/*------------------------ sonogram~ ------------------------------------------ */
/*                                                                              */
/* sonogram~ : lets you record, play back and modify a sonogram                 */
/* constructor : sonogram <size> <graphical=0|1> <phasogram=0|1>                */
/*                                                                              */
/* Copyleft Yves Degoyon ( ydegoyon@free.fr )                                   */
/*                                                                              */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                */
/* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License                  */
/* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2               */
/* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                       */
/*                                                                              */
/* See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.                */
/*                                                                              */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,              */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               */
/* GNU General Public License for more details.                                 */
/*                                                                              */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License            */
/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                  */
/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.  */
/*                                                                              */
/* Based on PureData by Miller Puckette and others.                             */
/*                                                                              */
/* "Living at night"                                                            */
/* "Doesn't help for my complexion"                                             */
/* David Thomas - Final Solution                                                */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifndef __APPLE__
#include <malloc.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#ifdef UNIX
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef NT
#define random rand
#include <windows.h>
static int usleep (unsigned int us) {
  return 0;
#include <math.h>

#include <m_pd.h>
#include "m_imp.h"
#include "g_canvas.h"
#include "t_tk.h"

static int guidebug=0;
static int ignorevisible=1; // ignore visible test
                         // because this seems to lead to bad refresh
                         // wait for a fix                            

#define SYS_VGUI2(a,b) if (guidebug) \

#define SYS_VGUI3(a,b,c) if (guidebug) \

#define SYS_VGUI4(a,b,c,d) if (guidebug) \

#define SYS_VGUI5(a,b,c,d,e) if (guidebug) \

#define SYS_VGUI6(a,b,c,d,e,f) if (guidebug) \

#define SYS_VGUI7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) if (guidebug) \
                         post(a,b,c,d,e,f,g );\

#define SYS_VGUI9(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) if (guidebug) \
                         post(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i );\

#define SYS_VGUI10(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) if (guidebug) \
                         post(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j );\

#define SYS_VGUI11(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) if (guidebug) \
                         post(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k );\

#define THREAD_SLEEP_TIME 100000   // 100000 us = 100 ms

static char   *sonogram_version = "sonogram~: version 0.9, written by Yves Degoyon (ydegoyon@free.fr)";

static t_class *sonogram_class;
t_widgetbehavior sonogram_widgetbehavior;

typedef struct _sonogram
    t_object x_obj;

    t_int x_size;                  /* size of the stored fft ( in blocks~ ) */
    t_float x_samplerate;          /* sample rate */
    t_int x_blocksize;             /* current block size ( might be modified by block~ object ) */
    t_float x_readpos;             /* data's playing position                                   */
    t_int x_writepos;              /* data's recording position                                 */
    t_int x_readstart;             /* data's starting position for reading                      */
    t_int x_readend;               /* data's ending position for reading                        */
    t_int x_modstart;              /* data's starting position for modifications                */
    t_int x_modend;                /* data's ending position for modifications                  */
    t_int x_play;                  /* playing on/off flag                                       */
    t_float x_readspeed;           /* number of grouped blocks for reading                      */
    t_float x_record;              /* flag to start recording process                           */
    t_float x_empty;               /* flag to indicate it's a brand new sonogram                */
    t_float *x_rdata;              /* table containing real part of the fft                     */
    t_float *x_rudata;             /* undo real data                                            */
    t_float *x_idata;              /* table containing imaginery part of the fft                */
    t_float *x_iudata;             /* undo imaginery data                                       */
    t_float x_phase;               /* phase to apply on output                                  */
    t_outlet *x_end;               /* outlet for end of restitution                             */
    t_outlet *x_recend;            /* outlet for end of recording                               */
    t_int *x_multfreq;             /* array of multiplicative factor                            */
    char  *x_gifdata;              /* buffer for graphical data                                 */
    char  *x_guicommand;           /* buffer for graphical command                              */
    t_int x_uxs;                   /* starting x position for undo                              */
    t_int x_uxe;                   /* ending x position for undo                                */
    t_int x_uys;                   /* starting y position for undo                              */
    t_int x_uye;                   /* ending y position for undo                                */

           /* graphical data block */
    t_int x_enhancemode;           /* flag to set enhance mode                    */
    t_int x_graphic;               /* flag to set graphic mode                    */
    t_int x_phaso;                 /* flag to indicate if phasogram is shown      */
    t_int x_selected;              /* flag to remember if we are seleted or not   */
    t_int x_erase;                 /* flag used when an erase is needed           */
    t_int x_redraw;                /* flag used when drawing  is needed           */
    t_int x_nbupdated;             /* number of points updated                    */
    t_glist *x_glist;              /* keep graphic context for various operations */
    t_int x_zoom;                  /* zoom factor                                 */
    pthread_t x_updatechild;       /* thread id for the update child              */
    t_int x_updatestart;           /* starting position for update                */
    t_int x_updateend;             /* ending position for update                  */
    t_int x_xpos;                  /* stuck x position                            */
    t_int x_ypos;                  /* stuck y position                            */
    t_int x_shifted;               /* remember shift state from last click        */
    t_int x_alted;                 /* remember alt state from last click          */
    t_int x_aftermousedown;        /* indicates the mousedown event               */
    t_int x_xstartcapture;         /* x of the start of the capture               */
    t_int x_ystartcapture;         /* y of the start of the capture               */
    t_int x_xendcapture;           /* x of the start of the capture               */
    t_int x_yendcapture;           /* y of the start of the capture               */
    t_int x_xdraw;                 /* x drawing position                          */
    t_int x_ydraw;                 /* y drawing position                          */
    t_float x_modstep;             /* step for graphical modifications            */

    t_float x_f;                   /* float needed for signal input */

} t_sonogram;

/* ------------------------ drawing functions ---------------------------- */
static char* sonogram_get_fill_color( t_float fspectrum )
      if ( fspectrum < 0.01 ) {
          return "#EEEEEE";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 0.1 ) {
          return "#DDDDDD";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 0.5 ) {
          return "#CCCCCC";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 1 ) {
          return "#BBBBBB";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 2 ) {
          return "#AAAAAA";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 5 ) {
          return "#999999";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 10 ) {
          return "#888888";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 20 ) {
          return "#777777";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 30 ) {
          return "#666666";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 40 ) {
          return "#555555";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 50 ) {
          return "#444444";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 60 ) {
          return "#333333";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 80 ) {
          return "#222222";
      } else if ( fspectrum < 100 ) {
          return "#111111";
      } else {
          return "#000000";

static char* phasogram_get_fill_color( t_int phase )
   if ( phase < 0 )
      if ( phase > -10 ) {
          return "#111111";
      } else if ( phase > -20 ) {
          return "#222222";
      } else if ( phase > -30 ) {
          return "#333333";
      } else if ( phase > -40 ) {
          return "#444444";
      } else if ( phase > -50 ) {
          return "#555555";
      } else if ( phase > -60 ) {
          return "#666666";
      } else if ( phase > -70 ) {
          return "#777777";
      } else if ( phase > -80 ) {
          return "#888888";
      } else {
          return "#999999";
      if ( phase == 0 ) {
          return "#FFFFFF";
      } else if ( phase < 10 ) {
          return "#111111";
      } else if ( phase < 20 ) {
          return "#222222";
      } else if ( phase < 30 ) {
          return "#333333";
      } else if ( phase < 40 ) {
          return "#444444";
      } else if ( phase < 50 ) {
          return "#555555";
      } else if ( phase < 60 ) {
          return "#666666";
      } else if ( phase < 70 ) {
          return "#777777";
      } else if ( phase < 80 ) {
          return "#888888";
      } else {
          return "#999999";
   // normally never reached
   return "";

static void sonogram_update_point(t_sonogram *x, t_glist *glist, t_int sample, t_int frequency)
  t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
  t_float fspectrum=0.0;
  t_int phase=0.0;
  char newColor[ 8 ], olColor[8];
  int i;

      fspectrum = 
          sqrt( pow( *(x->x_rdata+sample*x->x_blocksize+frequency), 2) +
                pow( *(x->x_idata+sample*x->x_blocksize+frequency), 2) );
      phase = (int) ( atan2( *(x->x_idata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency), 
                      *(x->x_rdata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) )*180/M_PI );
      if ( x->x_empty && ( fspectrum != 0 ))
         x->x_empty = 0;
      strcpy( newColor, sonogram_get_fill_color( fspectrum ) );

      for ( i=0; i<x->x_zoom; i++ )
          sprintf( x->x_gifdata, "%s", strcat( newColor, " ") );
      for ( i=0; i<x->x_zoom; i++ )
          SYS_VGUI5("SONIMAGE%x put {%s} -to %d %d\n", x, x->x_gifdata, 
                      sample*x->x_zoom+i, (x->x_blocksize/2-frequency)*x->x_zoom );

      if ( x->x_phaso )
           strcpy( newColor, phasogram_get_fill_color( phase ) );
           strcpy( x->x_gifdata, "" );
           for ( i=0; i<x->x_zoom; i++ )
                sprintf( x->x_gifdata, "%s", strcat( newColor, " ") );
           for ( i=0; i<x->x_zoom; i++ )
              SYS_VGUI5("FAZIMAGE%x put {%s} -to %d %d\n", x, x->x_gifdata, 
                               sample*x->x_zoom+i, (x->x_blocksize/2-frequency)*x->x_zoom );


static void sonogram_update_block(t_sonogram *x, t_glist *glist, t_int bnumber)
    t_int fi, i=0;
    t_float fspectrum=0.0;
    t_int phase=0;
    char color[8];

