#N canvas 7 5 666 402 10;
#X obj 51 91 metro 320;
#X msg 51 69 1;
#X msg 76 69 0;
#X text 271 237 alias;
#X text 549 33 part of zexy;
#X obj 111 12 multiplex;
#X text 231 10 multiplex the selected inlet to the outlet;
#X text 277 81 the rightmost inlet specifies \, which inlet is routed
to the outlet;
#X text 280 119 inlets number from 0..(n-1);
#X text 268 166 creation: "multiplex [<in1?> [<in2?> [<in3?> ... ]]]"
#X obj 51 311 mux 1 2 3 4;
#X text 303 185 the number of arguments defines the number of inlets
#X obj 315 236 mux;
#X obj 51 369 print output;
#X obj 123 240 vradio 15 1 0 4 empty empty select 20 7 0 8 -262144
-1 -1 0;
#X obj 51 111 t b b b b;
#X msg 69 161 bang;
#X floatatom 51 143 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X msg 87 183 list 4 2;
#X msg 105 211 symbol coppenrath;
#N canvas 460 154 494 344 META 0;
#X text 12 145 HELP_PATCH_AUTHORS "pd meta" information added by Jonathan
Wilkes for Pd version 0.42.;
#X text 12 25 LICENSE GPL v2;
#X text 12 125 AUTHOR IOhannes m zmoelnig;
#X text 12 45 DESCRIPTION multiplex the selected inlet to the outlet
#X text 12 5 KEYWORDS control;
#X text 12 65 INLET_N anything;
#X text 12 85 INLET_R float;
#X text 12 105 OUTLET_0 anything;
#X restore 608 373 pd META;
#X connect 0 0 15 0;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
#X connect 2 0 0 0;
#X connect 10 0 13 0;
#X connect 14 0 10 4;
#X connect 15 0 17 0;
#X connect 15 1 16 0;
#X connect 15 2 18 0;
#X connect 15 3 19 0;
#X connect 16 0 10 1;
#X connect 17 0 10 0;
#X connect 18 0 10 2;
#X connect 19 0 10 3;