x_lamechunk < (int)sizeof(x->x_mp3inbuf)) #else if(x->x_lamechunk < sizeof(x->x_mp3inbuf)) #endif { error("not enough memory!"); return; } /* on start/reconnect set outpoint so that it won't interfere with inpoint */ if(x->x_start == -1) { post("mp3write~: reseting buffer positions"); /* we try to keep 2.5 times the data the encoder needs in the buffer */ if(x->x_inp > (2 * x->x_lamechunk)) { x->x_outp = (short) x->x_inp - (2.5 * x->x_lamechunk); } else if(x->x_inp < (2 * x->x_lamechunk)) { x->x_outp = (short) MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE - (2.5 * x->x_lamechunk); } x->x_start = 1; } if((unsigned short)(x->x_outp - x->x_inp) < x->x_lamechunk)error("mp3write~: buffers overlap!"); i = MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE - x->x_outp; /* read from buffer */ if(x->x_lamechunk <= i) { /* enough data until end of buffer */ for(n = 0; n < x->x_lamechunk; n++) /* fill encode buffer */ { x->x_mp3inbuf[n] = x->x_buffer[n + x->x_outp]; } x->x_outp += x->x_lamechunk; } else /* split data */ { for(wp = 0; wp < i; wp++) /* data at end of buffer */ { x->x_mp3inbuf[wp] = x->x_buffer[wp + x->x_outp]; } for(wp = i; wp < x->x_lamechunk; wp++) /* write rest of data at beginning of buffer */ { x->x_mp3inbuf[wp] = x->x_buffer[wp - i]; } x->x_outp = x->x_lamechunk - i; } /* encode mp3 data */ #ifndef UNIX err = encodeChunk(x->x_lame, x->x_lamechunk, x->x_mp3inbuf, x->x_mp3outbuf, &x->x_mp3size); #else x->x_mp3size = lame_encode_buffer_interleaved(x->lgfp, x->x_mp3inbuf, x->x_lamechunk/lame_get_num_channels(x->lgfp), x->x_mp3outbuf, MY_MP3_MALLOC_OUT_SIZE); // post( "mp3write~ : encoding returned %d frames", x->x_mp3size ); #endif /* check result */ #ifndef UNIX if(err != BE_ERR_SUCCESSFUL) { closeStream(x->x_lame); error("mp3write~: lameEncodeChunk() failed (%lu)", err); #else if(x->x_mp3size<0) { lame_close( x->lgfp ); error("mp3write~: lame_encode_buffer_interleaved failed (%d)", x->x_mp3size); #endif x->x_lame = -1; } } /* store mp3 frames in the file */ static void mp3write_writeframes(t_mp3write *x) { int err = -1; /* error return code */ if ( x->x_fd < 0 ) { post( "mp3write~ : error : trying to write frames but no valid file is opened" ); return; } #ifndef UNIX err = _write(x->x_fd, x->x_mp3outbuf, x->x_mp3size); #else err = write(x->x_fd, x->x_mp3outbuf, x->x_mp3size); #endif if(err < 0) { error("mp3write~: could not write encoded data to file (%d)", err); #ifndef UNIX closeStream(x->x_lame); #else lame_close( x->lgfp ); #endif x->x_lame = -1; #ifndef UNIX error("mp3write~: writing data"); _close(x->x_fd); #else perror("mp3write~: writing data"); close(x->x_fd); #endif x->x_fd = -1; } else { x->x_byteswritten += err; outlet_float( x->x_obj.ob_outlet, x->x_byteswritten ); } if((err > 0)&&(err != x->x_mp3size))error("mp3write~: %d bytes skipped", x->x_mp3size - err); } /* buffer data as channel interleaved PCM */ static t_int *mp3write_perform(t_int *w) { t_float *in1 = (t_float *)(w[1]); /* left audio inlet */ t_float *in2 = (t_float *)(w[2]); /* right audio inlet */ t_mp3write *x = (t_mp3write *)(w[3]); int n = (int)(w[4]); /* number of samples */ unsigned short i,wp; float in; /* copy the data into the buffer */ i = MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE - x->x_inp; /* space left at the end of buffer */ n *= 2; /* two channels go into one buffer */ if( n <= i ) { /* the place between inp and MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE */ /* is big enough to hold the data */ for(wp = 0; wp < n; wp++) { if(wp%2) { in = *(in2++); /* right channel / inlet */ } else { in = *(in1++); /* left channel / inlet */ } if (in > 1.0) { in = 1.0; } if (in < -1.0) { in = -1.0; } x->x_buffer[wp + x->x_inp] = (short) (32767.0 * in); } x->x_inp += n; /* n more samples written to buffer */ } else { /* the place between inp and MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE is not */ /* big enough to hold the data */ /* writing will take place in two turns, one from */ /* x->x_inp -> MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE, then from 0 on */ for(wp = 0; wp < i; wp++) /* fill up to end of buffer */ { if(wp%2) { in = *(in2++); } else { in = *(in1++); } if (in > 1.0) { in = 1.0; } if (in < -1.0) { in = -1.0; } x->x_buffer[wp + x->x_inp] = (short) (32767.0 * in); } for(wp = i; wp < n; wp++) /* write rest at start of buffer */ { if(wp%2) { in = *(in2++); } else { in = *(in1++); } if (in > 1.0) { in = 1.0; } if (in < -1.0) { in = -1.0; } x->x_buffer[wp - i] = (short) (32767.0 * in); } x->x_inp = n - i; /* new writeposition in buffer */ } if((x->x_fd >= 0)&&(x->x_lame >= 0)&&(x->x_recflag)) { /* count buffered samples when things are running */ x->x_bytesbuffered += n; /* encode and send to server */ if(x->x_bytesbuffered > x->x_lamechunk) { mp3write_encode(x); /* encode to mp3 */ mp3write_writeframes(x); /* write mp3 to file */ x->x_bytesbuffered -= x->x_lamechunk; } } else { x->x_start = -1; } return (w+5); } static void mp3write_dsp(t_mp3write *x, t_signal **sp) { dsp_add(mp3write_perform, 4, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, x, sp[0]->s_n); } /* initialize the lame library */ static int mp3write_tilde_lame_init(t_mp3write *x) { time_t now; #ifndef UNIX /* encoder related stuff (calculating buffer size) */ BE_VERSION lameVersion = {0,}; /* version number of LAME */ BE_CONFIG lameConfig = {0,}; /* config structure of LAME */ unsigned int ret; #else int ret; x->lgfp = lame_init(); /* set default parameters for now */ #endif #ifndef UNIX /* load lame_enc.dll library */ dll=LoadLibrary("lame_enc.dll"); if(dll==NULL) { error("mp3write~: error loading lame_enc.dll"); closesocket(x->x_fd); x->x_fd = -1; post("mp3write~: connection closed"); return -1; } /* get Interface functions */ initStream = (BEINITSTREAM) GetProcAddress(dll, TEXT_BEINITSTREAM); encodeChunk = (BEENCODECHUNK) GetProcAddress(dll, TEXT_BEENCODECHUNK); deinitStream = (BEDEINITSTREAM) GetProcAddress(dll, TEXT_BEDEINITSTREAM); closeStream = (BECLOSESTREAM) GetProcAddress(dll, TEXT_BECLOSESTREAM); dllVersion = (BEVERSION) GetProcAddress(dll, TEXT_BEVERSION); writeVBRHeader = (BEWRITEVBRHEADER) GetProcAddress(dll,TEXT_BEWRITEVBRHEADER); /* check if all interfaces are present */ if(!initStream || !encodeChunk || !deinitStream || !closeStream || !dllVersion || !writeVBRHeader) { error("mp3write~: unable to get LAME interfaces"); closesocket(x->x_fd); x->x_fd = -1; post("mp3write~: connection closed"); return -1; } /* get LAME version number */ dllVersion(&lameVersion); post( "mp3write~: lame_enc.dll version %u.