    // update sonogram
    for ( fi=x->x_blocksize/2-1; fi>=0; fi-- )
      fspectrum = 
         sqrt( pow( *(x->x_rdata+bnumber*x->x_blocksize+fi), 2) +
                pow( *(x->x_idata+bnumber*x->x_blocksize+fi), 2) );
      strcpy( color, sonogram_get_fill_color( fspectrum ) );
      for ( i=0; i<x->x_zoom; i++ )
           strncpy( x->x_gifdata+((x->x_blocksize/2-fi-1)*x->x_zoom+i)*8, strcat( color, " "), 8 );
    for ( i=0; i<x->x_zoom; i++ )
        sprintf( x->x_guicommand, "SONIMAGE%x put {%s} -to %d 0\n", (unsigned int)x, x->x_gifdata, (bnumber*x->x_zoom)+i );
        sys_gui( x->x_guicommand );

    // update phasogram
    if ( x->x_phaso ) 
      strcpy( x->x_gifdata, "" );
      for ( fi=x->x_blocksize/2-1; fi>=0; fi-- )
        phase = (int) ( atan2( *(x->x_idata+bnumber*x->x_blocksize+fi), 
                      *(x->x_rdata+bnumber*x->x_blocksize+fi) )*180/M_PI );
        strcpy( color, phasogram_get_fill_color( phase ) );
        for ( i=0; i<x->x_zoom; i++ )
           strncpy( x->x_gifdata+((x->x_blocksize/2-fi-1)*x->x_zoom+i)*8, strcat( color, " "), 8 );
      for ( i=0; i<x->x_zoom; i++ )
        sprintf( x->x_guicommand, "FAZIMAGE%x put {%s} -to %d 0\n", (unsigned int)x, x->x_gifdata, (bnumber*x->x_zoom)+i );
        sys_gui( x->x_guicommand );


static void sonogram_erase_block(t_sonogram *x, t_glist *glist, t_int bnumber )
    t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);
    t_int fi;
    t_float fspectrum=0.0;
    char fillColor[ 16 ];

     for ( fi=0; fi<x->x_blocksize/2; fi++)
           int i;

           for ( i=0; i<x->x_zoom; i++ )
                strcpy( x->x_gifdata+i*sizeof("#FFFFFF "), "#FFFFFF " );
           SYS_VGUI5("SONIMAGE%x put {%s} -to %d %d\n", x, x->x_gifdata, 
                               bnumber*x->x_zoom, (x->x_blocksize/2-fi)*x->x_zoom );

static void *sonogram_do_update_part(void *tdata)
   t_sonogram *x = (t_sonogram*) tdata;
   t_int si;
   t_int nbpoints = 0;
   t_float percentage = 0, opercentage = 0;

   // loose synchro
   usleep( THREAD_SLEEP_TIME );

   // check boundaries
   if ( x->x_updateend > x->x_size-1 ) x->x_updateend = x->x_size-1;
   if ( x->x_updatestart < 0 ) x->x_updatestart = 0;

   // post("sonogram~ : ok, let's go [updating %d, %d]", x->x_updatestart, x->x_updateend );

   if ( x->x_erase )
     for ( si=x->x_updatestart; si<=x->x_updateend; si++ )
       sonogram_erase_block(x, x->x_glist, si);
       percentage = (nbpoints*100/(x->x_updateend-x->x_updatestart+1));
       if ( (percentage == (int) percentage) && ((int)percentage%5 == 0) && ( percentage != opercentage ) )
         // post( "sonogram~ : erase part : %d %% completed", (int)percentage );
         opercentage = percentage;
   percentage = opercentage = nbpoints = 0;

   if ( x->x_redraw )
     for ( si=x->x_updatestart; si<=x->x_updateend; si++ )
      sonogram_update_block(x, x->x_glist, si);
      percentage = (nbpoints*100/(x->x_updateend-x->x_updatestart+1));
      if ( (percentage == (int) percentage) && ((int)percentage%5 == 0) && ( percentage != opercentage ) )
         // post( "sonogram~ : update part : %d %% completed", (int)percentage );
         opercentage = percentage;

   // set borders in black
   SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c itemconfigure %xSONOGRAM -outline #000000\n", glist_getcanvas(x->x_glist), x);
   if ( x->x_phaso )
      SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c itemconfigure %xPHASOGRAM -outline #000000\n", glist_getcanvas(x->x_glist), x);

   // post("sonogram~ : child thread %d ended (nb_updated=%d)", (int)x->x_updatechild, x->x_nbupdated );
   x->x_updatechild = 0;
   return NULL;

static void sonogram_update_part(t_sonogram *x, t_glist *glist, t_int bstart, t_int bend, 
                                 t_int erase, t_int redraw, t_int keepframe)
   pthread_attr_t update_child_attr;

   if ( x->x_graphic )
    if ( x->x_updatechild != 0 )
       // post( "sonogram~ : error : no update is possible for now" );
    x->x_updatestart = bstart;
    x->x_updateend = bend;
    if ( !keepframe ) 
       x->x_erase = 0;
       x->x_erase = erase;
    x->x_redraw = redraw;
    x->x_nbupdated = 0;
    // recreate the square if needed
    if ( ( bstart == 0 ) && ( bend == x->x_size-1 ) && !keepframe )
      SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete %xSONOGRAM\n", glist_getcanvas(glist), x );
      SYS_VGUI7(".x%x.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -fill #FFFFFF -tags %xSONOGRAM\n",
	     glist_getcanvas(glist), x->x_xpos-1, x->x_ypos-1,
	     x->x_xpos + x->x_size*x->x_zoom+1, 
             x->x_ypos + x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom+1,
      SYS_VGUI2("image delete SONIMAGE%x\n", x );
      SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete ISONIMAGE%x\n", glist_getcanvas(glist), x );
      SYS_VGUI4("image create photo SONIMAGE%x -format gif -width %d -height %d\n", 
                          x, x->x_size*x->x_zoom, x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom );
      SYS_VGUI2("SONIMAGE%x blank\n", x);
      SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c create image %d %d -image SONIMAGE%x -tags ISONIMAGE%x\n", 
                          glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x->x_xpos+((x->x_size*x->x_zoom)/2), 
                          (x->x_ypos+((x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom)/2)), x, x );
      if ( x->x_phaso )
          SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete %xPHASOGRAM\n", glist_getcanvas(glist), x );
          SYS_VGUI7(".x%x.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -fill #FFFFFF -tags %xPHASOGRAM\n",
	     glist_getcanvas(glist), x->x_xpos-1, x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom+2,
	     x->x_xpos + x->x_size*x->x_zoom +1, 
             x->x_ypos + x->x_blocksize*x->x_zoom + 3,
          SYS_VGUI2("image delete FAZIMAGE%x\n", x );
          SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete IFAZIMAGE%x\n", glist_getcanvas(glist), x );
          SYS_VGUI4("image create photo FAZIMAGE%x -format gif -width %d -height %d\n", 
                          x, x->x_size*x->x_zoom, x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom );
          SYS_VGUI2("FAZIMAGE%x blank\n", x);
          SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c create image %d %d -image FAZIMAGE%x -tags IFAZIMAGE%x\n", 
                          glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x->x_xpos+((x->x_size*x->x_zoom)/2), 
                          x->x_ypos+3*((x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom)/2)+2, x, x );
      canvas_fixlinesfor( glist_getcanvas(x->x_glist), (t_text*)x );
    // set borders in red
    SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c itemconfigure %xSONOGRAM -outline #FF0000\n", glist_getcanvas(glist), x);
    if ( x->x_phaso )
       SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c itemconfigure %xPHASOGRAM -outline #FF0000\n", glist_getcanvas(glist), x);

