#N canvas 191 -6 970 685 10; #X text 374 167 (invoke with Properties ); #X text 375 156 You can set the following properties :; #X text 395 188 * Width : graphical x size; #X text 395 200 * Height : graphical y size; #X text 442 506 bugs and comments @ ydegoyon@free.fr; #X msg 404 603 \; pd dsp 0; #X msg 470 603 \; pd dsp 1; #X text 376 110 Probalizer output serial of integers according to the probability curve; #X obj 470 581 loadbang; #X obj 64 92 probalizer 200 200 10 100 1 0 53 1 61 2 8 3 39 4 9 5 40 6 6 7 6 8 14 9 24; #X text 395 213 * Values : number of values ( range is [ 1 \, nvalues ] ); #X msg 93 54 bang; #X msg 93 4 bang; #X text 389 458 but without repetitions; #X msg 295 16 zero; #X msg 294 40 equi; #X text 389 433 Note = If the probabilities are all equal to 1 \,; #X msg 293 64 reset; #X text 338 63 Reset output; #X text 396 227 * Max Occurrences : max number of occurences in a serial ; #X obj 68 358 probalizer 200 200 10 100 1 0 19 1 15 2 4 3 17 4 5 5 14 6 1 7 0 8 4 9 7; #X obj 193 331 loadbang; #X msg 145 331 zero; #X text 306 345 The output of first probalizer; #X text 306 357 is stored in the second one; #X floatatom 187 30 5 0 0; #X msg 187 5 bang; #X text 276 281 End of the serial; #X text 390 445 probalizer behaves as a random object; #X obj 276 308 print probalizer::end; #X text 47 6 Start; #X text 332 42 Set equal probabilities; #X obj 93 29 metro 10; #X connect 8 0 6 0; #X connect 9 0 20 0; #X connect 9 1 22 0; #X connect 9 1 29 0; #X connect 11 0 9 0; #X connect 12 0 32 0; #X connect 14 0 9 0; #X connect 15 0 9 0; #X connect 17 0 9 0; #X connect 21 0 22 0; #X connect 22 0 20 0; #X connect 25 0 9 0; #X connect 26 0 25 0; #X connect 32 0 11 0;