%02u (%u/%u/%u)\n" " lame_enc engine %u.%02u", lameVersion.byDLLMajorVersion, lameVersion.byDLLMinorVersion, lameVersion.byDay, lameVersion.byMonth, lameVersion.wYear, lameVersion.byMajorVersion, lameVersion.byMinorVersion); memset(&lameConfig,0,sizeof(lameConfig)); /* clear all fields */ #else { const char *lameVersion = get_lame_version(); post( "mp3write~ : using lame version : %s", lameVersion ); } #endif #ifndef UNIX /* use the LAME config structure */ lameConfig.dwConfig = BE_CONFIG_LAME; /* set the mpeg format flags */ lameConfig.format.LHV1.dwStructVersion = 1; lameConfig.format.LHV1.dwStructSize = sizeof(lameConfig); lameConfig.format.LHV1.dwSampleRate = (int)sys_getsr(); /* input frequency - pd's sample rate */ lameConfig.format.LHV1.dwReSampleRate = x->x_samplerate; /* output s/r - resample if necessary */ lameConfig.format.LHV1.nMode = x->x_mp3mode; /* output mode */ lameConfig.format.LHV1.dwBitrate = x->x_bitrate; /* mp3 bitrate */ lameConfig.format.LHV1.nPreset = x->x_mp3quality; /* mp3 encoding quality */ lameConfig.format.LHV1.dwMpegVersion = MPEG1; /* use MPEG1 */ lameConfig.format.LHV1.dwPsyModel = 0; /* USE DEFAULT PSYCHOACOUSTIC MODEL */ lameConfig.format.LHV1.dwEmphasis = 0; /* NO EMPHASIS TURNED ON */ lameConfig.format.LHV1.bOriginal = TRUE; /* SET ORIGINAL FLAG */ lameConfig.format.LHV1.bCopyright = TRUE; /* SET COPYRIGHT FLAG */ lameConfig.format.LHV1.bNoRes = TRUE; /* no bit resorvoir */ /* init the MP3 stream */ ret = initStream(&lameConfig, &x->x_lamechunk, &x->x_mp3size, &x->x_lame); /* check result */ if(ret != BE_ERR_SUCCESSFUL) { post("mp3write~: error opening encoding stream (%lu)", ret); return -1; } #else /* setting lame parameters */ lame_set_num_channels( x->lgfp, 2); lame_set_in_samplerate( x->lgfp, sys_getsr() ); lame_set_out_samplerate( x->lgfp, x->x_samplerate ); lame_set_brate( x->lgfp, x->x_bitrate ); lame_set_mode( x->lgfp, x->x_mp3mode ); lame_set_quality( x->lgfp, x->x_mp3quality ); lame_set_emphasis( x->lgfp, 1 ); lame_set_original( x->lgfp, 1 ); lame_set_copyright( x->lgfp, 1 ); /* viva free music societies !!! */ lame_set_disable_reservoir( x->lgfp, 0 ); lame_set_padding_type( x->lgfp, PAD_NO ); ret = lame_init_params( x->lgfp ); if ( ret<0 ) { post( "mp3write~ : error : lame params initialization returned : %d", ret ); return -1; } else { x->x_lame=1; /* magic formula copied from windows dll for MPEG-I */ x->x_lamechunk = 2*1152; post( "mp3write~ : lame initialization done. (%d)", x->x_lame ); } lame_init_bitstream( x->lgfp ); /* setting tag information */ id3tag_init(x->lgfp); id3tag_v1_only(x->lgfp); id3tag_space_v1(x->lgfp); id3tag_set_artist(x->lgfp, "Pd Session"); now=time(NULL); sprintf( x->x_title, "Started at %s", ctime(&now) ); id3tag_set_title(x->lgfp, x->x_title ); #endif return 0; } /* open file and initialize lame */ static void mp3write_open(t_mp3write *x, t_symbol *sfile) { if ( mp3write_tilde_lame_init(x) < 0 ) { error( "mp3write~ : lame initialization failed ... check parameters."); return; } /* closing