    // launch update thread
    if ( pthread_attr_init( &update_child_attr ) < 0 ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : could not launch update thread" );
       perror( "pthread_attr_init" );
    if ( pthread_attr_setdetachstate( &update_child_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED ) < 0 ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : could not launch update thread" );
       perror( "pthread_attr_setdetachstate" );
    if ( pthread_create( &x->x_updatechild, &update_child_attr, sonogram_do_update_part, x ) < 0 ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : could not launch update thread" );
       perror( "pthread_create" );
       // post( "sonogram~ : drawing thread %d launched", (int)x->x_updatechild );

    /* paste selection at the drawing point */
static void sonogram_paste( t_sonogram* x)
    t_int pxstart = (x->x_xdraw-x->x_xpos)/x->x_zoom; 
    t_int pystart = (x->x_ypos-x->x_ydraw)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2; 
    t_int cxs,cxe,cys,cye,si=0,fi=0;
    t_float *icopy;
    t_float *rcopy;
    t_int   copynd;

    if ( x->x_xstartcapture > x->x_xendcapture ) {
              fi = x->x_xstartcapture;
              x->x_xstartcapture = x->x_xendcapture;
              x->x_xendcapture = fi;
    if ( x->x_ystartcapture > x->x_yendcapture ) {
              fi = x->x_ystartcapture;
              x->x_ystartcapture = x->x_yendcapture;
              x->x_yendcapture = fi;
    if ( cye < 0 ) cye=0;
    if ( cys < 0 ) cys=0;
    if ( cye >= x->x_blocksize/2 ) cye=x->x_blocksize/2-1;
    if ( cys >= x->x_blocksize/2 ) cys=x->x_blocksize/2-1;
    if ( cxe >= x->x_size ) cxe=x->x_size-1;
    if ( cxs >= x->x_size ) cxs=x->x_size-1;

    // make a copy first
    icopy = ( t_float* ) getbytes( ( cxe-cxs+1 )*( cye-cys+1 )*sizeof( t_float ) );
    rcopy = ( t_float* ) getbytes( ( cxe-cxs+1 )*( cye-cys+1 )*sizeof( t_float ) );
    if ( !icopy || !rcopy )
       post( "sonogram~ : cannot allocate buffers for pasting" );
    // copy initial data
    copynd = 0;
    for ( si=cxs; si<=cxe; si++) {
      for ( fi=cys; fi<=cye; fi++) {
        *(rcopy+copynd) = *(x->x_rdata+(si)*x->x_blocksize+fi); 
        *(icopy+copynd) = *(x->x_idata+(si)*x->x_blocksize+fi); 

    post( "sonogram~ : paste from [%d,%d,%d,%d] to [%d,%d]", cxs, cys, cxe, cye, pxstart, pystart );

    for ( si=cxs; si<=cxe; si++) {
      if ( pxstart+si-cxs >= x->x_size ) break;
      copynd = (si-cxs)*(cye-cys+1);
      for ( fi=cys; fi<=cye; fi++) {
          // post ( "sonogram~ : si : %d : fi : %d : copynd : %d", si, fi, copynd );
          if ( pystart+fi-cys >= x->x_blocksize/2 ) break;
          *(x->x_rudata+((si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(fi-cys)) = *(x->x_rdata+((pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(pystart+fi-cys));
          *(x->x_iudata+((si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(fi-cys)) = *(x->x_idata+((pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(pystart+fi-cys));
          if ( x->x_enhancemode )
             // save data for undo
             *(x->x_rdata+((pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(pystart+fi-cys)) += *(rcopy+copynd);
             *(x->x_idata+((pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(pystart+fi-cys)) += *(icopy+copynd);
             *(x->x_rdata+((pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(pystart+fi-cys)) = *(rcopy+copynd);
             *(x->x_idata+((pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(pystart+fi-cys)) = *(icopy+copynd);

    x->x_uxs = pxstart;  
    x->x_uxe = pxstart+(si-1)-cxs;  
    x->x_uys = pystart;  
    x->x_uye = pystart+(fi-1)-cys;;  

    freebytes( rcopy, ( cxe-cxs+1 )*( cye-cys+1 )*sizeof( t_float ) );
    freebytes( icopy, ( cxe-cxs+1 )*( cye-cys+1 )*sizeof( t_float ) );

    /* paste phase at the drawing point */
static void sonogram_paste_phase( t_sonogram* x)
    t_int pxstart = (x->x_xdraw-x->x_xpos)/x->x_zoom; 
    t_int pystart = (x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom+1-x->x_ydraw)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2; 
    t_int cxs,cxe,cys,cye,si,fi;
    t_float fspectrum, fdestspectrum;
    t_float fphase, fdestphase;
    t_float *icopy;
    t_float *rcopy;
    t_int   copynd;

    if ( x->x_xstartcapture > x->x_xendcapture ) {
              fi = x->x_xstartcapture;
              x->x_xstartcapture = x->x_xendcapture;
              x->x_xendcapture = fi;
    if ( x->x_ystartcapture > x->x_yendcapture ) {
              fi = x->x_ystartcapture;
              x->x_ystartcapture = x->x_yendcapture;
              x->x_yendcapture = fi;
    if ( cye < 0 ) cye=0;
    if ( cys < 0 ) cys=0;
    if ( cye >= x->x_blocksize/2 ) cye=x->x_blocksize/2-1;
    if ( cys >= x->x_blocksize/2 ) cys=x->x_blocksize/2-1;
    if ( cxe >= x->x_size ) cxe=x->x_size-1;
    if ( cxs >= x->x_size ) cxs=x->x_size-1;

    // make a copy first
    icopy = ( t_float* ) getbytes( ( cxe-cxs+1 )*( cye-cys+1 )*sizeof( t_float ) );
    rcopy = ( t_float* ) getbytes( ( cxe-cxs+1 )*( cye-cys+1 )*sizeof( t_float ) );
    if ( !icopy || !rcopy )
       post( "sonogram~ : cannot allocate buffers for pasting" );
    // copy initial data
    copynd = 0;
    for ( si=cxs; si<=cxe; si++) {
      for ( fi=cys; fi<=cye; fi++) {
        *(rcopy+copynd) = *(x->x_rdata+(si)*x->x_blocksize+fi); 
        *(icopy+copynd) = *(x->x_idata+(si)*x->x_blocksize+fi); 

    post( "sonogram~ : paste phase from [%d,%d,%d,%d] to [%d,%d]", cxs, cys, cxe, cye, pxstart, pystart );

    for ( si=cxs; si<=cxe; si++) {
      if ( pxstart+si-cxs >= x->x_size ) break;
      copynd = (si-cxs)*(cye-cys+1);
      for ( fi=cys; fi<=cye; fi++) {
          if ( pystart+fi-cys > x->x_blocksize+1 ) break;
          fphase = atan2( *(icopy+copynd), *(rcopy+copynd) );
          fdestspectrum =
                sqrt( pow( *(x->x_rdata+(pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize+(pystart+fi-cys)), 2) +
                   pow( *(x->x_idata+(pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize+(pystart+fi-cys)), 2) );
          fdestphase = atan2( *(x->x_idata+(pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize+(pystart+fi-cys)), 
                     *(x->x_rdata+(pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize+(pystart+fi-cys)) );
          if ( x->x_enhancemode )
             *(x->x_rdata+((pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(pystart+fi-cys)) += 
               fdestspectrum*cos( fdestphase + fphase );
             *(x->x_idata+((pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(pystart+fi-cys)) += 
               fdestspectrum*sin( fdestphase + fphase );
             *(x->x_rdata+((pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(pystart+fi-cys)) = 
               fdestspectrum*cos( fphase );
             *(x->x_idata+((pxstart+si-cxs)*x->x_blocksize)+(pystart+fi-cys)) = 
               fdestspectrum*sin( fphase );

    freebytes( rcopy, ( cxe-cxs+1 )*( cye-cys+1 )*sizeof( t_float ) );
    freebytes( icopy, ( cxe-cxs+1 )*( cye-cys+1 )*sizeof( t_float ) );

