#N canvas 173 205 772 508 10; #X obj 90 33 lp; #X text 129 36 write data to the (parallel) port; #X text 82 70 this is LINUX ONLY !!!; #X text 17 125 note:; #X text 59 126 you might have to be root to get write-permissions on your specified port.; #X text 59 160 you can access all ports on your system when using "lp "; #X text 59 194 if your port-address exceeds 0x3ff \, "lp" will try to get all permissions with the iopl()-command. this might be dangerous !; #X obj 81 411 lp 0; #X obj 110 411 lp 1; #X obj 139 411 lp 2; #X text 75 390 parallel ports 0 \, 1 \, 2; #X obj 294 415 lp 0x378; #X text 289 394 another port; #X obj 81 337 lp 1; #X obj 81 305 % 256; #X floatatom 81 283 4 0 0; #X text 122 284 write an 8bit-word; #X connect 14 0 13 0; #X connect 15 0 14 0;