--[[ pdlua -- a Lua embedding for Pd Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Claude Heiland-Allen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --]] -- storage for Pd C<->Lua interaction pd._classes = { } pd._objects = { } pd._clocks = { } pd._receives = { } -- add a path to Lua's "require" search paths pd._setrequirepath = function(path) pd._packagepath = package.path pd._packagecpath = package.cpath if (pd._iswindows) then package.path = path .. "\\?;" .. path .. "\\?.lua;" .. package.path package.cpath = path .. "\\?.dll;" .. package.cpath else package.path = path .. "/?;" .. path .. "/?.lua;" .. package.path package.cpath = path .. "/?.so;" .. package.cpath end end -- reset Lua's "require" search paths pd._clearrequirepath = function() package.path = pd._packagepath package.cpath = pd._packagecpath end -- constructor dispatcher pd._constructor = function (name, atoms) if nil ~= pd._classes[name] then local o = pd._classes[name]:new():construct(name, atoms) if o then pd._objects[o._object] = o return o._object end end return nil end -- destructor dispatcher pd._destructor = function (object) if nil ~= pd._objects[object] then pd._objects[object]:destruct() end end -- inlet method dispatcher pd._dispatcher = function (object, inlet, sel, atoms) if nil ~= pd._objects[object] then pd._objects[object]:dispatch(inlet, sel, atoms) end end -- clock method dispatcher pd._clockdispatch = function (c) if nil ~= pd._clocks[c] then local m = pd._clocks[c]._method pd._clocks[c]._target[m](pd._clocks[c]._target) end end --whoami method dispatcher pd._whoami = function (object) if nil ~= pd._objects[object] then return pd._objects[object]:whoami() end end --class method dispatcher pd._get_class = function (object) if nil ~= pd._objects[object] then return pd._objects[object]:get_class() end end -- prototypical OO system pd.Prototype = { } function pd.Prototype:new(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end -- clocks pd.Clock = pd.Prototype:new() function pd.Clock:register(object, method) if nil ~= object then if nil ~= object._object then self._clock = pd._createclock(object._object, method) self._target = object self._method = method pd._clocks[self._clock] = self return self end end return nil end function pd.Clock:destruct() pd._clocks[self._clock] = nil pd._clockfree(self._clock) self._clock = nil end function pd.Clock:dispatch() local m = self._target[self._method] if type(m) == "function" then return m(self._target) else self._target:error( "no method for `" .. self._method .. "' at clock of Lua object `" .. self._name .. "'" ) end end function pd.Clock:set(systime) pd._clockset(self._clock, systime) end function pd.Clock:delay(delaytime) pd._clockdelay(self._clock, delaytime) end function pd.Clock:unset() pd._clockunset(self._clock) end -- tables pd.Table = pd.Prototype:new() function pd.Table:sync(name) self.name = name self._length, self._array = pd._getarray(name) if self._length < 0 then return nil else return self end end function pd.Table:destruct() self._length = -3 self._array = nil end function pd.Table:get(i) if type(i) == "number" and 0 <= i and i < self._length then return pd._readarray(self._length, self._array, i) else return nil end end function pd.Table:set(i, f) if type(i) == "number" and type(f) == "number" and 0 <= i and i < self._length then return pd._writearray(self._length, self._array, i, f) else return nil end end function pd.Table:length() if self._length >= 0 then return self._length else return nil end end function pd.Table:redraw() pd._redrawarray(self.name) end -- receivers function pd._receivedispatch(receive, sel, atoms) if nil ~= pd._receives[receive] then pd._receives[receive]:dispatch(sel, atoms) end end pd.Receive = pd.Prototype:new() function pd.Receive:register(object, name, method) if nil ~= object then if nil ~= object._object then self._receive = pd._createreceive(object._object, name) self._name = name self._target = object self._method = method pd._receives[self._receive] = self return self end end return nil end function pd.Receive:destruct() pd._receives[self._receive] = nil pd._receivefree(self._receive) self._receive = nil self._name = nil self._target = nil self._method = nil end function pd.Receive:dispatch(sel, atoms) self._target[self._method](self._target, sel, atoms) end -- patchable objects pd.Class = pd.Prototype:new() function pd.Class:register(name) if nil ~= pd._classes[name] then -- already registered return pd._classes[name] -- return existing else self._class = pd._register(name) -- register new class pd._classes[name] = self -- record registration self._name = name if name == "pdlua" then self._scriptname = "pd.lua" else self._scriptname = name .. ".pd_lua" end -- mrpeach 20111027 return self -- return new end end function pd.Class:construct(sel, atoms) self._object = pd._create(self._class) self.inlets = 0 self.outlets = 0 if self:initialize(sel, atoms) then pd._createinlets(self._object, self.inlets) pd._createoutlets(self._object, self.outlets) self:postinitialize() return self else return nil end end function pd.Class:destruct() pd._objects[self] = nil self:finalize() pd._destroy(self._object) end function pd.Class:dispatch(inlet, sel, atoms) local m = self["in_" .. inlet .. "_" .. sel] if type(m) == "function" then if sel == "bang" then return m(self) end if sel == "float" then return m(self, atoms[1]) end if sel == "symbol" then return m(self, atoms[1]) end if sel == "pointer" then return m(self, atoms[1]) end if sel == "list" then return m(self, atoms) end return m(self, atoms) end m = self["in_n_" .. sel] if type(m) == "function" then if sel == "bang" then return m(self, inlet) end if sel == "float" then return m(self, inlet, atoms[1]) end if sel == "symbol" then return m(self, inlet, atoms[1]) end if sel == "pointer" then return m(self, inlet, atoms[1]) end if sel == "list" then return m(self, inlet, atoms) end return m(self, inlet, atoms) end m = self["in_" .. inlet] if type(m) == "function" then return m(self, sel, atoms) end m = self["in_n"] if type(m) == "function" then return m(self, inlet, sel, atoms) end self:error( "no method for `" .. sel .. "' at inlet " .. inlet .. " of Lua object `" .. self._name .. "'" ) end function pd.Class:outlet(outlet, sel, atoms) pd._outlet(self._object, outlet, sel, atoms) end function pd.Class:initialize(sel, atoms) end function pd.Class:postinitialize() end function pd.Class:finalize() end function pd.Class:dofile(file) return pd._dofile(self._object, file) end function pd.Class:error(msg) pd._error(self._object, msg) end function pd.Class:whoami() return self._scriptname or self._name end function pd.Class:get_class() -- accessor for t_class* return self._class or nil end local lua = pd.Class:new():register("pdlua") -- global controls (the [pdlua] object only) function lua:initialize(sel, atoms) self.inlets = 1 self.outlets = 0 -- FIXME: might be nice to have errors go here? return true end function lua:in_1_load(atoms) -- execute a script self:dofile(atoms[1]) end local luax = pd.Class:new():register("pdluax") -- classless lua externals (like [pdluax foo]) function luax:initialize(sel, atoms) -- motivation: pd-list 2007-09-23 local f = self:dofile(atoms[1] .. ".pd_luax") if nil ~= f then self._scriptname = atoms[1] .. ".pd_luax" -- mrpeach 20111027 local atomstail = { } -- munge for better lua<->luax compatibility for i,_ in ipairs(atoms) do if i > 1 then atomstail[i-1] = atoms[i] end end return f(self, atoms[1], atomstail) else return false -- error message already output by dofile() end end