    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, pxstart, pxstart+(si-1)-cxs, 0, 1, 1);
    // start a new capture
    SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete %xCAPTURE\n", glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x );
    x->x_xstartcapture = x->x_xdraw; 
    x->x_ystartcapture = x->x_ydraw; 
    x->x_xendcapture = x->x_xdraw; 
    x->x_yendcapture = x->x_ydraw; 

static void sonogram_draw_new(t_sonogram *x, t_glist *glist)
   t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);

   if ( x->x_xpos == -1 )
   if ( x->x_graphic )
    SYS_VGUI7(".x%x.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -fill #FFFFFF -tags %xSONOGRAM\n",
	     canvas, x->x_xpos-1, x->x_ypos-1,
	     x->x_xpos + x->x_size*x->x_zoom+1, 
             x->x_ypos + x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom+1,
    SYS_VGUI4("image create photo SONIMAGE%x -format gif -width %d -height %d\n", 
                          x, x->x_size*x->x_zoom, x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom );
    SYS_VGUI2("SONIMAGE%x blank\n", x);
    SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c create image %d %d -image SONIMAGE%x -tags ISONIMAGE%x\n", 
                          glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x->x_xpos+((x->x_size*x->x_zoom)/2), 
                          (x->x_ypos+((x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom)/2)), x, x );
    if ( x->x_phaso )
          SYS_VGUI7(".x%x.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -fill #FFFFFF -tags %xPHASOGRAM\n",
	     glist_getcanvas(glist), x->x_xpos-1, x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom+2,
	     x->x_xpos + x->x_size*x->x_zoom +1, 
             x->x_ypos + x->x_blocksize*x->x_zoom + 3,
          SYS_VGUI4("image create photo FAZIMAGE%x -format gif -width %d -height %d\n", 
                          x, x->x_size*x->x_zoom, x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom );
          SYS_VGUI2("FAZIMAGE%x blank\n", x);
          SYS_VGUI6(".x%x.c create image %d %d -image FAZIMAGE%x -tags IFAZIMAGE%x\n", 
                          glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x->x_xpos+((x->x_size*x->x_zoom)/2), 
                          x->x_ypos+3*((x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom)/2)+2, x, x );
    canvas_fixlinesfor( canvas, (t_text*)x );

static void sonogram_draw_delete(t_sonogram *x, t_glist *glist)
    if ( x->x_graphic && glist_isvisible( glist ) )
       SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete %xCAPTURE\n", glist_getcanvas( glist ), x );
       SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete line %xREADSTART\n", glist_getcanvas( glist ), x);
       SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete line %xREADEND\n", glist_getcanvas( glist ), x);
       SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete line %xMODSTART\n", glist_getcanvas( glist ), x);
       SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete line %xMODEND\n", glist_getcanvas( glist ), x);
       SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete %xSONOGRAM\n", glist_getcanvas( glist ), x );
       SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete %xPHASOGRAM\n", glist_getcanvas( glist ), x );
       SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete %xISONIMAGE\n", glist_getcanvas( glist ), x );
       SYS_VGUI2("image delete SONIMAGE%x\n", x );
       if ( x->x_phaso ) 
          SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c delete %xIFAZIMAGE\n", glist_getcanvas( glist ), x );
          SYS_VGUI2("image delete FAZIMAGE%x\n", x );

static void sonogram_draw_move(t_sonogram *x, t_glist *glist)
   t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);

   if ( x->x_graphic && glist_isvisible( x->x_glist ) )
    SYS_VGUI7(".x%x.c coords %xSONOGRAM %d %d %d %d\n",
	     canvas, x,
	     x->x_xpos-1, x->x_ypos-1,
    SYS_VGUI5(".x%x.c coords ISONIMAGE%x %d %d\n",
	     canvas, x,
             (x->x_ypos+((x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom)/2)) );
    if ( x->x_phaso )
      SYS_VGUI7(".x%x.c coords %xPHASOGRAM %d %d %d %d\n",
	     canvas, x,
	     x->x_xpos-1, x->x_ypos+(x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom)+1,
      SYS_VGUI5(".x%x.c coords IFAZIMAGE%x %d %d\n",
	     canvas, x,
             x->x_ypos+3*((x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom)/2)+2 );
    canvas_fixlinesfor( canvas, (t_text*)x );

static void sonogram_draw_select(t_sonogram* x,t_glist* glist)
   t_canvas *canvas=glist_getcanvas(glist);

   if ( x->x_graphic && glist_isvisible( x->x_glist ) )
        /* sets the item in blue */
	SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c itemconfigure %xSONOGRAM -outline #0000FF\n", canvas, x);
        if ( x->x_phaso )
	   SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c itemconfigure %xPHASOGRAM -outline #0000FF\n", canvas, x);
	SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c itemconfigure %xSONOGRAM -outline #000000\n", canvas, x);
        if ( x->x_phaso )
	   SYS_VGUI3(".x%x.c itemconfigure %xPHASOGRAM -outline #000000\n", canvas, x);

/* ------------------------ widget callbacks ----------------------------- */

static void sonogram_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *owner,
			    int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2)
   t_sonogram* x = (t_sonogram*)z;

   *xp1 = x->x_xpos;
   *yp1 = x->x_ypos;
   if ( !x->x_phaso )
     *xp2 = x->x_xpos+x->x_size*x->x_zoom;
     *yp2 = x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom+1;
     *xp2 = x->x_xpos+x->x_size*x->x_zoom;
     *yp2 = x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize*x->x_zoom+3;

static void sonogram_save(t_gobj *z, t_binbuf *b)
   t_sonogram *x = (t_sonogram *)z;

   binbuf_addv(b, "ssiisiii", gensym("#X"),gensym("obj"),
		(t_int)x->x_xpos, (t_int)x->x_ypos,
		gensym("sonogram~"), x->x_size, x->x_graphic, x->x_phaso );
   binbuf_addv(b, ";");

static void sonogram_select(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int selected)
   t_sonogram *x = (t_sonogram *)z;

   x->x_selected = selected;
   sonogram_draw_select( x, glist );

static void sonogram_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int vis)
   t_sonogram *x = (t_sonogram *)z;
   t_rtext *y;

   if (vis)
      sonogram_draw_new( x, glist );
      // erase all points
      sonogram_draw_delete( x, glist );

static void sonogram_delete(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist)
    canvas_deletelinesfor( glist_getcanvas(glist), (t_text *)z);

static void sonogram_displace(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist, int dx, int dy)
    t_sonogram *x = (t_sonogram *)z;
    int xold = x->x_xpos;
    int yold = x->x_ypos;

    x->x_xpos += dx;
    x->x_ypos += dy;

    if ( ( x->x_xpos != xold ) || ( x->x_ypos != yold ) )
       sonogram_draw_move( x, glist );


static void sonogram_modify_point( t_sonogram* x, t_int sample, t_int frequency, t_int alted )
     if ( alted )
       *(x->x_rdata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) = 0;
       *(x->x_idata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) = 0;
       if ( x->x_enhancemode )
          *(x->x_rdata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) *= x->x_modstep;
          *(x->x_idata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) *= x->x_modstep;
          *(x->x_rdata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) += x->x_modstep;
          *(x->x_idata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) += x->x_modstep;

static void sonogram_modify_point_phase( t_sonogram* x, t_int sample, t_int frequency, t_int alted )
   t_float fspectrum;
   t_float fphase;

     fspectrum =
         sqrt( pow( *(x->x_rdata+sample*x->x_blocksize+frequency), 2) +
               pow( *(x->x_idata+sample*x->x_blocksize+frequency), 2) );
     fphase = atan2( *(x->x_idata+sample*x->x_blocksize+frequency), 
                     *(x->x_rdata+sample*x->x_blocksize+frequency) );
     if ( alted==4 )
       // setting phase to 0
       *(x->x_rdata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) = fspectrum;
       *(x->x_idata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) = 0;
       if ( x->x_enhancemode )
          *(x->x_rdata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) = fspectrum*cos( fphase*x->x_modstep );
          *(x->x_idata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) = fspectrum*sin( fphase*x->x_modstep );
          *(x->x_rdata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) = fspectrum*cos( fphase+x->x_modstep );
          *(x->x_idata+(sample*x->x_blocksize)+frequency) = fspectrum*sin( fphase+x->x_modstep );

static void sonogram_motion(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg dx, t_floatarg dy)
 int fdraw=0, sdraw=0;

   // post( "sonogram_motion @ [%d,%d] dx=%f dy=%f alt=%d", x->x_xdraw, x->x_ydraw, dx, dy, x->x_alted );
   if ( ( x->x_shifted || (x->x_alted==4) ) )
     if ( (x->x_xdraw+dx) >= x->x_xpos && 
       (x->x_xdraw+dx) <= x->x_xpos+x->x_size*x->x_zoom ) { 
       x->x_xdraw += dx; 
     if ( (x->x_ydraw+dy) >= x->x_ypos && 
       (x->x_ydraw+dy) <= x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize*x->x_zoom ) { 
       x->x_ydraw += dy; 
     if ( x->x_ydraw <= x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom ) 
        // post( "modify point @ [%d, %d] alted=%d", sdraw, fdraw, x->x_alted );
        sonogram_modify_point( x, sdraw, fdraw, x->x_alted );
     if ( x->x_ydraw >= x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom+1 ) 
        // post( "modify phase @ [%d, %d]", sdraw, fdraw );
        sonogram_modify_point_phase( x, sdraw, fdraw, x->x_alted );
     sonogram_update_point( x, x->x_glist, sdraw, fdraw );
       if ( (x->x_xendcapture+dx) >= x->x_xpos && 
        (x->x_xendcapture+dx) <= x->x_xpos+x->x_size*x->x_zoom ) { 
        x->x_xendcapture += dx; 
       if ( (x->x_yendcapture+dy) >= x->x_ypos && 
        (x->x_yendcapture+dy) <= x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize*x->x_zoom ) { 
        x->x_yendcapture += dy; 
       SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete %xCAPTURE\n", glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x );
       SYS_VGUI7( ".x%x.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d -outline #0000FF -tags %xCAPTURE\n",
               glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x->x_xstartcapture,
                          x->x_ystartcapture, x->x_xendcapture, x->x_yendcapture, x );

static int sonogram_click(t_gobj *z, struct _glist *glist,
			    int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit)
    t_sonogram* x = (t_sonogram *)z;
    int si,fi;