previous file descriptor */ if ( x->x_fd > 0 ) { #ifndef UNIX if(_close(x->x_fd) < 0 ) #else if(close(x->x_fd) < 0) #endif { perror( "mp3write~ : closing file" ); } } if ( x->x_recflag ) { x->x_recflag = 0; } #ifndef UNIX if ( ( x->x_fd = _open( sfile->s_name, x->x_file_open_mode, _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE) ) < 0 ) #else if ( ( x->x_fd = open( sfile->s_name, x->x_file_open_mode, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO ) ) < 0 ) #endif { error( "mp3write~ : cannot open >%s<", sfile->s_name); x->x_fd=-1; return; } x->x_byteswritten = 0; post( "mp3write~ : opened >%s< fd=%d", sfile->s_name, x->x_fd); } /* setting file write mode to append */ static void mp3write_append(t_mp3write *x) { #ifndef UNIX x->x_file_open_mode = _O_CREAT|_O_WRONLY|_O_APPEND|_O_BINARY; #else x->x_file_open_mode = O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_NONBLOCK; #endif if(x->x_fd>=0)post("mp3write~ : mode set to append : open a new file to make changes take effect! "); } /* setting file write mode to truncate */ static void mp3write_truncate(t_mp3write *x) { #ifndef UNIX x->x_file_open_mode = _O_CREAT|_O_WRONLY|_O_TRUNC|_O_BINARY; #else x->x_file_open_mode = O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_NONBLOCK; #endif if(x->x_fd>=0)post("mp3write~ : mode set to truncate : open a new file to make changes take effect! "); } /* settings for mp3 encoding */ static void mp3write_mpeg(t_mp3write *x, t_floatarg fsamplerate, t_floatarg fbitrate, t_floatarg fmode, t_floatarg fquality) { x->x_samplerate = fsamplerate; if(fbitrate > MAXDATARATE) { fbitrate = MAXDATARATE; } x->x_bitrate = fbitrate; x->x_mp3mode = fmode; x->x_mp3quality = fquality; post("mp3write~: setting mp3 stream to %dHz, %dkbit/s, mode %d, quality %d", x->x_samplerate, x->x_bitrate, x->x_mp3mode, x->x_mp3quality); if(x->x_fd>=0)post("mp3write~ : restart recording to make changes take effect! "); } /* print settings */ static void mp3write_print(t_mp3write *x) { const char * buf = 0; post(mp3write_version); post(" LAME mp3 settings:\n" " output sample rate: %d Hz\n" " bitrate: %d kbit/s", x->x_samplerate, x->x_bitrate); switch(x->x_mp3mode) { case 0 : buf = "stereo"; break; case 1 : buf = "joint stereo"; break; case 2 : buf = "dual channel"; break; case 3 : buf = "mono"; break; } post(" mode: %s\n" " quality: %d", buf, x->x_mp3quality); #ifndef UNIX if(x->x_lamechunk!=0)post(" calculated mp3 chunk size: %d", x->x_lamechunk); #else post(" mp3 chunk size: %d", x->x_lamechunk); #endif if(x->x_samplerate!=sys_getsr()) { post(" resampling from %d to %d Hz!", (int)sys_getsr(), x->x_samplerate); } } /* start recording */ static void mp3write_start(t_mp3write *x) { if ( x->x_fd < 0 ) { post("mp3write~: start received but no file has been set ... ignored."); return; } if ( x->x_recflag == 1 ) { post("mp3write~: start received but recording is started ... ignored."); return; } x->x_recflag = 1; post("mp3write~: start recording"); } /* stop recording */ static void mp3write_stop(t_mp3write *x) { int err = -1; if ( x->x_fd < 0 ) { post("mp3write~: stop received but no file has been set ... ignored."); return; } if ( x->x_recflag == 0 ) { post("mp3write~: