regression test framework

this is a simple framework for regression tests for pd-objects

each test is a patch with one (1) inlet and one (1) outlet.
a bang is sent to the inlet to start the test.
the test has to send "1" to the outlet if the test succeeded.
any other result will be considered a failure of the test.
the test MUST return a result, else it will halt the entire
testrun. (this is needed to allow objects that do not return 
in zero-time (signal-objects or other timed objects) to be
tested with this framework too)

example tests of [==]:

GOOD test:
 [10 10(

BAD test (will hang forever):
 [10 10.1(
 [select 0]

all .pd-files in one-level-subdirectories are considered tests.
e.g. ./subdir/patch1.pd is tested, while ./patch2.pd and 
./sub/dir/patch3.pd are not taken into account
this is important if you need abstractions for your test

at the beginning of the testrun a file "runtests.txt" is generated
which contains all test-patches, one per line and each line
terminated by semicolon.
then pd is started and "runtests.txt" is read (via [textfile]).
for each line in the file, an object is created, a bang is
sent to the object and the result is received and compared with "1".
a result-message is printed.
when all the tests have been run, a summary of how many tests have
been run (and how many tests have been run successfully), and pd quits.
printout is first done into a logfile "runtests.log".
this logfile is printed to the stdout after pd quit.

 pd-0.40 has problems creating an path-prefixed abstraction when a
 library of the same name is already loaded.
 e.g. if the library "zexy" is loaded, then the abstraction ./path/zexy.pd
 CANNOT be instantiated as object [./path/zexy];
 this seems to be fixed in newer versions of pd