path: root/examples
diff options
authorMartin Peach <mrpeach@users.sourceforge.net>2013-02-21 16:28:13 +0000
committerIOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at>2015-10-14 14:28:31 +0200
commitdf3c5bae24837b144a1f09d06d4cad90b8905915 (patch)
treee751d9c3be1046c6f8f65e2c4303fd61a89fbb3b /examples
parent4bab8348d2842245d93833a80f0d4713f973069c (diff)
Example class that splits a text file into sentences.
svn path=/trunk/externals/loaders/pdlua/; revision=17050
Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
2 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/ltextfile-drip-help.pd b/examples/ltextfile-drip-help.pd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85811c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ltextfile-drip-help.pd
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#N canvas 480 515 796 478 10;
+#X msg 145 184 open test.txt;
+#X obj 184 223 openpanel;
+#X obj 122 208 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1;
+#X obj 95 66 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1
+#X floatatom 125 165 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X msg 163 202 open tewt.txt;
+#X obj 553 336 print EOF;
+#X msg 203 242 rewind;
+#X text 393 323 bang when no more lines;
+#X text 252 241 rewind file to zero;
+#X text 477 274 argument is a file name to be opened;
+#X text 227 430 written in pd_lua by Martin Peach 2012/09/17;
+#X text 239 183 open a file by name;
+#X text 249 201 nonexistent file prints an error;
+#X text 245 222 choose a file to open;
+#X obj 201 380 s word;
+#X obj 63 8 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1
+#X obj 126 15 + 500;
+#X obj 126 -8 random 700;
+#X obj -7 1 r ready;
+#X msg 20 70 stop;
+#X obj -7 25 t b b;
+#X obj -7 49 delay 1000;
+#X text 213 142 ltextfile-drip reads a text file. Incoming bangs cause
+it to spit out sentences from the file in sequence.;
+#X obj 251 342 print dripped->;
+#X obj 154 66 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1
+#X obj 319 388 print punctuation->;
+#X obj 95 134 spigot;
+#X obj 128 112 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0
+#X floatatom 194 58 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 251 307 ltextfile-drip ../a_modest_proposal_gutenberg_1080.txt
+#X obj 95 92 delay 10;
+#X symbolatom 252 363 80 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 63 38 metro 20000;
+#X obj 144 341 route bang;
+#X obj 144 401 print empty_line;
+#X obj 20 156 delay 60000;
+#X connect 0 0 30 0;
+#X connect 1 0 30 0;
+#X connect 2 0 1 0;
+#X connect 3 0 31 0;
+#X connect 3 0 36 0;
+#X connect 4 0 30 0;
+#X connect 5 0 30 0;
+#X connect 7 0 30 0;
+#X connect 16 0 33 0;
+#X connect 18 0 17 0;
+#X connect 19 0 21 0;
+#X connect 20 0 36 0;
+#X connect 21 0 22 0;
+#X connect 21 1 20 0;
+#X connect 22 0 3 0;
+#X connect 25 0 30 0;
+#X connect 27 0 30 0;
+#X connect 28 0 27 1;
+#X connect 29 0 31 1;
+#X connect 30 0 24 0;
+#X connect 30 0 32 0;
+#X connect 30 0 34 0;
+#X connect 30 1 26 0;
+#X connect 30 2 6 0;
+#X connect 30 2 7 0;
+#X connect 31 0 27 0;
+#X connect 33 0 30 0;
+#X connect 34 0 35 0;
+#X connect 34 0 3 0;
+#X connect 34 1 15 0;
+#X connect 36 0 3 0;
diff --git a/examples/ltextfile-drip.pd_lua b/examples/ltextfile-drip.pd_lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16a1651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ltextfile-drip.pd_lua
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+-- ltextfile-drip
+-- Output a text file as a sequence of symbols (sentences)
+-- author Martin Peach 20120913
+-- Pd class
+local LTextFileDrip = pd.Class:new():register("ltextfile-drip")
+local file ourTextFile = nil
+local words = {}
+local wordIndex = 0
+local playbackIndex = 0
+local ourSentence, ourRemainingLine = nil
+local ourLine = nil
+function LTextFileDrip:initialize(name, atoms)