    // post( "sonogram_click : x=%d y=%d doit=%d alt=%d, shift=%d", xpix, ypix, doit, alt, shift );
    if ( x->x_aftermousedown == 1 && doit == 0) 
       x->x_aftermousedown = 1;
       x->x_aftermousedown = 0;
    if ( doit )
      x->x_xdraw = xpix; 
      x->x_ydraw = ypix; 
      x->x_shifted = shift;
      x->x_alted = alt;
      // activate motion callback
      glist_grab( glist, &x->x_obj.te_g, (t_glistmotionfn)sonogram_motion,
                  0, xpix, ypix );
      if ( shift && alt && (x->x_xstartcapture != x->x_xendcapture ) )
      else if ( shift && (x->x_xstartcapture != x->x_xendcapture ) )
         // add or multiply modstep
         if ( x->x_xstartcapture > x->x_xendcapture ) {
              fi = x->x_xstartcapture;
              x->x_xstartcapture = x->x_xendcapture;
              x->x_xendcapture = fi;
         if ( x->x_ystartcapture > x->x_yendcapture ) {
              fi = x->x_ystartcapture;
              x->x_ystartcapture = x->x_yendcapture;
              x->x_yendcapture = fi;
         for ( si=(x->x_xstartcapture-x->x_xpos)/x->x_zoom; 
               si<=(x->x_xendcapture-x->x_xpos)/x->x_zoom; si++) {
          for ( fi=(x->x_ypos-x->x_yendcapture)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2; 
               fi<=(x->x_ypos-x->x_ystartcapture)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2; fi++) {
             sonogram_modify_point( x, si, fi, alt );
          for ( fi=(x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom+1-x->x_yendcapture)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2; 
               fi<=(x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom+1-x->x_ystartcapture)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2; fi++) {
             sonogram_modify_point_phase( x, si, fi, alt );
         // post( "modified y from %d to %d", (x->x_ypos-x->x_yendcapture)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2,
         //       (x->x_ypos-x->x_ystartcapture)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2 );
         sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, (x->x_xstartcapture-x->x_xpos)/x->x_zoom,
                      (x->x_xendcapture-x->x_xpos)/x->x_zoom, 0, 1, 1);
       else if ( (alt==4) && (x->x_xstartcapture != x->x_xendcapture ) )
         // clean up area
         if ( x->x_xstartcapture > x->x_xendcapture ) {
              fi = x->x_xstartcapture;
              x->x_xstartcapture = x->x_xendcapture;
              x->x_xendcapture = fi;
         if ( x->x_ystartcapture > x->x_yendcapture ) {
              fi = x->x_ystartcapture;
              x->x_ystartcapture = x->x_yendcapture;
              x->x_yendcapture = fi;
         for ( si=(x->x_xstartcapture-x->x_xpos)/x->x_zoom; 
               si<=(x->x_xendcapture-x->x_xpos)/x->x_zoom; si++) {
          for ( fi=(x->x_ypos-x->x_yendcapture)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2; 
               fi<=(x->x_ypos-x->x_ystartcapture)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2; fi++) {
             sonogram_modify_point( x, si, fi, alt );
          for ( fi=(x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom+1-x->x_yendcapture)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2; 
               fi<=(x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize/2*x->x_zoom+1-x->x_ystartcapture)/x->x_zoom+x->x_blocksize/2; fi++) {
             sonogram_modify_point_phase( x, si, fi, alt );
         sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, (x->x_xstartcapture-x->x_xpos)/x->x_zoom,
                      (x->x_xendcapture-x->x_xpos)/x->x_zoom, 0, 1, 1);
       // start a new capture
       SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete %xCAPTURE\n", glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x );
       x->x_xstartcapture = xpix; 
       x->x_ystartcapture = ypix; 
       x->x_xendcapture = xpix; 
       x->x_yendcapture = ypix; 
         // nothing
    x->x_aftermousedown = doit;
    return (1);

	/* clean up */
static void sonogram_free(t_sonogram *x)    
    if ( x->x_rdata != NULL ) {
       freebytes(x->x_rdata, x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
       post( "Freed %d bytes", x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
       x->x_rdata = NULL;
    if ( x->x_idata != NULL ) {
       freebytes(x->x_idata, x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
       post( "Freed %d bytes", x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
       x->x_idata = NULL;
    if ( x->x_rudata != NULL ) {
       freebytes(x->x_rudata, x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
       post( "Freed %d bytes", x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
       x->x_rdata = NULL;
    if ( x->x_iudata != NULL ) {
       freebytes(x->x_iudata, x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
       post( "Freed %d bytes", x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
       x->x_idata = NULL;
    if ( x->x_gifdata != NULL ) {
       freebytes(x->x_gifdata, (x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
       post( "Freed %d bytes", (x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
       x->x_gifdata = NULL;
    if ( x->x_guicommand != NULL ) {
       freebytes(x->x_guicommand, 128+(x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
       post( "Freed %d bytes", 128+(x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
       x->x_guicommand = NULL;

    /* allocate tables for storing ffts */
static t_int sonogram_allocate(t_sonogram *x)
  t_int fi;

    if ( !(x->x_rdata = getbytes( x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) ) ) ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : error : could not allocate buffers" );
       return -1;
    } else {
       post( "sonogram~ : allocated %d bytes", x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
    if ( !(x->x_idata = getbytes( x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) ) ) ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : error : could not allocate buffers" );
       return -1;
    } else {
       post( "sonogram~ : allocated %d bytes", x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
    if ( !(x->x_multfreq = getbytes( x->x_blocksize*sizeof(t_int) ) ) ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : error : could not allocate buffers" );
       return -1;
    } else {
       post( "sonogram~ : allocated %d bytes", x->x_blocksize*sizeof(t_int) );
    for ( fi=0; fi<x->x_blocksize; fi++ )
    // no undo is available
    x->x_uxs = x->x_uxe = x->x_uys = x->x_uye = -1;
    if ( !(x->x_rudata = getbytes( x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) ) ) ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : error : could not allocate buffers" );
       return -1;
    } else {
       post( "sonogram~ : allocated %d bytes", x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
    if ( !(x->x_iudata = getbytes( x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) ) ) ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : error : could not allocate buffers" );
       return -1;
    } else {
       post( "sonogram~ : allocated %d bytes", x->x_size*x->x_blocksize*sizeof(float) );
    if ( !( x->x_gifdata = ( char* ) getbytes( (x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") ) ) ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : error : could not allocate buffers" );
       return -1;
    } else {
       post( "sonogram~ : allocated %d bytes",  (x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
    if ( !( x->x_guicommand = ( char* ) getbytes( 128+(x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") ) ) ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : error : could not allocate buffers" );
       return -1;
    } else {
       post( "sonogram~ : allocated %d bytes",  128+(x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
    return 0;

    /* records or playback the sonogram */
static t_int *sonogram_perform(t_int *w)
    t_float *rin = (t_float *)(w[1]);
    t_float *iin = (t_float *)(w[2]);
    t_float *rout = (t_float *)(w[3]);
    t_float *iout = (t_float *)(w[4]);
    t_float fspectrum = 0.0;
    t_float fphase = 0.0;
    t_int   is;
    t_int n = (int)(w[5]);                      /* number of samples */
    t_sonogram *x = (t_sonogram *)(w[6]);
    t_int bi;

