/* stksitar~ -- apply a stksitar effect * requires libDSP library * Copyleft 2001 Yves Degoyon. * Permission is granted to use this software for any purpose provided you * keep this copyright notice intact. * * THE AUTHOR AND HIS EXPLOITERS MAKE NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "sitar.h" #include "unistd.h" #include "RtWvOut.h" sitar *x_stksitar = NULL; int main( int argc, char** argv ) { // int count=0; x_stksitar = new sitar( 50.0 ); if ( x_stksitar == NULL ) { printf( "mstksitar~: cannot build sitar instrument from STK" ); exit(-1); } x_stksitar->noteOn( 400.0, 0.25 ); // start sound while (1) { double dare; dare = (float) x_stksitar->tick(); printf( "%f\n", dare ); fwrite( (void*)&dare, sizeof(float), 1, stderr ); } }