#ifndef __audioeffectx__ #define __audioeffectx__ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // VST Plug-Ins SDK // version 2.0 extension // (c)1999 Steinberg Soft+Hardware GmbH //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __AudioEffect__ #include "AudioEffect.hpp" // version 1.0 base class AudioEffect #endif #ifndef __aeffectx__ #include "aeffectx.h" // version 2.0 'C' extensions and structures #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AudioEffectX extends AudioEffect with the new features. so you should derive // your plug from AudioEffectX //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class AudioEffectX : public AudioEffect { public: AudioEffectX (audioMasterCallback audioMaster, long numPrograms, long numParams); virtual ~AudioEffectX (); virtual long dispatcher (long opCode, long index, long value, void *ptr, float opt); // 'host' are methods which go from plug to host, and are usually not overridden // 'plug' are methods which you may override to implement the according functionality (to host) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // events + time //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // host virtual void wantEvents (long filter = 1); // filter is currently ignored, midi channel data only (default) virtual VstTimeInfo* getTimeInfo (long filter); // returns const VstTimeInfo* (or 0 if not supported) // filter should contain a mask indicating which fields are requested // (see valid masks in aeffectx.h), as some items may require extensive // conversions virtual long tempoAt (long pos); // returns tempo (in bpm * 10000) at sample frame location bool sendVstEventsToHost (VstEvents* events); // true:success // plug virtual long processEvents (VstEvents* events) {return 0;} // wants no more...else return 1! // VstEvents and VstMidiEvents are declared in aeffectx.h //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parameters and programs //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // host virtual long getNumAutomatableParameters (); virtual long getParameterQuantization (); // returns the integer value for +1.0 representation, // or 1 if full single float precision is maintained // in automation. parameter index in (-1: all, any) // plug virtual bool canParameterBeAutomated (long index) { return true; } virtual bool string2parameter (long index, char* text) {return false;} // note: implies setParameter. text==0 is to be // expected to check the capability (returns true). virtual float getChannelParameter (long channel, long index) {return 0;} virtual long getNumCategories () {return 1L;} virtual bool getProgramNameIndexed (long category, long index, char* text) {return false;} virtual bool copyProgram (long destination) {return false;} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // connections, configuration //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // host virtual bool ioChanged (); // tell host numInputs and/or numOutputs and/or numParameters has changed virtual bool needIdle (); // plug needs idle calls (outside its editor window) virtual bool sizeWindow (long width, long height); virtual double updateSampleRate (); // gets and returns sample rate from host (may issue setSampleRate() ) virtual long updateBlockSize (); // same for block size virtual long getInputLatency (); virtual long getOutputLatency (); virtual AEffect* getPreviousPlug (long input); // input can be -1 in which case the first found is returned virtual AEffect* getNextPlug (long output); // output can be -1 in which case the first found is returned // plug virtual void inputConnected (long index, bool state) {} // input at has been (dis-)connected, virtual void outputConnected (long index, bool state) {} // same as input; state == true: connected virtual bool getInputProperties (long index, VstPinProperties* properties) {return false;} virtual bool getOutputProperties (long index, VstPinProperties* properties) {return false;} virtual VstPlugCategory getPlugCategory() { if (cEffect.flags & effFlagsIsSynth) return kPlugCategSynth; return kPlugCategUnknown; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // realtime //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // host virtual long willProcessReplacing (); // returns 0: not implemented, 1: replacing, 2: accumulating virtual long getCurrentProcessLevel (); // returns: 0: not supported, // 1: currently in user thread (gui) // 2: currently in audio thread or irq (where process is called) // 3: currently in 'sequencer' thread or irq (midi, timer etc) // 4: currently offline processing and thus in user thread // other: not defined, but probably