    // reallocate tables if blocksize has been changed
    if ( n != x->x_blocksize && x->x_updatechild == 0 ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : reallocating tables" );
       // erase all points
       x->x_blocksize = n;
       sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, 0, x->x_size-1, !x->x_empty, 0, 0);
       canvas_fixlinesfor( glist_getcanvas(x->x_glist), (t_text*)x );

    bi = 0;
    while (bi<n) 
        // eventually records input
        if ( x->x_record) {
        // set outputs
        *rout = 0.0;
        *iout = 0.0;
        if ( x->x_play) {
            fspectrum = 
                  sqrt( pow( *(x->x_rdata+(((int)x->x_readpos+is)*x->x_blocksize)+bi), 2) +
                        pow( *(x->x_idata+(((int)x->x_readpos+is)*x->x_blocksize)+bi), 2) );
            fphase = atan2( *(x->x_idata+(((int)x->x_readpos+is)*x->x_blocksize)+bi), 
                          *(x->x_rdata+(((int)x->x_readpos+is)*x->x_blocksize)+bi) );
            fphase += (x->x_phase/180.0)*(M_PI);
            *rout += fspectrum*cos( fphase );
            *iout += fspectrum*sin( fphase );
    // reset playing position until next play
    if ( x->x_play ) {
         // post( "xreadpos : %f (added %f)", x->x_readpos, x->x_readspeed );
         if ( x->x_readpos >= (x->x_readend*x->x_size)/100 ) {
           // post( "sonogram~ : stopped playing (readpos=%d)", x->x_readpos );
    // reset recording position until next record
    if ( x->x_record ) {
         if ( x->x_writepos >= x->x_size ) {
           sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, 0, x->x_size-1, 0, 1, 0);
           if ( x->x_empty ) x->x_empty = 0;
           // post( "sonogram~ : stopped recording" );
    // post( "sonogram~ : read : %f:%d : write: %d:%d", x->x_readpos, x->x_play, x->x_writepos, x->x_record );
    return (w+7);

static void sonogram_dsp(t_sonogram *x, t_signal **sp)
    dsp_add(sonogram_perform, 6, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n, x);

    /* record the sonogram */
static void sonogram_record(t_sonogram *x)
    // post( "sonogram~ : recording on" );

    /* play the sonogram */
static void sonogram_play(t_sonogram *x)
    // post( "sonogram~ : playing on" );

    /* setting the starting point for reading ( in percent ) */
static void sonogram_readstart(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fstart)
  t_float startpoint = fstart;

    if (startpoint < 0) startpoint = 0;
    if (startpoint > 100) startpoint = 100;
    if ( startpoint > x->x_readend ) {
       x->x_readstart = x->x_readend;
       post( "sonogram~ : warning : range for reading is null" );
    } else {
    if ( x->x_graphic && glist_isvisible( x->x_glist ) )
       SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete line %xREADSTART\n",
               glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x);
       SYS_VGUI7( ".x%x.c create line %d %d %d %d -fill #FF0000 -tags %xREADSTART -width 3\n",
               glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x->x_xpos+(x->x_readstart*(x->x_size)/100 ),
                          x->x_ypos, x->x_xpos+(x->x_readstart*(x->x_size)/100 ), 
                          x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize*x->x_zoom, x );

    /* setting the starting point for modification ( in percent ) */
static void sonogram_modstart(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fstart)
  t_float startpoint = fstart;

    if (startpoint < 0) startpoint = 0;
    if (startpoint > 100) startpoint = 100;
    if ( startpoint > x->x_modend ) {
       x->x_modstart = x->x_modend;
       post( "sonogram~ : warning : range for modifications is null" );
    } else {
    if ( x->x_graphic && glist_isvisible( x->x_glist ) )
       SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete line %xMODSTART\n",
               glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x);
       SYS_VGUI7( ".x%x.c create line %d %d %d %d -fill #11E834 -tags %xMODSTART -width 3\n",
               glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x->x_xpos+(x->x_modstart*(x->x_size)/100 ),
                          x->x_ypos, x->x_xpos+(x->x_modstart*(x->x_size)/100 ), 
                          x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize*x->x_zoom, x );

    /* setting the modification step for graphical mode */
static void sonogram_modstep(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fmodstep)
  if ( x->x_graphic )
     x->x_modstep = fmodstep;

    /* setting enhance mode */                                  
static void sonogram_enhancemode(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fenhancemode)
  if ( x->x_graphic )
     x->x_enhancemode = fenhancemode;

    /* setting the ending point for reading ( in percent ) */
static void sonogram_readend(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fend)
  t_float endpoint = fend;

    if (endpoint < 0) endpoint = 0;
    if (endpoint > 100) endpoint = 100;
    if ( endpoint < x->x_readstart ) {
       x->x_readend = x->x_readstart;
       post( "sonogram~ : warning : range for reading is null" );
    } else {
    if ( x->x_graphic && glist_isvisible( x->x_glist ) )
       SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete line %xREADEND\n",
               glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x);
       SYS_VGUI7( ".x%x.c create line %d %d %d %d -fill #FF0000 -tags %xREADEND -width 3\n",
               glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x->x_xpos+(x->x_readend*(x->x_size)/100 ),
                          x->x_ypos, x->x_xpos+(x->x_readend*(x->x_size)/100 ), 
                          x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize*x->x_zoom, x );

    /* setting the ending point for modification ( in percent ) */
static void sonogram_modend(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fend)
  t_float endpoint = fend;

    if (endpoint < 0) endpoint = 0;
    if (endpoint > 100) endpoint = 100;
    if ( endpoint < x->x_modstart ) {
       x->x_modend = x->x_modstart;
       post( "sonogram~ : warning : range for modifications is null" );
    } else {
    if ( x->x_graphic && glist_isvisible( x->x_glist ) )
       SYS_VGUI3( ".x%x.c delete line %xMODEND\n",
               glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x);
       SYS_VGUI7( ".x%x.c create line %d %d %d %d -fill #11E834 -tags %xMODEND -width 3\n",
               glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), x->x_xpos+(x->x_modend*(x->x_size)/100 ),
                          x->x_ypos, x->x_xpos+(x->x_modend*(x->x_size)/100 ), 
                          x->x_ypos+x->x_blocksize*x->x_zoom, x );

    /* sets the reading speed */
static void sonogram_readspeed(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg freadspeed)
    if (freadspeed <= 0 ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : wrong readspeed argument" );

    /* enhance frequencies */
static void sonogram_enhance(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fstartfreq, t_floatarg fendfreq, t_floatarg fenhance, t_floatarg fnoupdate )
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, si, fi=0, ffi=0;
  t_float oldenergy;

    if (fstartfreq < 0 || fendfreq < 0 ||
        fstartfreq > x->x_blocksize || fendfreq > x->x_blocksize || 
        fstartfreq > fendfreq ) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong frequencies range" );
    if ( fenhance < 0 ) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong multiplicating factor" );
    // post("enhancing portion [%d,%d]", samplestart, sampleend );
    for ( si=samplestart; si<=sampleend; si++ ) {
       for ( fi=(int)fstartfreq; fi<=(int)fendfreq; fi++ ) {
         *(x->x_multfreq+fi) = fenhance;
         if ( (fi != 0) && (fi != x->x_blocksize/2-1) )
           /* multiply both r*sin(a) and r*cos(a) to mutiply r */
           *(x->x_rdata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi) *= fenhance;
           *(x->x_idata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi) *= fenhance;
    // post( "sonogram~ : enhanced %d,%d", fi, ffi );
    if ( !(int)fnoupdate )
       sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, samplestart, sampleend, 0, 1, 1);

    /* add a constant to frequencies */
static void sonogram_add(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fstartfreq, t_floatarg fendfreq, t_floatarg fadd)
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, si, fi;
  t_float oldenergy;

    if (fstartfreq < 0 || fendfreq < 0 ||
        fstartfreq > x->x_blocksize || fendfreq > x->x_blocksize || 
        fstartfreq > fendfreq ) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong frequencies range" );
    // post("enhancing portion [%d,%d]", samplestart, sampleend );
    for ( si=samplestart; si<=sampleend; si++ ) {
       for ( fi=(int)fstartfreq; fi<=(int)fendfreq; fi++ ) {
           /* multiply both r*sin(a) and r*cos(a) to mutiply r */
           *(x->x_rdata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi) += fadd;
           *(x->x_idata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi) += fadd;
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, samplestart, sampleend, 0, 1, 1);

    /* resize sonogram */
static void sonogram_resize(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fnewsize )
    if (fnewsize <= 0) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong size" );
    if (x->x_updatechild > 0) {
        post( "sonogram~ : can't resize now, an update is pending." );
    post( "sonogram~ : reallocating tables" );
    x->x_record = 0;
    x->x_play = 0;
    x->x_size = fnewsize;
    // erase all points, as data is zero no drawing is needed
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, 0, x->x_size-1, 0, 0, 0);

