/****************************************************** * * zexy - implementation file * * copyleft (c) Franz Zotter * * 2105:forum::für::umläute:2007 * * institute of electronic music and acoustics (iem) * ****************************************************** * * license: GNU General Public License v.2 * ******************************************************/ #include "zexy.h" #ifdef __WIN32__ # define snprintf _snprintf #endif #include #include /* fwriteln: writes messages continuously into a file that * doesn't necessarily need to fit into the RAM of your system * * Franz Zotter zotter@iem.at, 2007 * Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics * * parts of this externals were copied from Iohannes zmoelnig's * iemmatrix */ static t_class *fwriteln_class; typedef struct fwriteln { t_object x_ob; FILE *x_file; char *x_filename; char *x_textbuf; char linebreak_chr[3]; char format_string_afloats[10]; int width; int precision; } t_fwriteln; static void fwriteln_close (t_fwriteln *x) { if(x->x_file) fclose(x->x_file); x->x_file=0; if(x->x_filename) free(x->x_filename); x->x_filename=0; if(x->x_textbuf) freebytes(x->x_textbuf, MAXPDSTRING + 1); x->x_textbuf=0; } static void string_copy(const char* const from, char** to) { if (*to = malloc(strlen(from) + 1)) { strcpy(*to, from); } } static void fwriteln_open (t_fwriteln *x, t_symbol *s, t_symbol*type) { char* filename; string_copy(s->s_name, &filename); sys_bashfilename (filename, filename); fwriteln_close (x); /* if(0==type || type!=gensym("cr")) { pd_error(x, "unknown type '%s'", (type)?type->s_name:""); return; }*/ if (type==gensym("cr")) strcpy(x->linebreak_chr,"\n"); else strcpy(x->linebreak_chr,";\n"); if (!(x->x_file=fopen(filename, "w"))) { pd_error(x, "failed to open %128s",filename); free(filename); return; } string_copy(filename, &x->x_filename); free(filename); x->x_textbuf = (char *) getbytes (MAXPDSTRING + 1); } static void fwriteln_write (t_fwriteln *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int length=0; char *text=x->x_textbuf; if (x->x_file) { if ((s!=gensym("list"))||(argv->a_type==A_SYMBOL)) { snprintf(text,MAXPDSTRING,"%s ", s->s_name); text[MAXPDSTRING-1]=0; length=strlen(text); if (fwrite(text, length*sizeof(char),1,x->x_file) < 1) { pd_error(x, "failed to write %128s",x->x_filename); freebytes (text, MAXPDSTRING * sizeof(char)); fwriteln_close(x); return; } } while (argc--) { switch (argv->a_type) { case A_FLOAT: snprintf(text,MAXPDSTRING,x->format_string_afloats, x->width,x->precision,atom_getfloat(argv)); text[MAXPDSTRING-1]=0; length=strlen(text); if (fwrite(text, length*sizeof(char),1,x->x_file) < 1) { pd_error(x, "failed to write %128s",x->x_filename); freebytes (text, MAXPDSTRING * sizeof(char)); fwriteln_close(x); return; } break; case A_SYMBOL: snprintf(text,MAXPDSTRING,"%s ", atom_getsymbol(argv)->s_name); text[MAXPDSTRING-1]=0; length=strlen(text); if (fwrite(text, length*sizeof(char),1,x->x_file) < 1) { pd_error(x, "failed to write %128s",x->x_filename); freebytes (text, MAXPDSTRING * sizeof(char)); fwriteln_close(x); return; } break; case A_COMMA: snprintf(text,MAXPDSTRING,", "); length=strlen(text); if (fwrite(text, length*sizeof(char),1,x->x_file) < 1) { pd_error(x, "failed to write %128s",x->x_filename); freebytes (text, MAXPDSTRING * sizeof(char)); fwriteln_close(x); return; } break; case A_SEMI: snprintf(text,MAXPDSTRING,"; "); length=strlen(text); if (fwrite(text, length*sizeof(char),1,x->x_file) < 1) { pd_error(x, "failed to write %128s",x->x_filename); freebytes (text, MAXPDSTRING * sizeof(char)); fwriteln_close(x); return; } break; } argv++; } snprintf(text,MAXPDSTRING,x->linebreak_chr); length=strlen(text); if (fwrite(text, length*sizeof(char),1,x->x_file) < 1) { pd_error(x, "failed to write %128s",x->x_filename); freebytes (text, MAXPDSTRING * sizeof(char)); fwriteln_close(x); return; } } else { pd_error(x, "no file opened for writing"); } } static void fwriteln_free (t_fwriteln *x) { fwriteln_close(x); } static void *fwriteln_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int k; t_fwriteln *x = (t_fwriteln *)pd_new(fwriteln_class); x->x_filename=0; x->x_file=0; x->x_textbuf=0; x->width=5; x->precision=2; strcpy(x->format_string_afloats,"%*.*g "); for (k=0; kprecision=atom_getint(&argv[++k]); x->precision=(x->precision<0)?0:x->precision; x->precision=(x->precision>30)?30:x->precision; } else if ((atom_getsymbol(&argv[k])==gensym("w"))&&(k+1width=atom_getint(&argv[++k]); x->width=(x->width<1)?1:x->width; x->width=(x->width>40)?40:x->width; } else if (atom_getsymbol(&argv[k])==gensym("-")) { strcpy(x->format_string_afloats,"%-*.*g "); } else if (atom_getsymbol(&argv[k])==gensym("+")) { strcpy(x->format_string_afloats,"%+*.*g "); } } return (void *)x; } void fwriteln_setup(void) { fwriteln_class = class_new(gensym("fwriteln"), (t_newmethod)fwriteln_new, (t_method) fwriteln_free, sizeof(t_fwriteln), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(fwriteln_class, (t_method)fwriteln_open, gensym("open"), A_SYMBOL, A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(fwriteln_class, (t_method)fwriteln_close, gensym("close"), A_NULL, 0); class_addanything(fwriteln_class, (t_method)fwriteln_write); zexy_register("fwriteln"); }