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:initialize-> name is " .. name);
+--pd.post("number of atoms is ".. #atoms)
+--for i,v in ipairs(atoms) do
+-- pd.post(i .. " = " .. v)
+ if #atoms > 0 then self:openOurTextFile(atoms[1]) end
+ if ourTextFile == nil then pd.post("LTextFileDrip:initialize: unable to open " .. atoms[1]) end
+ self.inlets = 1
+ self.outlets = 3
+ return true
+-- LTextFileDrip:openOurTextFile: open a text file using name as a path
+function LTextFileDrip:openOurTextFile(name)
+ if ourTextFile ~= nil then
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:openOurTextFile: closing old file")
+ ourTextFile:close()
+ ourTextFile = nil
+ end
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:openOurTextFile ( " .. name .. " )")
+ ourTextFile = io.open(name)
+ if ourTextFile == nil then
+ pd.post("LTextFileDrip:openOurTextFile: Unable to open " .. name)
+ end
+ ourRemainingLine = nil
+function LTextFileDrip:rewindOurTextFile()
+-- pd.post("LTextFileDrip:rewind")
+ if ourTextFile == nil then
+ pd.post("LTextFileDrip:rewindOurTextFile: no open file")
+ else
+ ourTextFile:seek("set") --sets the position to the beginning of the file (and returns 0)
+ wordIndex = 0
+ playbackIndex = 0
+ end
+-- LTextFileDrip:drip: accumulate a line of words from ourTextFile and output them as symbols, one per bang
+function LTextFileDrip:drip()
+ local ourPunc
+ local repeatCount = 0
+ if ourTextFile == nil then
+ pd.post("LTextFileDrip:drip: no open file")
+ return
+ end
+-- if wordIndex == 0 then -- read another line
+ repeat
+ repeatCount = repeatCount + 1
+--pd.post("repeat number " .. repeatCount)
+ if ourRemainingLine == nil then
+--pd.post ("1> ourRemainingLine is nil")
+ ourLine = ourTextFile:read()
+ if ourLine == nil then
+ self:outlet(3, "bang", {}) -- end of file
+ return
+ end
+--pd.post ("1> ourLine is [" .. ourLine .. "] len: " .. ourLine:len())
+ -- strip CR LF
+ s,e = ourLine:find("[\n\r]")
+ if s then
+--pd.post("1> CR or LF at " .. s)
+ ourLine = ourLine:sub(1,s-1) .. " "
+ else
+ ourLine = ourLine .. " "
+ end
+ elseif ourRemainingLine:len() == 0 then -- read another line
+--pd.post ("2> ourRemainingLine length 0")
+ ourLine = ourTextFile:read()
+ if ourLine == nil then
+ self:outlet(3, "bang", {}) -- end of file
+ return
+ end
+--pd.post ("2> ourLine is [" .. ourLine .. "] len: " .. ourLine:len())
+ s,e = ourLine:find("[\n\r]")
+ if s then
+--pd.post("2> CR or LF at " .. s)
+ ourLine = ourLine:sub(1,s-1) .. " "
+ else
+ ourLine = ourLine .. " "
+ end
+--pd.post("Not setting ourLine from ourRemainingLine, whose length is precisely " .. ourRemainingLine:len())
+ else
+ cstart,cend = ourRemainingLine:find("[,.;!?:]")
+ if cstart == nil then -- no punctuation in remainingLine, add next line from ourTextFile
+--pd.post("3> Adding a new line to ourRemainingLine")
+ ourLine = ourTextFile:read()
+ if ourLine == nil then -- no more lines
+ self:outlet(3, "bang", {}) -- end of file
+ return
+ end
+--pd.post ("3> ourLine is [" .. ourLine .. "] len: " .. ourLine:len())
+ s,e = ourLine:find("[\n\r]")
+ if s then
+--pd.post("3> CR or LF at " .. s)
+ ourLine = ourLine:sub(1,s-1) .. " "
+ else
+ ourLine = ourLine .. " "
+ end
+ --ourLine = ourLine:gsub("[\n\r]", " ")
+ if (ourLine:len() == 1) then -- an empty line
+--pd.post("BLANK LINE (1)")
+ ourLine = "." -- replace blank line with punctuation to force a chop
+ end
+ ourLine = ourRemainingLine .. ourLine
+ else -- remainingLine has punctuation
+--pd.post("4> ourRemainingLine contains punctuation")
+ ourLine = ourRemainingLine
+ end
+ ourRemainingLine = nil
+ end -- if ourRemainingLine == nil
+ ourPunc = nil
+ if ourLine ~= nil then -- line has content
+ if ourLine:len() > 0 then
+ wordIndex = 0
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:drip: <" .. ourLine .. ">")