    /* set zoom factor */
static void sonogram_zoom(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fzoom )
    post( "sonogram~: warning : zoom and big block factors might lead to a crash" );
    if (fzoom < 1) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong zoom factor" );
    if ( x->x_gifdata != NULL ) {
       freebytes(x->x_gifdata, (x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
       post( "Freed %d bytes", (x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
       x->x_gifdata = NULL;
    if ( x->x_guicommand != NULL ) {
       freebytes(x->x_guicommand, 128+(x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
       post( "Freed %d bytes", 128+(x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
       x->x_guicommand = NULL;
    x->x_zoom = (int)fzoom;
    if ( !( x->x_gifdata = ( char* ) getbytes( (x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") ) ) ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : error : could not allocate buffers" );
    } else {
       post( "sonogram~ : allocated %d bytes",  (x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
    if ( !( x->x_guicommand = ( char* ) getbytes( 128+(x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") ) ) ) {
       post( "sonogram~ : error : could not allocate buffers" );
    } else {
       post( "sonogram~ : allocated %d bytes",  128+(x->x_blocksize/2)*x->x_zoom*sizeof("#FFFFFF ") );
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, 0, x->x_size-1, !x->x_empty, !x->x_empty, 0);
    canvas_fixlinesfor( glist_getcanvas( x->x_glist ), (t_text*)x );

    /* refresh data    */
static void sonogram_refresh(t_sonogram *x)
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, 0, x->x_size-1, 0, 1, 1);

    /* flip frequencies */
static void sonogram_flipfreqs(t_sonogram *x)
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, si, fi;
  t_float fvalue;
  t_int ioperon;

    for ( si=samplestart; si<=sampleend; si++ ) {
       for ( fi=0; fi<=ioperon/2; fi++ ) {
           fvalue = *(x->x_rdata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi);
           *(x->x_rdata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi) = *(x->x_rdata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+(ioperon-fi-1));
           *(x->x_rdata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+(ioperon-fi-1)) = fvalue;
           fvalue = *(x->x_idata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi);
           *(x->x_idata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi) = *(x->x_idata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+(ioperon-fi-1));
           *(x->x_idata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+(ioperon-fi-1)) = fvalue;
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, samplestart, sampleend, 0, 1, 1);

    /* flip blocks */
static void sonogram_flipblocks(t_sonogram *x)
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, middlesample, fi, si;
  t_float fvalue;

    middlesample = ( sampleend+samplestart+1 ) / 2;
    for ( si=samplestart; si<=middlesample; si++ ) {
       for ( fi=0; fi<x->x_blocksize; fi++ ) {
           fvalue = *(x->x_rdata+((si)*x->x_blocksize)+fi);
           *(x->x_rdata+((si)*x->x_blocksize)+fi) = *(x->x_rdata+((sampleend+samplestart-si)*x->x_blocksize)+fi);
           *(x->x_rdata+((sampleend+samplestart-si)*x->x_blocksize)+fi) = fvalue;
           fvalue = *(x->x_idata+((si)*x->x_blocksize)+fi);
           *(x->x_idata+((si)*x->x_blocksize)+fi) = *(x->x_idata+((sampleend+samplestart-si)*x->x_blocksize)+fi);
           *(x->x_idata+((sampleend+samplestart-si)*x->x_blocksize)+fi) = fvalue;
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, samplestart, sampleend, 0, 1, 1);

    /* undo if available */
static void sonogram_undo(t_sonogram *x)
  t_int si,fi;

    if ( x->x_uxs == -1 )
       post( "sonogram~ : nothing to undo, man" );

    post( "sonogram~ : restoring region [%d,%d,%d,%d]", x->x_uxs, x->x_uys, x->x_uxe, x->x_uye );
    for ( si=x->x_uxs; si<=x->x_uxe; si++ ) {
       for ( fi=x->x_uys; fi<=x->x_uye; fi++ ) {
           *(x->x_rdata+((si)*x->x_blocksize)+fi) = *(x->x_rudata+(si-x->x_uxs)*x->x_blocksize+(fi-x->x_uys));
           *(x->x_idata+((si)*x->x_blocksize)+fi) = *(x->x_iudata+(si-x->x_uxs)*x->x_blocksize+(fi-x->x_uys));
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, x->x_uxs, x->x_uxe, 0, 1, 1);

    /* zswap exchanges real and imaginery part */
static void sonogram_zswap(t_sonogram *x)
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, fi, si;
  t_float fvalue;

    for ( si=samplestart; si<=sampleend; si++ ) {
       for ( fi=0; fi<x->x_blocksize; fi++ ) {
           fvalue = *(x->x_rdata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi);
           *(x->x_rdata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi) = *(x->x_idata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi);
           *(x->x_idata+(si*x->x_blocksize)+fi) = fvalue;

    /* swap points */
static void sonogram_swappoints(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fnbpoints)
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, sp;
  t_float s1, s2, f1, f2;
  t_float fvalue;

    if (fnbpoints <= 0) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : bad number of points" );
    for ( sp=0; sp<fnbpoints; sp++ ) {
        s1 = samplestart + (random()%(sampleend-samplestart));
        s2 = samplestart + (random()%(sampleend-samplestart));
        f1 = random()%( x->x_blocksize/2-1 );
        f2 = random()%( x->x_blocksize/2-1 );
        fvalue = *(x->x_rdata+((int)s1*x->x_blocksize)+(int)f1);
        *(x->x_rdata+((int)s1*x->x_blocksize)+(int)f1) = *(x->x_rdata+((int)s2*x->x_blocksize)+(int)f2);
        *(x->x_rdata+((int)s2*x->x_blocksize)+(int)f2) = fvalue;
        fvalue = *(x->x_idata+((int)s1*x->x_blocksize)+(int)f1);
        *(x->x_idata+((int)s1*x->x_blocksize)+(int)f1) = *(x->x_idata+((int)s2*x->x_blocksize)+(int)f2);
        *(x->x_idata+((int)s2*x->x_blocksize)+(int)f2) = fvalue;
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, samplestart, sampleend, 0, 1, 1);

    /* average blocks according to a factor */
static void sonogram_average(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fnbblocks)
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, fi, si, ssi;
  t_float fraverage, fiaverage;

    if (fnbblocks < 1) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : bad average factor" );
    for ( fi=0; fi<x->x_blocksize; fi++ ) {
        for ( si=samplestart; si<=sampleend-fnbblocks; si+=fnbblocks ) {
           for ( ssi=0; ssi<fnbblocks; ssi++ ) {
              fraverage += *(x->x_rdata+((int)(si+ssi)*x->x_blocksize)+fi);
              fiaverage += *(x->x_idata+((int)(si+ssi)*x->x_blocksize)+fi);
           fraverage /= fnbblocks;
           fiaverage /= fnbblocks;
           for ( ssi=0; ssi<fnbblocks; ssi++ ) {
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, samplestart, sampleend, 0, 1, 1);

    /* go up by the given number */
static void sonogram_goup(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fgoup)
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, sp, sf;

    if (fgoup <= 0 || fgoup > x->x_blocksize/2) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong offset in goup function" );
    for ( sp=samplestart; sp<=sampleend; sp++ ) {
        for (sf=(x->x_blocksize/2)-fgoup-1; sf>=0; sf-- ) {
            *(x->x_rdata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(sf+(int)fgoup)) = 
            *(x->x_idata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(sf+(int)fgoup)) = 
        for (sf=0; sf<fgoup; sf++ ) {
            *(x->x_rdata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)sf) = 0.0;
            *(x->x_idata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)sf) = 0.0;
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, samplestart, sampleend, 0, 1, 1);

    /* roll up by the given number */
static void sonogram_roll(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg froll)
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, sp, sf;
  t_float *fprvalues;
  t_float *fpivalues;

    if (froll <= 0 || froll > x->x_blocksize/2) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong offset in roll function" );
    fprvalues = (t_float*)getbytes( ((int)froll)*sizeof( float ) );
    if ( !fprvalues ) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : could not allocate %d bytes", ((int)froll)*sizeof(float) );
    fpivalues = (t_float*)getbytes( ((int)froll)*sizeof( float ) );
    if ( !fpivalues ) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : could not allocate %d bytes", ((int)froll)*sizeof(float) );

    for ( sp=samplestart; sp<=sampleend; sp++ ) {
        // saving values
        for (sf=0; sf<froll; sf++ ) {
            *(fprvalues+sf) = 
            *(fpivalues+sf) = 
        for (sf=(x->x_blocksize/2)-froll-1; sf>=0; sf-- ) {
            *(x->x_rdata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(sf+(int)froll)) = 
            *(x->x_idata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(sf+(int)froll)) = 
        for (sf=0; sf<froll; sf++ ) {
            *(x->x_rdata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)sf) = *(fprvalues+sf);
            *(x->x_idata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)sf) = *(fpivalues+sf);
    freebytes( fprvalues, (int)froll*sizeof(float) );
    freebytes( fpivalues, (int)froll*sizeof(float) );
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, samplestart, sampleend, 0, 1, 1);

