#N canvas 265 308 612 302 12; #X obj 106 246 print; #X msg 141 139 3.14159 2 hello 1; #X msg 150 170 gosh 2.3 1; #X obj 106 212 list2int; #X text 145 23 list to integer; #X text 98 49 cast all floats of a list to integers; #X msg 106 110 1 2 -1.567 3 2; #X text 238 110 list of floats; #X text 304 139 list with symbols; #X obj 412 248 l2i; #X text 365 248 alias; #X text 451 15 part of zexy; #X text 248 169 not really a list; #X connect 1 0 3 0; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 3 0 0 0; #X connect 6 0 3 0;