@echo off REM ============================================== REM adapt the following to your needs REM ============================================== REM where does PD reside ?? REM if you want spaces in the path, please use quotes ("") set PDPATH="%PROGRAMFILES%\pd" REM which pd-version do we have ? set PDVERSION=0.38 REM ============================================== REM do not edit below this line !!! REM ============================================== echo : echo : installing zexy on your system echo : echo : assuming that PD-version is at least %PDVERSION% echo : assuming that PD is installed at %PDPATH% echo : echo : if this is correct, hit [return] to proceed echo : if this is incorrect, stop this programm ([Ctrl]-C), edit 'z_install.bat' to your needs and rerun echo : pause IF NOT EXIST %PDPATH%\bin\pd.exe goto location_error set BINPATH=extra set REFPATH=extra\help-zexy if %PDVERSION% LSS 0.37 set REFPATH=doc\5.reference\zexy echo Copying binary... copy zexy.dll %PDPATH%\%BINPATH% > tempInstall.trash echo copying help files mkdir %PDPATH%\%REFPATH% copy examples\* %PDPATH%\%REFPATH% > tempInstall.trash echo copying abstractions copy abs\*.pd %PDPATH%\%BINPATH% > tempInstall.trash echo : done echo : dont forget to load zexy on startup... echo : have fun goto end :location_error echo : echo : i believe i am in the wrong directory echo : i thought that the pd-executable would be %PDPATH%\bin\pd.exe echo : obviously it is not !!! echo : please edit this file and set the PDPATH-variable apropriatly echo : echo : stopping installation echo : :end pause