source pdlib.tcl # dynroute: dynamically route messages based on first element # non-matching arguments are sent to last inlet # constructor: specify the number of outlets (default: 1) # send commands to the right inlet # available commands: # add route selector to output number # remove remove previously created routing # clear pd::class dynroute { constructor { pd::add_inlet $self list set @num_outlets [pd::arg 0 int] if {$@num_outlets < 0} {set @num_outlets 2} for {set i 0} {$i < $@num_outlets} {incr i} { pd::add_outlet $self list } set @routing {} } 0_list { set sel [pd::arg 0 any] set out [expr {$@num_outlets-1}] catch {set out [dict get $@routing $sel]} pd::outlet $self $out list $args } 1_add { set sel [pd::arg 0 any] set out [pd::arg 1 int] if {$out < 0 || $out >= $@num_outlets} { pd::post "error: add: outlet number out of range" return } dict set @routing $sel $out } 1_remove { set sel [pd::arg 0 any] set out [pd::arg 1 int] if {$out < 0 || $out >= $@num_outlets} { pd::post "error: add: outlet number out of range" return } catch {dict unset @routing $sel $out} } 1_clear { set @routing {} } }