pre-empting user thread. virtual long getAutomationState (); // returns 0: not supported, 1: off, 2:read, 3:write, 4:read/write virtual void wantAsyncOperation (bool state = true); // notify host that we want to operate asynchronously. // process() will return immedeately; host will poll getCurrentPosition // to see if data are available in time. virtual void hasExternalBuffer (bool state = true); // external dsp, may have their own output buffe (32 bit float) // host then requests this via effGetDestinationBuffer // plug virtual long reportCurrentPosition () {return 0;} // for external dsp, see wantAsyncOperation () virtual float* reportDestinationBuffer () {return 0;} // for external dsp (dma option) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // offline //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // host virtual bool offlineRead (VstOfflineTask* offline, VstOfflineOption option, bool readSource = true); virtual bool offlineWrite (VstOfflineTask* offline, VstOfflineOption option); virtual bool offlineStart (VstAudioFile* ptr, long numAudioFiles, long numNewAudioFiles); virtual long offlineGetCurrentPass (); virtual long offlineGetCurrentMetaPass (); // plug virtual bool offlineNotify (VstAudioFile* ptr, long numAudioFiles, bool start) { return false; } virtual bool offlinePrepare (VstOfflineTask* offline, long count) {return false;} virtual bool offlineRun (VstOfflineTask* offline, long count) {return false;} virtual long offlineGetNumPasses () {return 0;} virtual long offlineGetNumMetaPasses () {return 0;} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // other //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // host virtual void setOutputSamplerate (float samplerate); virtual bool getSpeakerArrangement (VstSpeakerArrangement* pluginInput, VstSpeakerArrangement* pluginOutput); virtual bool getHostVendorString (char* text); // fills with a string identifying the vendor (max 64 char) virtual bool getHostProductString (char* text); // fills with a string with product name (max 64 char) virtual long getHostVendorVersion (); // returns vendor-specific version virtual long hostVendorSpecific (long lArg1, long lArg2, void* ptrArg, float floatArg); // no definition virtual long canHostDo (char* text); // see 'hostCanDos' in audioeffectx.cpp // returns 0: don't know (default), 1: yes, -1: no virtual void isSynth (bool state = true); // will call wantEvents if true virtual void noTail (bool state = true); // true: tells host we produce no output when silence comes in // enables host to omit process() when no data are present // on any one input. virtual long getHostLanguage (); // returns VstHostLanguage virtual void* openWindow (VstWindow*); // create new window virtual bool closeWindow (VstWindow*); // close a newly created window virtual void* getDirectory (); // get the plug's directory, FSSpec on mac, else char* virtual bool updateDisplay(); // something has changed, update 'multi-fx' display // returns true if supported // plug virtual bool processVariableIo (VstVariableIo* varIo) {return false;} virtual bool setSpeakerArrangement (VstSpeakerArrangement* pluginInput, VstSpeakerArrangement* pluginOutput) {return false;} virtual void setBlockSizeAndSampleRate (long blockSize, float sampleRate) {this->blockSize = blockSize; this->sampleRate = sampleRate;} virtual bool setBypass(bool onOff) {return false;} // for 'soft-bypass; process() still called virtual bool getEffectName (char* name) {return false;} // name max 32 char virtual bool getErrorText (char* text) {return false;} // max 256 char virtual bool getVendorString (char* text) {return false;} // fill text with a string identifying the vendor (max 64 char) virtual bool getProductString (char* text) {return false;} // fill text with a string identifying the product name (max 64 char) // fills with a string with product name (max 64 char) virtual long getVendorVersion () {return 0;} // return vendor-specific version virtual long vendorSpecific (long lArg, long lArg2, void* ptrArg, float floatArg) {return 0;} // no definition, vendor specific handling virtual long canDo (char* text) {return 0;} // see 'plugCanDos' in audioeffectx.cpp. return values: // 0: don't know (default), 1: yes, -1: no virtual void* getIcon () {return 0;} // not yet defined virtual bool setViewPosition (long x, long y) {return false;} virtual long getGetTailSize () {return 0; } virtual long fxIdle () {return 0;} virtual bool getParameterProperties (long index, VstParameterProperties* p) {return false;} virtual bool keysRequired () {return false;} // version 1 plugs will return true virtual long getVstVersion () {return 2;} }; #endif