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:drip: len" .. ourLine:len())
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:drip: 1st char" .. ourLine:byte(1))
+ if ((ourLine:len() == 1) and (ourLine:byte(1) == 13)) then -- a blank line
+--pd.post("BLANK LINE (2)")
+ ourSentence = ourRemainingLine
+ ourRemainingLine = nil
+ else -- find a comma, period, semicolon, exclamation or question mark
+ cstart,cend = ourLine:find("[,.;!?:]")
+ if cstart ~= nil then -- take the line before the mark
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:drip: cstart " .. string.format ('%d', cstart) .. " cend " .. string.format('%d', cend))
+ ourPunc = ourLine:sub(cend, cend)
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:drip: punctuation: " .. ourPunc)
+ ourSentence = ourLine:sub(1, cend) -- leave punctuation
+ if ourRemainingLine ~= nil then
+ ourSentence = ourRemainingLine .. ourSentence
+ end
+ ourRemainingLine = ourLine:sub(cend+1)
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:drip punctuation found: ourSentence is " .. ourSentence)
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:drip punctuation found: ourRemainingLine is " .. ourRemainingLine)
+ else -- no mark, take the whole line
+ if ourRemainingLine ~= nil then
+ ourRemainingLine = ourRemainingLine .. ourLine
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:drip more to come: ourRemainingLine is " .. ourRemainingLine)
+--for c = 1, ourRemainingLine:len() do pd.post("_" .. ourRemainingLine:byte(c) .. "_") end
+ else
+ ourRemainingLine = ourLine
+--pd.post("LTextFileDrip:drip first: ourRemainingLine is " .. ourRemainingLine)
+ end
+ end -- if cstart ~= nil
+ end -- if ((ourLine:len() == 1) and (ourLine:byte(1) == 13))
+ end -- if ourLine:len() > 0
+ if ourSentence ~= nil then
+ if ourSentence:gmatch("%w+") then
+ if ((ourSentence:len() == 1) and (ourSentence:byte(1) <= 32)) then
+--pd.post("BLANK LINE (3)")
+ wordIndex = 0 -- skip blank line
+ else
+ wordIndex = 1
+ end
+-- for w in ourSentence:gmatch("%w+") do
+-- wordIndex = wordIndex + 1
+-- words[wordIndex] = w
+--pd.post("wordIndex " .. wordIndex .. " for length " .. ourSentence:len() .. " starts with " .. ourSentence:byte(1))
+ end
+ end
+ playbackIndex = 1
+ else -- bang through outlet 3 serves as end of file notification
+ self:outlet(3, "bang", {})
+ end -- if ourLine ~= nil
+-- end
+ until ((wordIndex ~= 0) or (ourLine == nil))
+ if ourPunc ~= nil then
+ self:outlet(2, "symbol", {ourPunc}) -- output punctuation
+ end
+ if wordIndex > 0 then -- output sentence as a single symbol
+ if ourSentence ~= nil then
+ len = ourSentence:len()
+--pd.post ("ourSentence:len() is " .. len)
+ if len > 0 then
+--pd.post("ourSentence is not zero-length")
+--pd.post("ourSentence [" .. ourSentence .. "]")
+--pd.post("starts with " .. ourSentence:byte(1))
+ self:outlet(1, "symbol", {ourSentence}) -- output entire line
+ else
+--pd.post("ourSentence is zero-length")
+ self:outlet(1, "bang", {}) -- an empty line
+ end
+ end
+ wordIndex = 0 -- no more words
+ ourSentence = nil -- no more sentence
+ end
+function LTextFileDrip:in_1(sel, atoms) -- anything
+-- pd.post("LTextFileDrip:in-> sel is " .. sel);
+-- pd.post("number of atoms is ".. #atoms)
+-- for i,v in ipairs(atoms) do
+-- pd.post(i .. " = " .. v)
+-- end
+ if sel == "bang" then -- output the next sentence
+ self:drip()
+ elseif sel == "open" then -- open a file
+ self:openOurTextFile(atoms[1])
+ elseif sel == "rewind" then -- rewind the file
+ self:rewindOurTextFile()
+ elseif sel == "symbol" then -- assume it's a file name
+ self:openOurTextFile(atoms[1])
+ elseif #atoms == 0 then -- a selector
+ self:error("LTextFileDrip:in_1: input not known")
+ else -- reject non-symbols
+ self:error("LTextFileDrip:in_1: input not a symbol or bang")
+ end
+-- end of ltextfile-drip