/* vocoder~ -- vocoder effect inspired by xvox * written by Simon Morlat ( http://simon.morlat.free.fr ) * * Copyleft 2001 Yves Degoyon. * Permission is granted to use this software for any purpose provided you * keep this copyright notice intact. * * THE AUTHOR AND HIS EXPLOITERS MAKE NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "filters.h" #include "lpc.h" #define OUTPUT_DELAY 50 typedef struct _vocoder { t_object x_obj; t_float x_f; t_float x_cutoff; t_int x_vfeedback; double *x_in1buf; double *x_in2buf; double *x_outbuf; t_int x_blocksize; t_int x_process; } t_vocoder; static t_class *vocoder_class; static char *vocoder_version = "vocoder~: version 0.1, written by ydegoyon@free.fr, inspired by xvox (Simon Morlat)"; static void vocoder_cutoff(t_vocoder *x, t_floatarg fcutoff ) { if ( fcutoff > 128.0 ) { fcutoff = 128.0; } if ( fcutoff < 0.0 ) { fcutoff = 0.0; } x->x_cutoff = fcutoff; } static void vocoder_vfeedback(t_vocoder *x, t_floatarg fvfeedback ) { if ( fvfeedback > 100.0 ) { fvfeedback = 100.0; } if ( fvfeedback < 0.0 ) { fvfeedback = 0.0; } x->x_vfeedback = fvfeedback; } static t_int *vocoder_perform(t_int *w) { t_vocoder *x = (t_vocoder *)(w[1]); t_float *in1 = (t_float *)(w[2]); t_float *fin1 = (t_float *)(w[2]); t_float *in2 = (t_float *)(w[3]); t_float *out1 = (t_float *)(w[4]); double correls[12], lpc_coef[11], f1[12], f2[12], lsp_coef[11]; int offset=0; int n = (int)(w[5]), i; if ( !x->x_process ) return (w+6); if ( x->x_blocksize != n ) { if ( x->x_in1buf ) freebytes( x->x_in1buf, 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) ); if ( x->x_in2buf ) freebytes( x->x_in2buf, 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) ); if ( x->x_outbuf ) freebytes( x->x_outbuf, (x->x_blocksize+OUTPUT_DELAY)*sizeof( double ) ); x->x_blocksize = n; x->x_in1buf = (double*) getbytes( 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) ); x->x_in2buf = (double*) getbytes( 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) ); x->x_outbuf = (double*) getbytes( (x->x_blocksize+OUTPUT_DELAY)*sizeof( double ) ); if ( !x->x_in1buf || !x->x_in2buf || !x->x_outbuf ) { post( "vocoder~ : allocations failed : stop processing" ); x->x_process = 0; } } for(i=0;ix_blocksize/2;i++) { x->x_in1buf[i]=x->x_in1buf[i+x->x_blocksize]; }; for(i=0;ix_outbuf[i]=x->x_outbuf[i+x->x_blocksize]; for(i=0;ix_blocksize;i++) { x->x_in1buf[x->x_blocksize/2+i]=(double)(*(in1++)); x->x_in2buf[x->x_blocksize/2+i]=(double)(*(in2++)); } hp_filter(x->x_in2buf,x->x_cutoff/128.,n); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { comp_lpc(x->x_in1buf+offset,correls,lpc_coef,x->x_blocksize/4); if (lpc_coef[0]!=0) { lpc2lsp(lpc_coef,f1,f2,lsp_coef); lsp2lpc(lsp_coef,lpc_coef); }; lpc_filter(x->x_in2buf+offset,lpc_coef,x->x_outbuf+OUTPUT_DELAY+offset,x->x_blocksize/4); offset+=x->x_blocksize/4; }; for(i=0;ix_blocksize;i++) { if ( x->x_outbuf[OUTPUT_DELAY+i] > 1.0 ) x->x_outbuf[OUTPUT_DELAY+i]=1.0; if ( x->x_outbuf[OUTPUT_DELAY+i] < -1.0 ) x->x_outbuf[OUTPUT_DELAY+i]=-1.0; *(out1++)=(t_float)(((100-x->x_vfeedback)*x->x_outbuf[OUTPUT_DELAY+i] + x->x_vfeedback*(*fin1++))/100.0); }; return (w+6); } static void vocoder_dsp(t_vocoder *x, t_signal **sp) { dsp_add(vocoder_perform, 5, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n); } static void *vocoder_new(void) { t_vocoder *x = (t_vocoder *)pd_new(vocoder_class); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("cutoff")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("vfeedback")); outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_signal); x->x_cutoff = 60.; x->x_vfeedback = 50; x->x_blocksize=-1; x->x_in1buf = NULL; x->x_in2buf = NULL; x->x_outbuf = NULL; x->x_process = 1; return (x); } /* clean up */ static void vocoder_free(t_vocoder *x) { if ( x->x_in1buf ) freebytes( x->x_in1buf, 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) ); if ( x->x_in2buf ) freebytes( x->x_in2buf, 3*x->x_blocksize/2*sizeof( double ) ); if ( x->x_outbuf ) freebytes( x->x_outbuf, (x->x_blocksize+OUTPUT_DELAY)*sizeof( double ) ); } void vocoder_tilde_setup(void) { post(vocoder_version); vocoder_class = class_new(gensym("vocoder~"), (t_newmethod)vocoder_new, (t_method)vocoder_free, sizeof(t_vocoder), 0, 0); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN( vocoder_class, t_vocoder, x_f ); class_addmethod(vocoder_class, (t_method)vocoder_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); class_addmethod(vocoder_class, (t_method)vocoder_cutoff, gensym("cutoff"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(vocoder_class, (t_method)vocoder_vfeedback, gensym("vfeedback"), A_FLOAT, 0); }