    /* suppress point below the threshold */
static void sonogram_threshold(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fthreshold)
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, sp, sf;
  t_float fspectrum;

    if (fthreshold <= 0) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong threshold" );
    for ( sp=samplestart; sp<=sampleend; sp++ ) {
      for (sf=0; sf<=(x->x_blocksize/2)-1; sf++ ) {
         fspectrum = sqrt( pow( *(x->x_rdata+sp*x->x_blocksize+sf), 2) +
                pow( *(x->x_idata+sp*x->x_blocksize+sf), 2) );
         if ( fspectrum < fthreshold )
            *(x->x_rdata+sp*x->x_blocksize+sf) = 0.0;
            *(x->x_idata+sp*x->x_blocksize+sf) = 0.0;
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, samplestart, sampleend, 0, 1, 1);

    /* change the phase */
static void sonogram_phase(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fincphase)
    if (fincphase < 0 || fincphase > 90) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong phase in phase function : out of [0,90]" );
    x->x_phase = fincphase;

    /* go down by the given number */
static void sonogram_godown(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fgodown)
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, sp, sf;

    if (fgodown <= 0 || fgodown > x->x_blocksize/2) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong offset in godown function" );
    for ( sp=samplestart; sp<=sampleend; sp++ ) {
        for (sf=0; sf<=(x->x_blocksize/2)-fgodown-1; sf++ ) {
            *(x->x_rdata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+sf) = 
            *(x->x_idata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+sf) = 
        for (sf=(x->x_blocksize/2)-fgodown; sf<(x->x_blocksize/2); sf++ ) {
            *(x->x_rdata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)sf) = 0.0;
            *(x->x_idata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)sf) = 0.0;
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, samplestart, sampleend, 0, 1, 1);

    /* swap blocks */
static void sonogram_swapblocks(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg fperstart, t_floatarg fperend, t_floatarg fpersize)
  t_int samplestart, samplestartb, samplesize, sp, sf;
  t_int iperstart, iperend, ipersize;
  t_float s1, s2;
  t_float fvalue;

    iperstart = fperstart;
    iperend = fperend;
    ipersize = fpersize;

    if (iperstart < 0 || iperstart > iperend ||
        iperend <= 0 || iperend+ipersize > 100 ||
        ipersize < 0 || fpersize > 100 ) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong interval [%d%%, %d%%] <-> [%d%%, %d%%]",
                           iperstart, iperstart+ipersize, iperend, iperend+ipersize );


    post( "swap blocks [%d,%d] and [%d,%d]", samplestart, samplestart+samplesize, samplestartb, samplestartb+samplesize );
    for ( sp=samplesize; sp>=0; sp-- ) {
        for ( sf=0; sf<x->x_blocksize; sf++) {
           fvalue = *(x->x_rdata+((int)(samplestart+sp)*x->x_blocksize)+sf);
           *(x->x_rdata+((int)(samplestart+sp)*x->x_blocksize)+sf) = *(x->x_rdata+((int)(samplestartb+sp)*x->x_blocksize)+sf);
           *(x->x_rdata+((int)(samplestartb+sp)*x->x_blocksize)+sf) = fvalue;
           fvalue = *(x->x_idata+((int)(samplestart+sp)*x->x_blocksize)+sf);
           *(x->x_idata+((int)(samplestart+sp)*x->x_blocksize)+sf) = *(x->x_idata+((int)(samplestartb+sp)*x->x_blocksize)+sf);
           *(x->x_idata+((int)(samplestartb+sp)*x->x_blocksize)+sf) = fvalue;
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, 0, x->x_size-1, 0, 1, 1);

    /* swap frequencies */
static void sonogram_swapfreqs(t_sonogram *x, t_floatarg ffirstfreq, t_floatarg fsecondfreq)
  t_int samplestart, sampleend, sp;
  t_float fvalue;

    if (ffirstfreq < 0 || fsecondfreq <0) {
        post( "sonogram~ : error : wrong frequencies" );
    for ( sp=samplestart; sp<=sampleend; sp++ ) {
        fvalue = *(x->x_rdata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)ffirstfreq);
        *(x->x_rdata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)ffirstfreq) = 
        *(x->x_rdata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)fsecondfreq) = fvalue;
        fvalue = *(x->x_idata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)ffirstfreq);
        *(x->x_idata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)ffirstfreq) = 
        *(x->x_idata+((int)sp*x->x_blocksize)+(int)fsecondfreq) = fvalue;
    sonogram_update_part(x, x->x_glist, samplestart, sampleend, 0, 1, 1);

static void *sonogram_new(t_floatarg fsize, t_floatarg fgraphic, t_floatarg fphaso)
    t_sonogram *x = (t_sonogram *)pd_new(sonogram_class);
    outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_signal);
    outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_signal);
    x->x_recend = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_bang );
    x->x_end = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_bang );
    inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
    inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("readstart"));
    inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("readend"));
    inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("modstart"));
    inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("modend"));

    if ( fsize <= 0 || ( fgraphic != 0 && fgraphic != 1 ) || ( fphaso != 0 && fphaso != 1 ) ) {
       error( "sonogram~ : missing or negative creation arguments" );
       return NULL;

    // activate graphical callbacks
    if ( fgraphic != 0 ) 
       class_setwidget(sonogram_class, &sonogram_widgetbehavior);
    x->x_graphic = (int) fgraphic;
    x->x_phaso = (int) fphaso;
    x->x_size = fsize;
    x->x_blocksize = sys_getblksize();
    x->x_play = 0;
    x->x_readspeed = 1.;
    x->x_record = 0;
    x->x_readpos = 0.;
    x->x_writepos = 0;
    x->x_modstart = 0;
    x->x_readstart = 0;
    x->x_modend = 100;
    x->x_readend = 100;
    x->x_rdata = NULL;
    x->x_idata = NULL;
    x->x_phase = 0.0;
    x->x_empty = 1;
    x->x_xpos = -1;
    x->x_ypos = -1;
    x->x_samplerate = sys_getsr();
    /* graphic data */
    x->x_selected = 0;
    x->x_zoom = 1;
    x->x_updatechild = 0;
    x->x_modstep = 1.1;
    x->x_enhancemode = 0;
    x->x_glist = (t_glist*)canvas_getcurrent();

    if ( sonogram_allocate(x) <0 ) {
      return NULL;
    } else {


void sonogram_tilde_setup(void)
    sonogram_class = class_new(gensym("sonogram~"), (t_newmethod)sonogram_new, (t_method)sonogram_free,
                    sizeof(t_sonogram), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);

    // set callbacks
    sonogram_widgetbehavior.w_getrectfn =    sonogram_getrect;
    sonogram_widgetbehavior.w_displacefn =   sonogram_displace;
    sonogram_widgetbehavior.w_selectfn =     sonogram_select;
    sonogram_widgetbehavior.w_activatefn =   NULL;
    sonogram_widgetbehavior.w_deletefn =     sonogram_delete;
    sonogram_widgetbehavior.w_visfn =        sonogram_vis;
    sonogram_widgetbehavior.w_clickfn =      sonogram_click;
	  * <hans@eds.org>: As of 0.37, pd does not have these last 
	  * two elements in t_widgetbehavoir anymore.
	  * see pd/src/notes.txt:
	  *           savefunction and dialog into class structure
#if PD_MINOR_VERSION < 37  || !defined(PD_MINOR_VERSION)
    sonogram_widgetbehavior.w_propertiesfn = NULL;
    sonogram_widgetbehavior.w_savefn =       sonogram_save;
/*  this is needed to make the help patch work on < 0.37  */
    class_sethelpsymbol( sonogram_class, gensym("sonogram~-help.pd") );
	 class_setpropertiesfn(sonogram_class, NULL);
	 class_setsavefn(sonogram_class, &sonogram_save);

    CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN( sonogram_class, t_sonogram, x_f );
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_dsp, gensym("dsp"), A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_record, gensym("record"), A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_enhance, gensym("enhance"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_add, gensym("add"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_resize, gensym("resize"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_zoom, gensym("zoom"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_swappoints, gensym("swappoints"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_average, gensym("average"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_swapblocks, gensym("swapblocks"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_swapfreqs, gensym("swapfreqs"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_flipfreqs, gensym("flipfreqs"), A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_flipblocks, gensym("flipblocks"), A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_play, gensym("play"), A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_refresh, gensym("refresh"), A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_enhancemode, gensym("enhancemode"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_goup, gensym("goup"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_godown, gensym("godown"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_roll, gensym("roll"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_threshold, gensym("threshold"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_phase, gensym("phase"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_zswap, gensym("zswap"), A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_modstep, gensym("modstep"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_modstart, gensym("modstart"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_modend, gensym("modend"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_readstart, gensym("readstart"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_readend, gensym("readend"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_readspeed, gensym("readspeed"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
    class_addmethod(sonogram_class, (t_method)sonogram_undo, gensym("undo"), A_NULL);