package require Tclpd 0.2.3 package require TclpdLib 0.19 proc+ dynreceive::constructor {self args} { set @sym {} if {[pd::args] > 0} { set @sym [pd::arg 0 symbol] pd_bind [tclpd_get_instance_pd $self] [gensym $@sym] } pd::add_outlet $self } proc+ dynreceive::destructor {self} { # don't forget to call pd_unbind, or sending things to a symbol # bound to dead object will crash pd! if {$@sym != {}} { pd_unbind [tclpd_get_instance_pd $self] [gensym $@sym] } } proc+ dynreceive::0_set {self args} { # send [set empty( to clear the receive symbol set s [pd::arg 0 symbol] if {$@sym != {}} { pd_unbind [tclpd_get_instance_pd $self] [gensym $@sym] } if {$s == {empty}} { set @sym {} } else { set @sym $s pd_bind [tclpd_get_instance_pd $self] [gensym $@sym] } } proc+ dynreceive::0_bang {self} { pd::outlet $self 0 bang } proc+ dynreceive::0_float {self args} { pd::outlet $self 0 float [pd::arg 0 float] } proc+ dynreceive::0_symbol {self args} { pd::outlet $self 0 symbol [gensym [pd::arg 0 symbol]] } proc+ dynreceive::0_anything {self args} { set sel [pd::arg 0 symbol] set argz [lrange $args 1 end] pd::outlet $self 0 $sel $argz } pd::class dynreceive