package com.e1.pdj; import com.cycling74.max.MaxSystem; import; class JavacCompiler extends GenericCompiler { public JavacCompiler() { super("javac"); } String javacPath() { String fullPath = System.getProperty("pdj.JAVA_HOME"); File test = new File(new File(fullPath, "bin"), "javac"); if ( test.exists() ) { return test.getAbsolutePath(); }"unable to find 'bin/javac' from the JAVA_HOME, using PATH"); return "javac"; } void compileClass() throws PDJClassLoaderException { String args = javacPath() + " " + resolvJavaFile() + " -classpath " + getConfigurationClassPath() + " -sourcepath " + PDJClassLoader.fclasses.toString(); int rc = exec(args); if ( rc != 0 ) { throw new PDJClassLoaderException("pdj: compiler returned: "+ rc + ",args: " +args); }"pdj: compile successful"); } }