stop received but recording is stopped ... ignored."); return; } /* first stop recording / buffering and so on, than do the rest */ x->x_recflag = 0; /* flushing remaining frames and tag */ #ifndef UNIX deinitStream(x->x_lame, x->x_mp3outbuf, &x->x_mp3size); #else x->x_mp3size = lame_encode_flush( x->lgfp, x->x_mp3outbuf, MY_MP3_MALLOC_OUT_SIZE ); #endif mp3write_writeframes(x); /* write mp3 to file */ x->x_recflag = 0; post("mp3write~: stop recording, flushed %d bytes", x->x_mp3size); } /* clean up */ static void mp3write_free(t_mp3write *x) { if(x->x_lame >= 0) #ifndef UNIX closeStream(x->x_lame); #else lame_close( x->lgfp ); #endif if(x->x_fd >= 0) #ifndef UNIX _close(x->x_fd); #else close(x->x_fd); #endif freebytes(x->x_mp3inbuf, MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE*sizeof(short)); freebytes(x->x_mp3outbuf, MY_MP3_MALLOC_OUT_SIZE); freebytes(x->x_buffer, MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE*sizeof(short)); freebytes( x->x_title, 255 ); } static void *mp3write_new(void) { t_mp3write *x = (t_mp3write *)pd_new(mp3write_class); inlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym ("signal"), gensym ("signal")); outlet_new (&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_fd = -1; #ifndef UNIX x->x_file_open_mode = _O_CREAT|_O_WRONLY|_O_APPEND|_O_BINARY; #else x->x_file_open_mode = O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_NONBLOCK; #endif x->x_lame = -1; x->x_samplerate = sys_getsr(); x->x_bitrate = 128; x->x_byteswritten = 0; x->x_mp3mode = 1; x->lgfp = NULL; x->x_title = getbytes( 255 ); x->x_mp3quality = 5; x->x_mp3inbuf = getbytes(MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE*sizeof(short)); /* buffer for encoder input */ x->x_mp3outbuf = getbytes(MY_MP3_MALLOC_OUT_SIZE*sizeof(char)); /* our mp3 stream */ x->x_buffer = getbytes(MY_MP3_MALLOC_IN_SIZE*sizeof(short)); /* what we get from pd, converted to PCM */ if ((!x->x_buffer)||(!x->x_mp3inbuf)||(!x->x_mp3outbuf)) /* check buffers... */ { error("mp3write~ : cannot allocate internal buffers"); return NULL; } x->x_bytesbuffered = 0; x->x_inp = 0; x->x_outp = 0; x->x_start = -1; return(x); } void mp3write_tilde_setup(void) { post(mp3write_version); mp3write_class = class_new(gensym("mp3write~"), (t_newmethod)mp3write_new, (t_method)mp3write_free, sizeof(t_mp3write), 0, 0); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(mp3write_class, t_mp3write, x_f ); class_sethelpsymbol(mp3write_class, gensym("help-mp3write~.pd")); class_addmethod(mp3write_class, (t_method)mp3write_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); class_addmethod(mp3write_class, (t_method)mp3write_open, gensym("open"), A_SYMBOL, 0); class_addmethod(mp3write_class, (t_method)mp3write_mpeg, gensym("mpeg"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(mp3write_class, (t_method)mp3write_start, gensym("start"), 0); class_addmethod(mp3write_class, (t_method)mp3write_stop, gensym("stop"), 0); class_addmethod(mp3write_class, (t_method)mp3write_print, gensym("print"), 0); class_addmethod(mp3write_class, (t_method)mp3write_append, gensym("append"), 0); class_addmethod(mp3write_class, (t_method)mp3write_truncate, gensym("truncate"), 0); }